
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh. Quality Unsurpassable Oy ROYALTY GOES INTO ACTIVE WORK King Youngest Son Will Take up Position in Fore! gn Office Wiring, Supplies and Repairs worth as The British Pharmacy Congressman BERNARD ANDERSON Suggests Wire for us and we ll Wire for You Gramaphono Ropairer (Continued from Page 7) NIMBLEY Co.
HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, smuggled wet goods come in, not Electricians and Dealers CANAL ZONE from the south, but from Canada.
Shall we annex the Dominion to Efficient Workmanship Guarantood safeguard ourselves and our beliefs about liquor? And why stop with Telephone 1059 Canada. Surely, when our Japanese If you have a Prescription to and Chinese friends learn that we Box 747 Ancon be made up take it to the have cut off our Canadian liquor No 8, Stroet Panama National Pharmacy, Santa Ana sources their well known business Plaza, where you will get cour talents will move some of them to teous and obliging service net up in the long distance smug.
Slow Suriing game.
Even then; we should still have a je sa STB problem on our hands. Not more than per cent of the liquor Americans drink is brought in from outride. The great bulk of it is made in this country. What do we do about that after we have conquered the world for Volstead, Jones and Hamilton Fish?
Fish comment was foolish, and it was highly inflammatory. All we can say about him is that he has shown himself to be ingerous person for us to have ce the house foreign affaire committee BHJ DO Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK VICEROY OF INDIA TO VISIT ENGLAND PE The British Indian Office ancourtesies nounced that the Secretary for India has invited the Viceroy to come to England in June next for short leave Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles not exceeding two months in order to secure the opportunity of perSV VOR sonal discussion with His Excellency.
Lord Irwin has accepted he invitation povided the state of public afLOOK FOR THE SIGN fairs permits. The King has approved the appointment of Viscount Goschen, Governor of Madras to act as Viceroy and Governor General during Lord Irwin absence on flexve.
Prince George, the King youngest son, who is launching on a career of THOUGHTS ON TIME public duty, will begin in the Foreign Office. The weatern departWho loses a day loses a lifement to which he is attached consmberson.
cerns itself primarily with countries To choose time is to save timeof Europe lying west of the Rhine.
Bacon The civil administration will be Time is the wisest counsellor. proud to prove its own Pericles.
training gound for public affairs no less varied in its way and no lese Time, my friend, is money. Bulwer Lytton.
governed by common tradition of nonpartiran devotion to the state.
Time is generally the best medThe Western Department and Ticine. Ovid.
no doubt in other departments of the Ne who rains time gains every Foreign Office and possibly in other thing. Earl of Beaconsfield.
departments of state, Prince George The wisest are the most annoyed will acquire at first hand, knowledge at the low of time. Dante.
that will be invaluable to him and to Short as life is we make it stili the Empire for the work which in Johorter by the careleus waste of latter manhood he will be called to time. Victor Hugo.
Time well employed is Satan deadliest foe; it leaves 10 opening MAUD CODNOR REPORTED for the lurking fiend. Wilcox.
ROBBED man who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of lifeDarwin Miss Maud Codnor, West Indian, cook for one of the Army officers squander time, for that is the stuft Dost thou love life? Then do notof Fort Amador was assaulted and life is made of. Franklin.
robbed by a soldier early this week.
Mias Codnor missed the Amador buss which leaves the Fort everythroat, threw her to the ground in a half hou rand was walking to the wrestle in which he succeeded in Balboa car shed to catch the street covering her mouth with one of his car. It was sometime between seven hands and with the other relieved and eight o clock in the night. On her purse which contained about two reaching a point where several new dollars, it is alleged. Miss Codnor gold quarters are being erectd, Miss reported the case to her employer Codner approached by a soldier and efforts are being made to eapwho immediately caught her by the ture the robber. COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Where our customers will receive the usual BRITISH PHARMACY


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