
PAGE THREE STUDEBAKER SEE THE Boximo Studebaker XERIE Lucky Strike Display at the an FREDRICKS GARAGE BEVERHOUDTS Colon Colon LUCKY STRIKE 50 FORD AGENCIES Panama City ALBERT LINDO Panama City ITS TOASTED Mary Pickford First Dollar Negro Writes Scenarios Stories Wiring, Supplies and Repairs The British Pharmacy There is no road too long to the Wit and Humour man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; no honours too Wire for us and we ll Wire for You distant to the man who prepares Ilow did you manage to do Paris NIMBLEY Co.
himself for them with patience. La in two dayo. Easily, my daughter did the Bruyere.
Electricians and Dealers monuments and museums, my wife che shops and did the theatres and BERNARD ANDERSON cafes.
Telephone 1059 Gramaphone Repairer dreamed last night that ar ahproposed to you. wonder what that Box 747 Ancon HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, is a sign of7 No Street Panama CANAL ZONE It a sigo that you ve more Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed sense when you are asleep then when you are awak. Phyllis hans bruin enough for two, then why don you marry her!
Doctor: Why, ll have you cured of the messeles in. wook.
Now, Doctor, no rush promiso. Did you bear that Smith adver3. tised for wife co Yo what happend. Oh, he received ten roplies from men saying he could have theirs. How you a good landlord. Excellent. His only fault is a overwheming curiosity. He is always asking when am going to pay my Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK rent.
Where our customers will receive the. usual Little Louis had been cleaned up for the evening, when his mother beSO held his shortly after drenched courtesies from head to feet. The poor mother discouraged at the sight of her litA Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles le boy exclaimed, Lord, look at Louis. Louis running to hide himself said, No Lord, don look.
Little Johnnie was accustomed to sto sual baby mills when his mother LOOK FOR THE SIGN perceived his actions. Johnnie not Finding the milk asked his mother, Ma way decondent milk? What do you want with it? replied the mother. Nothing ma dust want to look at it.
At dinner recently, Charlie Chaplin HOLLYWOOD, Cal. From his well appointed office at the Metrostarted talking about the first money any of whad earned; and ten from the famous Octavus politan Studio here, scenarios writRoy everyone had to give Mary best in Cohen stories are being issued by that respect (writes Douglas Fair. Spencer Williams. This important banks, in an article on his wife, in task was intrusted to him by ΑΙ the February London Magazine. Christie, head of the Christie StuWe discovered that her first dollar dios, and a pioneer in all colored Mr. Christie was earned when she was scarcely talking pictures.
six years old! At that time she lived Melancholy Damo was the first in Toronto; and when she told us colored talkie ever released, followthe story, she prefaced it by saying ed shortly by Music Hath Harm.
that her first money was earned as He is now making The Widow a boy, not a girl.
Bito. suppose my first dollar shaped All these scenarios, some 41 in all, my whole life, said Mary. At the are being written from just the story Valentine Theatre a child was need by Mr. Williams, who acts in them ed for that great old melo drama, and also assists in their direction. The Silver King. It happened that He is a young man, and all around my family knew the chief electrician athlete and a former member of the at the theatre. He told my mother 24th Infantry.
about the search that was going on for a child to play Little Ted, and through him mother obtained an in hands, have a Mary mind, troduction to the manager. The end And when black the boots and of it was that found myself en shoes Thy sandals, Lord, find, gaged to appear as Little Ted, and think of how they trod the earth, for my services received the vast what time scrub the floor, sum of one dollar!
Accept this mediation, Lord, Well, most of us began to earn haven time for more.
money when were fairly Warm all the kitchen with Thy love, young, yet nobody could beat Mary and light in with Thy peace; récord.
Forgive me all my worrying and make all grumbling cease. KITCHEN PRAYER Thou Who didst love to give men food, in room or by the seh, Lord of all pots and pans and things, Accept this service that do do it since ve no time to be unto Thee. saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee, Whenever education and refineOr dreaming in the dawn light, or ment grow away from the common storming heaven gates, people, they are growing towards Make me a saint by getting meals selfishness, which is the monster and washing up the plates evil of the world. Henry Ward Although must have Martha Beecher.


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