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The Spiriit Of Receive Garveyism Radio Catches True Melodies of Africans was the ere the cars in ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME STRONGLY MANIFESTED BY AT PANAMA KINGSTON DIVISION On President of Panama Canal An exceedingly enthusiastic ova: The Spirit of Garveyism Student Tells How Melodies of Native Association tion was tendered the two Spanish gain manifested by members of aviators, Captains Francisco Jime. the Kingston Division of the Dances are broadcasted Colon April 26, 1929.
piper needed funds and he induced nez and Ignacio Iglesias, who arriv. and residing in PanTo the Editor.
New York. The Chicago Defend through the us to purchase shares, of course ed in this city on Wednesday last nma, on Sunday last at their meetloudspeaker in the Sir: when he made the declaration he did aboard the train after coming which was kept at the Private er of the 20th ultimo says that a studio.
Former South Africa radio station waited for the publication of the not mean the whole paper; he really plating an extended aviation trip. Ar ademy 25 St. Calidonia.
The composer said that the Atri results of the meeting of the Board meant the section alloted to us, and At a reception held at the Presi Quite a few well wishers of director recently told an interesting in the mines also listened in of Directors of the at that it could not have meant th. dencia in their honor at the Presi ganization attendance, and story of how the original folk melo regulay through the receiving sets dies of the African workers are rurnished by the company. But he vith as much anxiety as Juliet waitcolumns but as the Paalmist saying cencia in their honor on Wed, eve fter the religious part of the prouroadcast. Theophile Wendt of Johan discounted the belief that they stag.
ing for Romeo, and am perhaps as oh ye earth praise the Lord, meant ning the showering of roses on them yram was concluded the literary jubilant as she was at his appear the people of the earth so did hi by the President daughters and oth gurt was launched into with song resburg, conductor of the Cape led their dances to the broadcast ance now that it has appeared in to statement mean the person in ch ng ladies, coupled with the beautiful solos and addresses.
Town Symphony Orchestra, is in unes. They must have their own dny impress of the Star Herald. or the setion. Now this is intence strains of music by the National Dr. Barton addressed this country working on the com music for their dances, he said.
There was never in my mind any purely as a review to see to what Band created a very impressive and meeting and bade the members and position of several native African Compares Spirituas with doubt of the action they would take conclusion all his acts which eul interesting spectacle.
sisitors a hearty welcome; he also congs, a group of which were heard African Songs but could not pen this before for ninated in the attack on the Presi the sake of order. That board has dent point to, and what action if any crowds of spectators were seen be self on the organ it was well reAt an early hour of the evening, gave a Solo, and accompanied him uver the radio in this country last In the spirituals of the South, fall.
Wendt thinks he finds a lingering officially placed the stamp of disap should we take. Among the articles fore the station and in the avenues ceived.
Wendt, an eager student of folk nute of the ancient folk tunes which proval on the action of the Editur which he wrote there was one which awaiting their arrival and to catch Next came the singing of the Prenoelodies of all kinds, described the still are sung in their crude forms of The Tribune in attacking the Pre brought him a few complimentaryu glimpse of them. The police were sident General Hymn, Father of manner in which the broadcasting. Africans today. Especially comsident of the Association, and gone letters, its a pity do not remember kept busy in keeping the anxious all Creation. afterward the Read station takes advantage of the Afriparable are the strains of Exile on record with a vote of confidence, the caption of it now, but in acnow crowds in order after the special ing of his message on the front can musical heritge. Frequently at and certain American spirituals, he and has demanded that the defama ledging the praise given him which the aviators were rage of the Negro World by the the end of the day we would switch finds. The Exile is the homesick tory statements be withdrawn. An made use of remarks which in sub rated preceeded along Central Ave Acting Secretary, Brother Greely, our control and broadcast the native song of a man who has come from other Labourer has written, sug stance meant he did not know thn nue with the Spanish and Paname. who also announced the great in dance music the wailing of the in southwest African to Cape Town to gesting a boycot, and now fellow he really represented our communion colors exhibited.
augural meeting which took place at struments, the shrill cries of the work, Wendt explained.
Labourers come with my idea of nity, but since we had given our the International Headquarters at dancers and the chorus directly The traveller has come to eam how the situation should be handled, ınandate he would so forth feeline anna were present and took part in Many prominent of ticials of Pan. Eleweis Park, Kingston, Jamaica, on from the gold mines in the interior. money to buy six cows, with which but before state it, think it fair that he had our support, and we the grand reception which was arthe occasion of the advent of our Record Melodies from Loud Spen! he can obtain wife when he reLo review carefully the editor continued to buy shares in the comdaily News Paper, the Back Man. There was little formality. We turns. The song is the cry for his career as such in so far as it has afpany as advised by him, and giving (Continued on page Continued on page 5)
merely made our announcements home and for this wife he left when fected us one way or the other. The our contributions to him so as to ma and let the music begin. We didn he departed for civilization. cow Panama American soon after its in help fill the section and show the SPARKLETS always stay for them to finish, how is just about the most desirable ception started section for West interest we had in him and the pa.
ever, for you must remember that possession of the African. With it Indians and the Editor of The Triper. This naturally gave him a feel(By a native African dance oftentimes he can buy land, and if he is for bime was chosen to take charge of ing of security, a feeling that he lasts four or five hours.
tunate enough to have 12 he can the section allotted to us, he soon at was really leading us, and you can We attend religious service in the women. Which reminds us of the In fact, it was while listening to purchase a chief daughter.
tracted favourable attention, and as not blame him for such a deduction; Panama Wesleyan Methodist Church ben privileged to see a picture of one of these broadcasts that Wendt is working also on a huge soon as he felt he had our confidence he reasoned well, since am leading on Sunday evening last. We are not the male of the species decorated caught what think is one of the South African kymphony based on he told us that, that paper was the them will lead them as want, so yet a registered financial member of with wings to represent angels! We world sweetest melodies, The Zulu an ancient tune describing the griet only paper that had ever done or he thought of a scheme to accom this nor any other religious organ enjoyed the address immensely. Al Love Song. recorded it as it came at a chief death.
capable of doing anything in the plish his end. The first act was to ization; nevertheeless, it our beter having been informed that it form of representation for us. The Continued on Page 8)
lief that Saint Peter record of our was no less than his third address little deeds of kindness is well up for the day, and that it was virtualin the average of those of registerly a continuation of subject on (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
which he spoke earlier in the day, ed financial members. Hence, we Last week, friends and countrty have the unspeakable pleasure of en (By JUNIUS)
hope, gentle reader, that if we hap. We were satisfied that Rev. Wade mean men, fell down on this column. Per joying myself in such peaceful inWell things are moving much Monday morning, at the cost of pen to cross the Great Divide before is himself possessed of no haps, some felt disappointed. So was nocence as were these little children.
faster than could have foreseen few dollars. had not thought that you, you will not fail to turn out to Take it by and large, the address am to say that am sorry; but But friends, the joke to soon to be when was making my prediction the years would have been so brief, witness the final disposition of our we its only one of those things that few years ago, and it seems very but now comes the Pan American remains. In the event that we had was particularly instructive.
un must admit that it has been always happen sometimes, whether we so de spoilt, as usual. Up comes a tremendlikely that am going to realize my Airways Incorporated with its com failed to register or had been desires much earlier. was in Colon (mercial transportation service, tak financial on the books of a church our pleasure to Mlaten to this min ride or not. Sometimes Cotto, sonie cus woman, frothing at the mouth, old folk say. and spitting fire, as it were. She we die, which ister of the gospel in or out of the times Tea. the in the year 1907 when read of the ing a passenger both ways between organization before some little pulpit; and while we are afraid that Moreover, besides, and to boot, grabbed two of the little girls, dashAllbrook Field (Aneon) and France would possibly cause successful flights by the Wright brothers in the United States. It Field (Colon) for 16. 00. long to controversy as to whether to read the language and depth of his ad want to say that am not indentur ed their heads together, and warned then seemed wonderful to me, but spend Sunday as a real day of rest ever our body one of Christ rep dresses sometimes soar way above led to this newspaper, nor to any of them of the wrath to come, should the possibilities of its developing and gladness. and believe Jamai resentatives would be violating some the heads of the average audience you, and since that is so, believe they ever utter the words of that or by to whom he preaches we observe you should take what you get and song again. Now, don know te this woman was the mother of those into a common everyday occupation is the nearest place from here clause of the constitution did not oceur to me. In 1912 Panama where such a wish can be realized: laws of his church, or otherwise that on the whole they have been be satisfied. Greedy choke Puppy little girls; but she seemed to have tempered to greatly hnd more than passing interest in had its first opportunity to see and if the Inc. would just arouse the wrath of the Supreme cufficiently One evening last week, took althem. At any rate, ask, what is flight but we did not see much out hurry up in extending its service to Intelligence, step right to the fore, benefit mixed audiences for in our in the Sabanas that time, for the That little coveted island, and the Becure a book of formal Christian opinion he is a prekcher of prac little walk around the village just there that is wrong in the words of authorities would prayers and rattle off the burial tical Christianity, blamed fur a change. passed by a certain that song? There isn a bad word in plane did more bumping Panama Canal The Holy Ghost, the spirit of the place, and saw umpteen children, all of them. Yet, it seems that there around the grounds than going up cnly justly compensate me for my conventions found therein while our in the air; although selligman new services. feel that am going to remains are being quietly commit. Christian God, was the power that whatever that means) congregated must always be something injected successfully over the city not long come out on top of oldman Tennyted to the grave by other Christian Jesus Christ counselled his disciples on the grass, boys with boys, and by some people into everything to relatives and friends. But to come to wait for. When the disciples re girls with girls. These little crea spoil its beauty. These depraved and after. Then the Great War came and son, in that shall live to see my back to what we originally intended ceived the Holy Ghost they would tures set themselves in pairs, and filthy minded women always its necessities gave birth to many prophecy fulfilled.
inventions in the development of to say: Rev. Wade, Super be supplied with a sufficiency of the danced while they sang the very upon the scene, ready to polute and intendent of the Panama Wesleyan right power to enable them to satis familiar song, Woman sweeter than destroy the minds of innocent chil.
the science of flying, to the extent Surely consistency is a jewel. Circuit, preached to us on Sunday factorily repulse the attacks of sa man. The girls sang first, the dren with the corruption of theirs.
that the flyers were able to fight in fact, believe it is even more evening last and we thoroughly en tanic forces.
words which form the title of the Such women should be beheaded in up on high. then got to realilne precious than jewels, and that may joyed his excellent address the sub In the Christian world God is com aong. Then the Hoys replied with one of the public squares. Their there was a falfilment of Tenny account for its rarity. But someone ject of which was Power. the in monly accepted as the Supreme the words, If we think that what presence among children is a miserson prophecy in his poem Lock asks what am talking about. Well, spiration for which he received from Power; and we obsesve that for this you say, is true, we ll drown our able infliletion, and trom which we sley Hall. and felt that should it he does not understand what the the 49th verse of the 24th chapter of reason He is called upon for indis zelves in the sea. For about half should sincerely pray Good Lord, also attempt to prophesy something, word consistency means, he is the gospel according to Saint Luke. criminate help. So help me, God. an hour, watched and listened to deliver us!
so said if lived for a few more right to ask. take it that he knows In this chapter is recorded Christ witnesses are made to say before them, and wondered if there is any years would be riding in an air what a jewel precious stone, promise to send the power from they testify in the law courts. When sund comparable with that of chil. Sometime ago, that is to say, in plane from the Zone to Kingston, like diamond, and such that the on high to his disciples. The address a brother wants to emphasize his dren voices!
the days gone by, before today, in Jamaica, after the work on Satur. poor cannot afford to have was delivered before a large audi threat to bust the face af another And, too, was forced to wish the past, before you and came upon day afternoon, and back to work on (Continued on page 4) ence composed of about 95 percent (Continued on Page 8) that were a child again, so could the scene, an old man left two ot (Continued on Page 8)


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