
Representation of Jamaicans THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 (Continued from Page 1)
Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 mun platform, and he claimed the right to say that all British subCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 jects in whatever part of the world Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon they may be, should receive a comHead Office: Montreal, Canada mon protection We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
from the British Government. The position in regard The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS to the Secretary of Immigration in PANAMA COLON Cuba appeared strange to him. It was the custom that all British of THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929.
Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets ficers of the diplomatic service stationed in a foreign country to protect British subjects, regardless of creed, The West Indian Foundation colour, class or race, but the state of affairs existing in Cuba in so far Last Sunday our ringing friend on the Panama as West Indians were concerned, Tribune rung in on the subject of higher education, in more particularly Jamaicana, was dealing with the holding of the Cambridge University most unsatisfactory.
Local Examinations in this locality. In doing so, he With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Dr. Mellad stressed the point that paid a highly deserveu tribute to all concerned in this the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank ail Jamaicans in Cuba were entitled work the persons responsible for the establisning of to protection as of right from the the centre, and those engaged in its maintenance is in a position to render the best possible service.
British Government the fact that whether as managers, teachers or pupils. This matter the majority of Jamaicans at present is one of special interest to us, and we hasten to join Antigua Dominica Montserrat in that Republic being of the labourour friend in offering congratulations all around, and ing class notwithstanding. In the in ringing more loudly the call of this important subBahamas Grenade St. Kitts United States, Jamaicans received ject. We are very glad that it has been brought to the Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia every protection. The fact was that fore once more.
British Honduras Trinidad (2)
the Government of Jamaica providMartinique In November of 1927, there appeared in the two ed the necessary expenses to mainGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
English speaking dailies in this city an article from tain the office of the Secretary of the pen of the writer of this editorial, proposing the Immigration, which expenses should founding of a corporation to be known as The West be borne by the Imperial Govern Indian Foundation for the purpose of providing highment. He wanted to know whether er and technical education for our children. The article THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST The Colonial Office in London knew was fairly exhaustive, in that it dealt with the question of the state of affairs that existed of needed capital as well as ways and means for raisPAID ON DEPOSITS in Cuba in relation to Jamaica immigrants, for it ing it, and staffing and maintenance of the foundaappeared to him that the Jamaica tion. This matter was discussed in the press for a short Government had time, and an attempt was made to organize a public General Banking Business Transacted.
no control over the Immigration of ficer in Santiago meeting for the purpose of giving the matter shape, but this meeting did not materialize. About this time Dr. Mellad next stressed the point an offer of material assistance and cooperation was as to whether or no the present received by the sponsor of this scheme from the local holder of the office was fitted for head of a religious society. This offer however dependthe position having regard to his not ed upon the decision of the headquarters of the society, having been trained for diplomatic in other parts.
service. He was not making an attempt to belittle the ability of the It is to be recalled that, pending the expected favor Secretary of Immigration, but he able decision on the part of this society to make good could not avoid saying that that the offer of their local head, a public meeting was held gentleman was an infant in diploin one of the lodge rooms in this city, at which the matmatie matters. He felt also that it ter was discussed with a view to securing pledges from the position was held by an officer the various societies here toward making monetary from the British Diplomatic Service, donations, and a questionnaire was issued for the purthe Cuban Government in fact the pose. At this meeting there were but a few who were Republic as a whole, would renot in favor of the matter those not in favor, stating cognise the office and show it the that there was greater need for improving the standrespect it warranted. The Govern ard of our primary education.
inent had undoubtedly made a terThe foregoing summary as regards this scheme rible mistake in appointing an offor providing higher education and technical educaficer to the position of Secretary of tion for ourselves, will be admitted as correct by those Immigration who had not received who may have followed the subject with some interest.
diplomatic trainin. He had never be Well, the matter is now hanging fire. From a state fore heard of a which a of definiteness and optimism on the part of the religiCrown Colony had been called upon ous society, it has develolped into one of uncertainty to pay the expenses attendant on and speculation maybe hopeful. It has, therefore, to the upkeep of an office for preservour mind, reverted to its original status that of being ing the diplomatic relations between initiated by ourselves, and in order to fully remind the two countries, and he endorsed the community of the fundamentals of the scheme, we remarks of the Hon. Member for quote the following from the original publication of Clarendon that the Government November 13, 1927: should make enquiry into the matter. propose that we establish a corporation to be Above everything it should be pointknown as The West Indian Foundation for the pured out to the Home Government that pose of providing Higher and Technical Education for the Imperial Government should be ourselves. This will mean thousands of dollars from our called upon to bear the expenses.
pockets, but, considering the importance of the work Replying to Mr. Smith, the Coloto be undertaken, and our large numbers, the indinia! Secretary said correspondence vidual cost will be negligible. estimate that we ought in regard to daily routine first passto be able to raise from 60, 000. 00 to 75, 000. 00 for ed through the Colonial Secretariat this purpose in about two years; but that we should and the Immigration Office, then it not need to wait until we have raised the first stated the matter was considered of unsum before we begin our work. think with about half 72 Carlos Mendoza Street usual importance communication the amount we could erect, equip, and staff a school was made directly to the British capable to accommodating 100 pupils. have figured and corner Javillo Minister.
that the money can be raised as follows: Mr. Smith: Did the present caso Lodges and other societies about 300, from OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD go before the British Minister in the 25 to 50 each. 10, 000. 00 first instance. Panama Canal and Panama Railroad emPANAMA CITY The Colonial Secretary said no; ployees, about 5, 000 (supposed to be sufthere was no record to that effect.
ficiently intelligent out of the 8, 000, to Continuing the Colonial Secretary appreciate the subject. each 50 baid the report received from the cents a month for a year, or 25 cents a Secretary of Immigration covered a month for years, 30, 000. 00 Canal Zone government and the government of the CHURCH SERVICES period ending December 1928.
Other employees outside of the Canal and Railroad, between 3, 000 and 4, 000, Republic of Panama would be glad to grant us land to ST. ALBAN CHURCH, Mr. Smith asked when was the PARAISO, each, etc. as above)
the particular uses, in perpetuity.
20, 000. 00 Cuban Immigration Officer liberat0.
We are unalterable in our belief in the theory that ed from prison.
Total 60, 000. 00 education is the foundation of human progress, and that (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) The Colonial Secretary said after Plus interest and possible unexpecteed donations.
the higher the training the greater the development.
the marriage. 45 a. Holy Communion and This matter should no longer be permitted to drift, and Oh, the object of the marriage The corporation, like others, should be managed we would call upon our friends who had so successfully Sermon.
was to have the man liberated, comby a Board of Governors. The staff of our school should organized the public meeting in the lodge room, to get 00 Church School and Con mented Mr. Smith.
be West Indians with qualifications of English Univer on their feet again and step out. We have good reason to firmation Instruction.
Mr. Mellad again made reference sities or the leading American Universities, or West In believe that the community is even more willing now 80 Evensong and Address.
to the expenses for the upkeep of dian Colleges. With the money in hand, believe the than then to give its support.
Mr. Osborne, Catechist. Continued on Page 8)
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