
AT THE The Question Of West Indian side Show at Conference Inter Communication Revised Visit of Capt. Lancaster of The Royal leep and Brought Laugh on Air Force to Port of Spain ADVENT OF AIRPLANE Colonial Secretary Fell AsHimself.
LA MASCOTA or fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENCLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs in TAILORS TRIMMINGS the LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
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TROTT The Cleaner The recent West Indies Conference furnished one or two side shows, The best one was on the last The Port of Spain Gazette of a ro. sooner or later be supplemented by day. The Colonial Secretary of Brit.
cent date says editorially: the air piane if we are to attain ish Guiana, Mr. Douglas Jones, tired perfect intercommunication out by seven whole days of conferThe visit of Captain Lancaster of that the Royal Air Force in his British without which all schemes of Westring, fell asleep while the conferIndian unity, all systems of federa ence was discussing something about Avro Avian plane on Easter Mon.
ion. sooner later the sup druggists. The matter was settled day not only attracted a great deal plemented by the air plane if we are and the members proceeded to someof attention from the populace, but attain that perfect intercom thing else, what time the official rereminded some of us that there is manication without which all presentative of the Magnificent still hope that the problem of Westchemes of West Indian unity, all Colony still slept. Then another matIndian Intercommunication may yets of federation. must be as ter was raised by Mr. Marryshow be solved from the air. The late Sirena ng brass and tinkling cymbal; and had proceeded quite halt Henry Jackson many years agojects for ilde and desuitory dis hour. In the midst of the debate, grasped the fact that without cheapassion, but never really inside the land when the Grenada giant had and easy intercommunication there realm of practical politics. We ven been thundering most impressively, could be little hope of rapid West ure to think that the coming of the Mr. Jones awoke and jumped into Indian material and political proairplane will bring in time most of the fray.
gress, and was the first West Inour aspirations in this direction into As far, said he, as British dian administrator to advocate Deng, and that the flying machine is Guiana is concerned, we have alchain of wireless stations through destined to solve most of the prob ready a Druggist Ordinance. The out the West Indies, linking up lems of the West Indies. Of course loud burst of laughter which greetevery British islands of consequence, the matter, as we know ed Mr. Jones showed him that some.
and also the British possessions proceedings of the British West In thing was wrong and he sat down the mainland which, as a matter of dies Conference has not been over in some confusion but then joined courtesy on one side and con looked.
There exists, in venience on the other, are generally scheme of West Indian Indian avia Port of Spain Gazette. fact heartily in the laugh against himself included as appertaining to the tion which would meet all our needs.
British West Indies. That was, as But, unfortunately, here as in everywe say, many years ago; long be ning else, the poverty of the Brit. Mother Country not crippled by the fore the airmen had become the seh West Indies, as a whole, stands fact that, receiving very little of Mercury of the modern world, but the war debt due to her, she is yet in the way.
while there are wireless stations in setting an example that will live The scheme as put forward by the the British West Indies it is by no through the ages of scrupulousy means the case that every link is experts is a perfectly sound and im fulfilling her obligations in this but the connected; which, of course, was Sir plementable one cost of respect, there would be some hope Henry Jackson idea. Effective in working he riple engined planes of our getting such a service right ter colonial steamship communica which would be necessary is very away by a combination of Imperial tion with wireless penetrating into heavy indeed, and there is no pro and local subsidies such as providevery island of any consequence and spect of it being for many years to ed the first regular communication Jinking us up with the Continent come a service which would prove to and around the West Indies and DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON was the object that, above all, was commercially successful. Nor is the started the Royal Mail Steam PackSTEAM FRESSING to be aimed at in these days. Now it subsidy which would be required ate Company on its long and useful PHONE453 PANANA is equally plainly seen that, essential present at any rate anywhere near career in these waters. It may yet DYEING 15 STREET We Dye To Live As both these services still are, the within the capacity of the British prove the case that the Mother PANAMA teamship and the wireless must West Indies to provide. Were the Country will come to our assistance in the matter. It is admitted in Eng.
land that the carrying out of sound achemes for the encouragement of aviation are a vital necessity if our country is to keep its place in the air. Very large and important inMODERN TAILOR dustries absolutely depend on her doing so. The West Indies are situatHouse 40 ed not very far from the Mother 3rd November Street Country and are her oldest and nearGuachapali. Panama City est colonies. Where better could she (M. CARDOZE Jr. a double purpose serve than by asCATHEDRAL PLAZA Histing this very necessary scheme by both men and money and getting in return necessary experience ind a sort of training school for a certain number of her aviators in carrying the mails and passengers of the British West Indies. The very fact that heavy demands would Why throw away your old, but no JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY not for some years be made on the West Indian service would be useful for Imperial purposes, in that it OFwould allow of more use of the service for training purposes than would be the case. If this view of the matter could be placed before the Imperial authorities we are not at CARLOS MENDOZA STREET all sure that the appeal would fall on deaf ears, because in many ways AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL it might suit Imperial purposes very well indeed. The existing idea is a Come in and Inspect the Stock before highly subsidised purely commercial service and what suggested would be an official scheme, the cost of which should be borne between the Imperial Government (who, in BRANCH STORE No. 29 Street East, Calidonia view of the circumstances, would graciously take the lion share)
125 Central Avenue and the local governments of Always on hand a fine selection of British West Indies, all paying the utmost that they could afford. That DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES England needs an overseas training 000 And TOILET ARTICLES ground for her aviators such as the Small Caribbean affords is certain from NOTICE admissions that DENTIST have been made from time to time in the past year MASONIC TEMPLE or two by people, intimate with the DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Office Hours: 8, am to 12. pm By Experienced Druggist subject and also deeply concerned in SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE. 30 to 30 PTT the matter. There is nothing imSundays, by Special Appointmen practicable in such a scheme being SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA Masonic Temple ifth St, entered upon in the West Indies, THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL and the participation of His Majes(Continued on Page 7)
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