
AND NEWS FROM THE WEST TIL WEST INDIAN ISLANDS NDIANI British Guiana BARBADOS 16 Illicit Traffic In Passports Want Higher Preference reason to. TRINIDAD Labour Party of Trinidad To Agitate ror Self Govern THREE OFFICIALS CON NECTED THEREWITH mcat ON EMPIRE ARRESTED SUGARS SENT TO UNITED 18.
KINGDOM The New Daily Chronicle of Bri tus in nationality of that country. TO AGITATE FOR SELEGOVERNMENT The Advocate of recent date says: tain, as being the only immediate tish Guiana published the following this gave them cause for alarm, ang At a recent meeting of the House available means of reducing the heave from Cyprus they promptly sought by all mean.
According to a Trinidad exchang of Assembly of Barbados, Mr. loss to producers and there, hree officials employed in the in their power to establish British a movement is to be star. ed in Tinh Austin moved the following res abling them to continue the cu.
passports branch of the British Colc nationality.
nial Secretary Office here hava Then they or many of them are hand to urge upon the Imperia friend said to me the other day, Nassain and adopted: olution, which was seconded by Dr. tion of their lands, provide wo.
desirability of Selt and pay a living wage to the Louw been arrested slated to have found their man. The Ithorities the have an old black automobile. Whereas a serious crisis exists ing population and thus tider.
hey will shortly come up for trial clegation is that they paid some of overnment being set up in the con bought it in 1927. When get out on in the sugar industry owing to un the present crisis.
them 30, others 50, and others ny.
Os serious charges of being concern.
he cader of the vende the road in it feel like a crow restricted production throughout the Further that His Excelleney ed in what is alleged to have been ranging to 500. They are stated to have made a small payment in ad Capain Cipriani, an Elected among a lot of bright colored birds. sugar producing countries of the Governor be requested to appoin.
a wholesale traffie, carried on overvance and to have supplied a signa Men ber of the Legislative Council, Do you think an automobile com world, and Committee to prepare full detailmany months in the sale of British cure and a set of photographs when and waid of the Labour Party in the pany could sell me a black Whereas it is essential that lands led statement of the situation as it autonationality certificates and British were sent to Cyprus, usually by restater island. This party crdited mobile today? They could not?
considerable losses to sugar produe Jaffects this colony, such statement passports to persons resident in ers in this island, and stered post. The allegations can with a membership of some eleven Right there is one that to set out the minimum average Egypt who were not legally entitled Unue as follows: When an opportune ti usands persons who a en th Whereas it is expedient to give costs of production and to explain to them.
lor alarm clocks are going over so encouragement to and maintain the the extent of the losses likely to acmoment arrived application was Trinidad Workingmen Asociacion.
sig. The world has moved. People production of Empire sugars, and Prices ranging as high in some intende before a local judge for a naCapt. Cipriani and his followers ar crue under present conditions.
lect Socialist. This party ha Whereas it is essential that ands stances as 500 are stated to have tionality certificate.
unt, demand and get color.
in this island should be kept in culti Governor be requested to at once Further that His Excellency the been paid by these individuals On each occasion a Cypriote citizen support of a weekly new paper, he If you need a really dependable vation to ensure the employment of cable the terms of this resolution to abroad, who in turn were furnished appeared in court with the applied title of which is the Labour Lauerm clock try one of ours, they re labour, and with complete British passports Lion and, giving the name of the ap published every Saturday in w, different, superior.
the Right Honourable the Secretary bearing their own photographs and picant, actually away in Cairo, rto Spain. Whereas practically the sole in of State for the Colonies, with the Capi.
and declaring themswore in the usual manner that he convened a signatures, Cipriani has industry of this island is the produe request that it be laid before His to. The meeting for April 20 at the Prince FULLER tion of sugar and its bye products, Majesty Government, and also to beyond doubt to be bona fide sub was the citizen referred jects of the British Crown. judge had no reason for suspicion, Puilding prevent the case in 18e Central Ave and inform the Secretary of State that It is further stated that before and granted the application. 24pport of Self Government for Whereas the need of assistance a statement of the above position is the police investigations have been The papers then went to the Pass Trinidad. In the course of a news is immediate, pressing and urgent being prepared and will be forwardcompleted scores of persons will be port Office. There, it is alleged the lar icle on the subject the Labour Dr. JOHN THOMPSON Be it Resolved that the House of led at the earliest possible moment.
discovered to have been implicated signatures and photographs of the cader states: Mechano The local Labour Party is wani. Therapis Assembly expresses deep concern at On the motion of Mr.
in one way or another in the alleged man who had personally appeared the serious present outlook for the Austin, seconded by Mr. Mahon, an conspiracy No. 38 ANCON AVE.
in court were deftly replaced by mous in the idea that seil govern UPSTAIRS sugar industry in this island, and address was passed to His ExcelIngenious Process photographs and signature of the ment is the only antidote for the Panama City urges the Imperial Government to lency the Governor forwarding The process was ingenioue, though absent applicant. The papers were colony ills and feels satisfied that take immediate steps to increase the copy of the resolution passed by the simple, and is said to have been as sent to the Colonial Secretary. Hon. epresentation made by means of a amount of preferences afforded Em House, and Mr. Austin was asked to follows: An agent who was an Hon. Phopham Lobb of the Brit monster petition to the Secretary of Egyptian was established in Cairo, ish Guiana Civil Service, who like Slate for the Colonies will bring this which weight of numbers will tell y re sugars on entry into Great Bri: present it to the Governor.
We make and this is the lever which we feel where in subterranean ways he let the judge, found then all in order, Brcat desidedratum.
it quietly be known that for certain and finally returned them to the mistake on the score that the move sure the inhabitants of Trinidad and sums of money he was in a posi eiurk office for disposal. for self government will be bitterlyrobago will place in our hands to HOYTE pposed by the bring peace and conemploynig Division of Spoils tion to secure British nationality papers for persons desiring them. Disagreement over the division of and official Trinidad; but we are Lentment to the thousands who call THE ARTISTIC The People island their home.
Egyptis filled with Ottoman the spoils with the agent in Cairo is equally certain that it will have the this beautiful subjects. Greeks, Turks, and Arme declared to have led to a report to aunch and loyal support of the Trinidad is every Aquare inch the TAILOR Tailor raost wealthy, prosperous and flournians, who, had they been resident the Egyptian Government. Inquiries creat majority of the inhabitants of shing part of the Empire and it is in Cyprus on November 5, 1914, when by their immigration authorities he Colony.
Building 32 This is one of the occasions on for its people to see to it that they the land was annexed by a Crownsoon revealed that a surprisng numHouse do not allow all its wealth to slip Street 12th October St.
Order in Council, would automati ber of Cypriotes had in a very brief through their own fingers into the Panama, Panama cally have become British subjects; time become British nationals. This show Lartidis, Greek Cipriotes, pockets of British and foreign specbut thousands were not resident in discovery in its turn was followed by employed in the passports branch, ulators, as is now the case.
Cyprus at that time, and thus for a full report to the British Govern under the Colonial Secretary We say without fear of contradicfeited their rights to British citizen ment.
After a preliminary hearing be ship. They were mere Ottoman subMeanwhile police inquiries were fore the district court judge, the pris. tion that the colony is able to run jects from Cyrus.
They were soon rounded up by riod of weeks, until finally, when now appear, on a date shortly to be minister its Government withthe Egyptian Government for pur available arrests were made. War determined, before the Assize Court, out help from Euopean or other House No. 912 La Boca Matte Martohed poses of conscription and other re rants were issued against George composed of the British Chief Jus sources. The reign of the European Canal Zone pressive laws applicable to Egyptian Andrea Protopapa aged 28, Hara ice, two additional English Judges and has proved to be of little or no exile has been already all too long OPPOSITE RESTAURANT und Repaired citizens, and accorded the same sta. lambo Palantzis, aged 27 and Filli. md a Turkish and a Greek Judge.
value to the colony and its people, PHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Guaranteed and the time has come to make one Specialises in all Branches of big effort to shake ourselves free Dentistry 21st Street Guachapel from this form of domination and ALL WORK GUARANTEED Hou No 10 receive for Trinidad a government RESIDENCE588 on similar illness to those prevailing RICKARD SUCCESSOR in Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.
NEW YORK, Monday William Cheese 31, 175 82, 482 Carey will be named head of MadiPlanks hoards 45, 524 68, 190 von Gardens succeeding Tex Rickard JAMAICA Paper, ete 59, 631 according to a statement made by his deposits may be small, his is the satisfacAutomobiles 176, 572 391, 571 che Chairman today.
JAMAICA IS BEST ISLAND CONSUMER OF THE DOMINION BAPTISTE classable us ali secretly progressing here over a peners were sent for trial. and will no control own business and DENTIST HOWELL Joseph Mason START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE The sensible man saves consistently. Though 69, 523 tion of knowing that he has a constantly growing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at per annum is paid twice a year and added to the money you already have on deposit.
Benjamin Barnett Son POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23rd Street Chorrillo Start saving now. Open an account with this Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithfully served its West Indian friends on the Isthmus for a quarter of a Century.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Jamaica is the best customer for the products of Canada of all the British West Indian islands (says the Halifax Chronicle. The total exports from Canada to Jamaica for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1928, according to figures furnished in the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, were valued at 5, 282, 090, compared with 4, 573, 749 in 1927. The value of the principal exports for 1927 and 1928 follows: 1927 1928 28, 482 22, 909 Oats.
33, 170 44, 597 Wheat flour 1, 712, 665 1, 856, 707 Sngar 86, 524 133, 685 Rnbber Mfgs. 388, 592 427, 848 Fish.
851, 578 424, 018 Butter 187, 876 141, 152 Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN Potatoes HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY PANAMA COLON

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