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PRICE CENTS Vote of Confidence in Presi salking and Sing Report of Directors ſalking and Sing. Keport of Directors Representation of Jamaicans dent White in Republic of Cuba By Board of Directors, the intent development in moving Matter ſaken up in Legislative Council at District Meeting, La Boca by Hon Smith DLING SCREENED AT CECILIA THEATRE PANAMA CANAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION in new (By KING, Corresponding pictures were witnessed as the CeSecretary)
cilia Theatre yesterday when there The first season of the Board of was screenied the greatest picture Directors of the Panama Canal West (Continued from last fasue)
At a meeting of the Board of Di Tibune in its editorials of April 7, York weut wilo,. 16an Employees Association for Mr. Smith Continues to Speak for the office. Mr. Smith remarked rector of the Panama Canal West 14, and 21, 1929, against the Presi ver which New Indian Employees Association held dont of the Association, Mr. Ai Jolson the Singing Fool the presene your was held in the Mr. Smith continued to speak on the of Immigration existed for voveral On the resumption of the Council that although the office of Secretary ut La Boca on the 21st inst. the fol. Whyte, by repeatedly stating that his new innovation has certains Boca Clubhouse on Sunday last, item Representation of Jamaica in years now, there had not been a reTowing resolutions were moved and Mr. Whyte is an impediment and captued movie fans in Panams from the meeting Leating from p. Cube. He said it what had been report from the Secretary until few carried unanimously:the only impediment to the pro ture numerous expressions of appre: until 30 With exception to perted in the case of the fourteen days ago, when a document was laid Pedro Miguel, April 22, 1929. Breng of the Association, and should stion hard around. The writer bud Paraiso, all the Districts of the year old girl who suffered an out on the table Rot even print as was Mr. Whyte, therefore be removed from ollice: he pleasure of seeing and hearing sociation were this new we consider that we are the personi fully represented. tageous assault at the hands of the wually done.
innovation and at once! The buard disposed of large volume unmigration Officer, was correct, Pres. E. Assoc best qualified to fudge in the matter Wasses to pronounce it a most won business including sickness and then the Government ought to take the report and same was handed to The Colonial Secretary produced Box G, Balboa, of the selection of President and all serius development in the science of death benefit scheme initiated by the steps to enquire into the matter. Mr. Smith who read extracte.
Dear Mr. President: Attached hero with please find the other officers of the Association, and a hotography and the vitaphone prola Boca Panama District and en definite statement from the Govern The Colonial Secretary. Romarko two resolutions made by the Board for that reason we regard the action Cuction.
dorsed by the other Districts. The ment was necessary. There could be of Director at the meeting held in the editor of the Panama Tribune This new singing and talking pic scheme was approved to be put into no excuse for the British Minister April 1926, while he was administer The Colonial Secretary said in La Boca Clubhouse, April 21, 1920. officious and meddlesome, insult. ture is being shown at the Cecilia effect as of June trat of this year. whose attitudo in the matter made iting the Government, the aitention of The first was upon motion of Mr. ing to the intelligence of this Board Theatre commencing yesterday and authorises the collection of to appear as it he had had no know the Secretary of Immigration in San 39. Alexander, Trusteo, seconded well as to the entire membership continue every day from 114 cente per member per month. This, wedge of what had taken place. Ijtingo was called to manifesto by Mr. Phillips, Represent the Association, and injurious to to 11 pm. until Monday night, however, is not compulsory; but in, was to his knowledge that the girl reference to a outrage to which tativo, La Boca District. supported the good and welfare of the Asso. 20 to afford everybody the op. asmuch as the larger the number of and her sister were released after young girl had boun subjected.
by Mr. Geo. Parker, Representa cintion; that having regad to the portunity to see and hear thia new members contributing the easier the former had been paid 300. tive, Cristobal District, and adopted nithful and efficient service has and Mr. Smith: By whom was your at wonderful development in will be the handling it was recom strange feature about the mattertention called to the matter by unanimous vote, that a vote of been rendering in directing our af movies. It is indeed pleasure to mnended that every member be urged was that the girl had not men her The Colonial Secroary: Wo rot.
confidence be given the President of airs, we hereby go on record in acand listen to the stentorious to contribute to it. The benefita pro husband from the day the mar printed manifesto.
the Association.
cording him Vote of Confidence. voice of the great Al Jolson in vided by the scheme are. 1) per singe was carried through. Such.
The next was upon motion by Mr. Mover. peech and song in action as natural week for the first eight consecutive condition, Mr. Smith emphasised Continuing the Colonial Secretary Hunter, Vice President, secondM. ALEXANDER, and clear as can be desired. No one weeks of illness. 2) 50 per week made it necessary for the Goverssaid he communicated immediately Trustee.
od by Mr. Phillipe, Represenshould miss the opportunity of tak tur twelve consecutive weeks there ment to enquire into.
with the Secretary of Immigration, tative, La Boca District, and adopt. Sesonder. ing this innovation in nfter. 3) If the member continues who replied stating that he had made Dr Mellad: Is the man. Cuban PHILLIPS, movies.
unanimous vote, that the ed by to be sick after the 20 consecutive enquiries into the matter before the Mr. Smith: presume so; he was manifesto was issued; and be fur statement of The Panama Tribune Representative.
The talkies are also being screen weeks already mentioned his case an officer of the Immigration De ther stated that it had been brought be emphatically contradicted. Supporter. ed at the Strand Theatre, Colon. Continued on Page 8) partment Please determine the correctness PARKER, to his knowledge that the girl was of the resolutions before having Representative Continuing, Mr. Smith said it the 17 years of age, not 14. Also that them executed.
Carried unanimously.
SPARKLETS facta represented to him were cor the man had been arrested and was Very respecttally, rect, then there could be no quer Imprisoned awaiting trial. Further HAWKINS, We, the Directors having unanim(By tion about it that neglect had been communication between the Colonial Recording Secretary only recorded a vote of confidence Dryden tells us that criticism, in the Republic of Paname. The flagrantly demonstrated.
Secretariat and the Secretary of Imin Mr. Whyte, as President of it was firit introduced by Aristocle. eritie or reviewer. whichever Dr. Mellad: Not only neglect, but migration conveyed the information Panama Canal West Indian Em the Association, desire further to was meant a standard of judging term he chooses to call himself, was u rruption.
that the perpetrator of the act had ployees Association, state, that with regard to the state well. The elements of criticism de allowed to transmit that monstruous Mr. Smith next referred to the de been tried, convicted and sentenced April 21, 1920. ment in the editorial of he Panama pend upon the two virtues of Beauty Injustice to the world because of the portation by the Cuban Government to imprisonment for 10 years o sht We, the Directors of the Panama Tribune of today date (April 21st. and Truth, according to our most liberties which the press allows in during last year of a number of Je months and one day. That was the Canal West Indian Employees As to the effect that many members of dependable authority. Webster. competents to take with the few of maicans. He said the men had been inst he had heard about the matter.
sociation, sosembled in this Board are among those desirous There is the intelligent, constructive our people whom it should be our put in the hold of the ship which Mr. Smith: You have not heard the La Boca Clubhouse this 21st day of the President removal from of critic, and there is the intelligent duty to look up for leadership and brought them to Jamaica, and treat about the marriage?
of April, 1929, desire to protest as t! ce, the Board has declared the mat animadverter and the carper; thero Inspiration.
ed practically as prisoners, although The Colonial Secretary: No.
malicious and infarious the attacks ter open for expression by those is the intelligent trickster who dress few local Journalistic tyros ap there had been no charge preferred Replying to Mr. Smith, the Colomade by the editor of The Panama (Continued on Page 8)
es his criticism to suit nolfish enda, point themselves critics and are giv against them. He was not suggesting nial Secretary said he would make and there is the little fault finder en permission to tamper with con that every Jamaican in Cuba had enquiries in the matter.
HERE AND THERE generally an Intellectual structive work for which they pos evod reputation, but when represen.
Dr. Mellad said it was an axiom pygmy.
ses not the slightest preparation to tation was made to the Immigration of the British constitution to regard Since West Indians (By JUNIUS)
have been handle. This peculiar opportunity Officer, nothing was done and yet all British subjects as standing on Riven the unrestricted liberty to given to try to mix the ridiculous they were paying 2, 800 per annum (Continued on Page 4)
Last wook was speaking about stick the donkey underneath the root dump good, bad and indifferent mat with the sublime has now grown into fables, and wpecially those of the of the tail with a stick, and the tor in the local newspapers in return a good sized cancer in the side of TRUSTED WEST INDIAN STREET CAR EMPLOYEES Front Aesop, said to have boon en donkey so on the dog trot. but, as for very little more than tho nickels whatever individual or collective EMPLOYEE CHARGED SEEKING INCREASE African. believe many were inter is the habit with asses, he would they use to buy these papers, there progress we have been able to make, WITH EMBEZZLEMENT IN PAY ested in being reminded about these not keep up his trot for long he has sprung up a thriving crop of and now demands expert remedy.
little practical things of every day would drop back to his usual slow meddlers and fault finders who have Many ambitious individuals with well William Naylor, an old and trast Early this week the Panama life. This week want to say some and indifferent rait. The sticking succeeded to a great extent in stil. considered plans and pure intentions ed West Indian employee of the All Street Car line employees memorialmore about some of the witty Afri game became quite a joke to the ling much of our community pro to the end of carrying them out, America Cable Company, Balla, ized General Manager McMurcan sayings such as most Jamai boy, and he did not fail to remind gressive growth.
have either been ridiculed at the was arrested on Tuesday last charg. ray for an increase of pay. It is recans know well; but because most of the donkey with the stick as soon Not very long ago we read a bare start or scared away by this longed with embezzlement of an ur ported that Mr. McMurray has the the other islanders may not be fam. as the donkey appeared to be get faced attempt by a local nut to tolerated intrusion of pseudo critics amount of the Company case under advisement but in the iliar with our local lingo, shall ling too contented. Ultimately the criticize a vocal soloist. It was the who will credit in the superlative funds. The preliminary hearing into rive them in what suppose to be boy happened to get his face a bit most ridiculous attempt at criticism mere apologies to the real, and, on the case was continued in the Bal meantime has given out that the intheir equivalents in English. Now: too near the donkey tail when we have ever had the privilege to the other hand, belittle honest and bea Magistrate court for this come derived from the tramcar sy: Mr. Begin First is never wrong, is about to make one of his usual have come across. The vile, irrepres meritorios efforts to accomplish tem for the past few years has been morning Mr. Begin Last. It is the man that pokes, and then and there the donkey sible meddler, aside from being par something beneficial for the indibarely sufficient to pay operating laugha last that laughs the best. made good of the opportunity and tially deaf and therefore incapable. vidual or the community. As a conexpenses. For this reason the emHow about these for the fellow who connected his hind feet with the of hearing the effort which he at. sequence, virtue is being held down PANAMA WESLEYAN CHRISTIAN ployees request is being given very thought he was holding up another boy face. Perhaps you would say tempted to laud, has absolutely no to perish while vice is given liberty ENDEAVOUR ACTIVITIES carefull consideration before a reply fellow to public ridicule and con that he kicked the boy; but it said real intelligent knowledge of music to expand.
is given.
tempt, and now finds that the joke the donkey said, Fun is fun, and and the art of singing, above that Truth, at times, produces a tranThe program Pe:. am is the other way! Good! And now joge is joke, but it is no joke to be which had probably been taught to sitory sensation which seems to Wesleyan Christian Endeavour Sc. inte the musical evening for this here is where we get the Joke with always sticking a donkey under the him from the modulation chart in an hurt. In the end however, it helps. ciety on Wednesday night last congrcriptu program in view of the the boy and the donkey. The boy root of the tail. See the point, elementary school. Consequently, Rathless critleism oftentimes car sisted of serap basket, and a Solo strairment which is to take place Monday evening in the Hall, was driving the donkey to markett, boys! Wen, if you can it, you hta erool miaft wrote down the ries similar sensation sana by Mro. Show. Although the arladen with farm products (I mean mas toel it veriest piece of injustice that has tional stab from a Javeltn. This rangement altogether im Miss Malvina Nlles is in charge of the donkey laden, not the boy. ever been done to the cause of musle tab also helpe It contains the promptu it, nevertheless proved in the program and a very successful Every once a whille the boy would (Continued on Pag. 8) and art as it affects West Indiano (Continued on Page 8)
teresting; it was necessary to substi vening is anticipated.
who is stated of the


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