
PAGE FIVE gondagen THE TALKING MOVIES RAN HERE AT LAST AT THE Cecilia Theatre Come, See and Hear The Greatest Talking and Singing Picture Ever Made HEAR AL JOLSON SING m Sitting on the Top of the World and other late song hits Dont Fail to see these Wonderful Pictures Today, Saturday, Tomorrow, Sunday Monday Commencing from 11 am to 11 pm Canal Zone Notes Commissioner of CHURCH SERVICES JUVENILE SHEPHERDS TO STAGE OPERETTA Montserrat AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH HOLY CONFIRMATION AT ST.
PETER CHURCH, LA BOCA, Arrangements are well under way ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT St. Paul Church, Panama, TOMORROW NIGHT for staging the amusing operetta OF SUM TRANSMITTED FOR FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER LA BOCA The Enchanted Rose by. troupe HURRICANE SUFFERERS EASTER Tomorrow night, at the close ot composed of juveniles of Loyal Devid Lodge, No. 2821, Loyal Order of HUNTER PAYS VISIT nolds, one of the teachers on the Two months ago there appeared Evensong, the Rev. 30 am. Holy Communion. The Choral By Ancient Shepherds, the rendition of staff of the La Boca school, will ad in the columns of this paper com Rector.
Mulcare, rector of St. Peter which had transpired 10. 15 a. Matins.
the Sea, La Boca, will present to which is scheduled for Tuesday eveE. Hunter, clerk at the Depot dress the society. Mr. Reynolds has munications not yet announced the subject upon between the Rev. Mulcare, recCommissary in Cristobal, was among which he intends to speak.
10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and ne Rt. Rev. Jas. Craik Morris, Ling, May 14th next, in the spacious uditorium of the Guachapali Chap.
tor of St. Peter Church, La Boca, Sermon. The Rector. Bishop of the Canal Zone, the many visitors here from the and Mr. Humber, British VicePrelude.
large class of candidates, upon ter of the A.
Atlantic end on Sunday last. Mr.
Consul in the city of Panama, rela Hymns478, 619, 555, 816. whom, after the example of the Holy The youngsters have been under Hunter resided here for many years KING AND NEELY TO SING tive to the sum of thirty dollars Introit Psalm 82.
Apostles, he will Lay his Hands.
going strenuous practice during the before leaving for Cristobal, and Rev. Mulcare had collected on behalf Hall Communion Service in All concerned are kindly requested WAS prominently connected with the Messrs King and Neely of the past few weeks in preparation of for the sufferers in the hurricane Postludo.
to pray earnestly for the candidates fine arduous task set them, that of old Silver Employees Association. locally famous La Boca Athenaeum which devastated the island of Mont 12. 00 noon. Holy Baptism.
that they may receive the gifts of :c portraying in action and song Ilis visit last Sunday was officially Quartet, the other members being errat last September. Mr. Humber 00 pm. Church School. it the Holy Ghost; and to the generalune of the prettiest operettes weltconnected with the Panama Canal Jump and Sewell, are booked to sing duly transmitted the amount, and 30 Choral Even. ong and publiewe extend, through this West Indian Employees Association a duet at next Tuesday meeting of last week received an acknowledge Sermon.
ten for young people.
medium, most cordial invitati, to The Enchanted Rose is in three of which organization he is Vice the Athenaeum.
Inent of the receipt of same from resident. He came over to attend Prelude witness the percormance of the uw acts and based on a familiar fairy the Commissioner of the island. The Hymns 294, 614, 298, 81.
Cet Fite, and eroy the petale. Mr. Edgar Smith, Panama the Board of Directors meetings following is Mr. Humber letter to Psalms 129, 130, 131.
281. ge of the op which was held in the Clubhouse. MISS JUMP RETURNS popular organist, will preside at the Rev. Mulcare conveying information Magnificant (Norris in Major)
Others who attended this meeting HOME organ, while a select orchestra will from Montserrat: Nunc Dimittis Woodward in from the Atlantic end were, Geo. be on hand to enliven the occasion.
After spending a few days with Major)
Parker, one of the prominent teach British Vice Consulate, WESLEYAN METHODIST Tickets are already on sale and inPostlude.
CHURCH dications are that a record breaking eis of the Canal Zone school in Sil Mr. and Mrs. King at the Bal Panama, April 20, 1929.
ver City, and Skinner and boa Quarantine Annex, Miss Guil. Sir: evening will be spent by those Hall, officers of the Cristobal iermina Jump is expected to return (British Conference)
availing themselves of the opporWith reference to your letter of District of the Association. home today. When seen yesterday the 26th of February last, enclosing FOUTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER tunity to witness same.
ST. PETER BY THE SEA, Clark represented the Gatun Dis. Miss Jump stated that she was hav. the sum of thirty dollars for transWesley Church, Panama City trict.
ing a most delightful time.
mission to Montserrat, His Majesty 11. Mr. Harris.
CHRISTIAN MISSION OF Commissioner at Montserrat desires 30 Wesleyan Women League PANAMA SECRETARY NEELY PRINCIPAL WALTERS that his thanks be conveyed to you RETURNS TO WORK Anniversary Holy Communion, a. The Rec7. 30 Rev. Wade.
SPEAKS and other sympathizers on behalf of Panama 11 a. Burke.
AT tor.
the community for the generous Trinity Church, Colon ATHENAEUM 30 Elder Burke.
Secretary Neely of the ClubThe Litany and Choral celebration contribution towards the alleviation 11. Rev. Cousins.
Chorrillo 11 a. Jarvis.
house, who was on a month vaca7. 30 Rev. Cousins. 30 J. Benskin. Walters, principal of the Lation, returned to work on Thursday of the distress caused by the hurri of the Holy Eucharist, with sermon 10. 45 a. The Rector.
La Boca La Boca 11 a. Herbert.
Boca school, was the principal (peak. Inst, relieving Mr. Earnest Robert. cane of last year.
Chmeh School, p.
It affords me pleasure to convey a. Rev. Wade.
er at the La Boca Athenaeum 30 Lloyd. on son who has been acting Secretary.
the above information to you, Choral last. Mr. Walters Evensong, followed by 30 Mr. Walters, Taaniso 11 MeCollin, Tuesday night Paraiso am, Sir, your obedient servant, Holy Confirmation, 30 spoke on the evolution of printing, 20 Jarvis. HUMBER, cordial invitation is extended 11. Rev. Wade.
His address was particularly interGaun 11 Dash.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Vice Consul. to all. 30 Mr. Kinniemoutis.
esting for which the society accord 30 Boyce.
and English for sale at the Rev. Mulcare, MULCARE, New Providence ed him vote of thanks.
Colon 11 am. s: Nicholls.
Next Tuesday night Rey. Workman Printery.
La Boca, Canal Zone.
11. Mr. Peart. 30 Mill.


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