
POWS FROM DAN IS NEWS THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD JAMAICA 02 BRITISH GUIANA Demerara Rice Demerara income industry The Awakening In Jamaica of of EAST INDIAN TEAM The Rhodes ScholFOR TRINIDAD Tax arship COMMENTS ON PLAYERS LOSS OF TRINIDAD MARKET The Income Tax Bill passed into team of fourteen East Indian THE DAWN OF NEW itecent Move to Take it Law in the Demerara Legislature on ricketers has been selected by the ERA berITM Jamaica and East Indian to Visit TrinA Serious Situation Sednesday last, says an Exchange.
muda idad next month to play a series of serious situation is revealed in The Governor mentioned that with New Interest in The PosLONDON, March 26. be slanu matches under the auspices of the connection with the Colony rice in the passage of the Bill into law, all sibilities of The Soil: Mr.
dustry so far as the market in Trin persons directly or indirectly conard of Rhodes scholars from Bermu Oriental of Trinidad, says the Karl Walter Visit idad is Demerara srned with its administration might as and Jamaica was criticised Loda Demerara Argosy.
concerned, the The team will the sail for Trinidad on April by the Daily Chronicle of the 24th instant be invited to watch is operation and Under the above captions the Ja before a select committee of friend said to me the other day points out.
keep notes any alterations maica Mail of the 11th inst, says: Mavuse of Lords, which is considerc. Lady Hawkins. Following have an old black automobile. Rice is the brightest of local in nought to be desirable. In a year The following is taken from the linge bill promoted by the Rhodes the personnel of the team: sites Lo change the methods of Rohonan teapt. Singh bought it in 1927. When get out on austries just now. Exporta are in time, or perhaps a little later the iatest issue of The Cosmopolitan: As ordinance might be subjected to The Jamaica Producers Associa portioning the scholarships.
vice capt. Rohoan, Roho road in it feel like a crow creasing monthly. Record year Lion has received a new impetus and if the bill is approved, it will also man, Saddick, Deen, Pernong a lot of bright colored birds. was 1928, the export for January to verhaul in the light of experience March 1929 (8, 238, 150lbs. was over gained and of any suggestions scan the substution eight saud, Pooran, Asad Khan, inspiration in the visit of Mr. Kari Do you think an automobile comAmerican scholarship districts one million pounds more than a sim forthcoming. This invitation might in 110o (Demerara. Alladat Khan, Walter, the world authority on copany could sell me a black auto ar period last year (7, 166, 823lbs. frery well be made in the Legislative piace of the forty eight States, as at Sookandun, Dhanraj and Seelal mobile today? They could not!
operative marketing, Mr. Walter is Trinidad, moreover, is our prin Council and the Chamber of Compresent ubice. with Das (manager. a member of the Economic ComRight there is one reason that cipal foreign market.
Phillip Kerr, secretary to merce could be included in the inthe The team is fairly representative mittee of the Empire Marketing For example, during the period vitation. He made this suggestion Board. He is keenly interested in the Rhodes trust, testified that the type the East Indian ericketers of the lor alarm clocks are going over 50 Jamaica Producers Association and scholar from beruda and Ja colony, although a few players whoses. The world has moved. People 1st January to 31st January, 1920. he felt that such an invitation out of a total export of 3, 389, 776lbs. would be welcomed in responsible is also making a study of the Agri maica has not reached the standard mere selection have found it in unt, demand and get color.
of rice, 1, 216, 160lbs. were exported quarters, could occasion no harm make the trip and cultura economics of Jamaica dur the trustees are going to insist on practicable to If you need a really dependable to Trinidad alone.
from in the future as absolutely necessary there are even irresponsible quarters, and one or two among ing his stay here.
alarm clock try one of ours, they re As it is well known, local rice would tend to emphasize and adverSelected who are doubtful Mr. Walter is now giving a series carry out the ideais and intention nose farmers have always to contendt. se the intention to administer this of addresses to large gatherings of ut the founder Among the fourteen players selected aw, different, superior.
with the invasion of West Indian inquisitive law with consideration pianters in different centres in the The counsel for the trust added are two Pooran and Saddick FULLER markets by the cheaper East Indian and impartiality.
at Bermuda had the population of who were members of the British krades. The position is that the 182 Central Ave in the recent InterIt is a very fortunate thing for chiya smail English country town Guiana team Trinidad purchasers have been holdthe Producers Association to have and that it was hopeless to expect a colonial tournament at Trinidad The origin of all mankind was the ing off from India for some time, ane: it is only a clear and a good Mr. Walter here just as this time.
Pooran did not play up to expecta JOY RIDERS steady number of Rhodes scholars INJURED IN but, driven it is stated by small The Association has been making Lion while Saddick way one of the conscience that makes a man noble, AUTO ACCIDENT upplies offered in the past and to for that is derived from heaven itcreat strides. Its members have faith from such a restricted source.
reserves of the team. Both should do the higher prices being asked, cert Seneca.
and courage and believe that sueli the bills are passed, the trus vell on this occasion. The team on Port of Spain have During wild automobile spree oftain firms in cose awaits them. Mr. Walter, with wes would have the power to select the whole is a well balanced side and to do so any longer the president, simple manner of his wide knowledge, has come and one scholar each year from that re quite capable of putting up a good half a dozen youths of San Carloe been unable assured them that they are on the wion, including British Guiana anasht again a Trinidad East Indian Sunday last, they had the minst Indian rice sufficient to rtisty ceneral question of seniority and and have purchased a quantity of reference to elected members, the onduras.
road to success.
in the Test matches. There are fortune of meeting a sad accident the requirements of consumers in vme good all rounders in Dhanraj, when the car in which they wer.
uch other matter on which doubt Jamaica is an agricultural country he island for the current year.
nothing though it is only recently that this believe against another Dren, Pooran, regarding procedure Rohoman, Asad riding suddenly overturned, inju.
may have If the Colony is favoured with arisen since fact has dawned on many of its in. but on good authority; nor report Khan and Saddick. The four players tour of the occupants, two of theme od milling weather there will be council; or such other matters the opening of the habitants. Agriculture in recent what may hurt another, unless it be from Berbice strengthen the tean being seriously hurt.
large supplies to offer the Trinidad nay be properly referred to such the years has been looked down upon by a greater hurt to some other to considerably. Singh is Alipio Donado was the most seri market, and it is easy to realise Committee.
youths ready to choose a calling in conceal it. William Penn. wicket keeper of the team and an his condition being that unless another market is imlife. The ground has had no charm opening batsman of the stone wallously injured, The Demeran New Daily Chronifor them, supervision of workers in ing when he will find a bright martype. Seeln, of Berbice, is also a rather uncertain. Guillermo de Gramediately found there are going to banana and cane fields was con ket not only for his bananas but for god wicket keeper and a good bats cia also received several wounds, his be serious lonces to the local in cle announces the retirement of Mr.
Smith Bracewell, Sc, Governsidered infra dig but now that the her products as well.
man. Sooknandun, of Berbice, is a condition necessitated treatment at dustry.
We believe the Santo Tomas Hospital where he Jamaica Producers Association has the Association will Iust left hand bowler. There is the ment Assistant Geologist. The paper The necessity for capturing was never more understands that Mr. Bracewell has been proclaiming the gospel of more meet with great success and we fur variety of bowling in the team and received several stitches on his left Canadian market log. Damian Vargas and Angel nrgent than now.
Recepted an appointment with a firm fruit and more pay for fruit, the ther see no reason why there should several capable batsmen.
Jaen were only slightly injured.
scales have begun to fall from the be any feeling against any of the JAMAICA. At a recent meeting of the Legis of distinguished geological engineers eyes of our people. new interest ther Companies that have all these HE AWAKENING INThe accident is reported to have lative Couneil of British Guiana Mr. for service in the tropica.
been due to excessive speeding while Webber gave notice of the has been awakened in the possibilty cars been buying bananas. wider BATHING FATALITY the driver and occupants were under following motion: That His Excelties of our soil. The Farm School at market will mean greater producIt is proposed by the British the influence of Liquor. The car, eney the Governor be respectfully Guiana Government to withdraw Hope has been enlarged and equip tion and a rise in the standard of ped to accommodate a large num the fruit produced. All who love Mr. Harvey Drowned at Mayaro which is the property of the Public invited to appoint Committee on granta from number of schools ber of students the agricultural in Jamaica and unselfishly desire to School Inspector Guillermo Mendez rivileges of this Council, to advise from sist December this year. The structors have been more enthusias see her progress must feel grateful Information reached the city by was also badly damaged.
ut on the proper mode of address to question recently engaged the attente, and hopes are high.
for such a movement as the Pro telegraph on tion of the Education Committee.
Wednesday evening Jamaica hitherto has been a poor ducers Association and wish that that Mr. Percival Harvey, of Mssrs.
country for the ordinary labouring it may meet with unbounded suc. Jones Harvey Funeral Agency, curing the afternoon.
The British Guiana Government in had been drowned at Mayaro beach man. But the time is fast approach coss.
Details were not available, but Its scheme for rigid economy has refrom what could be gathered, it ap Joseph Mason cently decided to stop the supply of peared that Mr. Harvey left the city Mattresses ice to Government offices, reduce Furnished early on Wednesday morning in one and Repaired the number of copies of newspaper, of the cars of the Agency with of free telephone for officials and three visitors for whom change their hours of duty.
Good Service Guaranteed he had arranged an outing. The car was driven by Anderson Paure, an 21st Street Geschapell employee of the firm.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish House No 10.
Up to p. the outing was unand English for sale at the 3245 eventful, judging from the report of Workman Printory.
another driver who saw the party on the beach at that hour. Three hours later ex Sergeant Major Jones of the Agency received a telegram from Faure, stating that Mr. Harvey Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at had been drowned and the body had not yet been recovered by the Police to whom the tragedy was reported.
Mr. Harvey was a young man SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE who had served his apprenticeship in SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA the undertaking business with Mr. Haynes Clark. Three years ago he AVENUE FOR PULL PARTICULARS started his own business in partnership with Mr. Jones at the corner of St. Vincent Street and Tragarete Road and there, with his experience has faithpreviously gained, he established fully served its West Indian friends on the successful trade. His death comes as shock to many relatives and friends in the city. Mr. Harvey was PHYSICIAN torna unmarried.
Shortly after 10 a message HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO received from the Sangre Grande Police stating that the body No. K STREBT.
PANAMA COLON had been found and would be PANAMA CITY brought into the elty for burial.
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