
Here And There THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada the at FOR SALE CHEAP (Contiued from Page 1)
don think should say any more Pablished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 about that. But now for this consistency. It is something like beCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 ang able to hold decently to an inP. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon telligent opinion not to jump from side to side, according as the wind We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
is blowing, currying favor, or keepThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS ing company with the stronger more popular side, according it PANAMA COLON suits one purpose. Now shall give Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1929.
you an example. little while ago, when certain fellow was employ.
ed to write for a newspaper, he was strong in his condemnation of the Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 WELL DONE WEST INDIANS sounding of insular or colonial societies and other bands of local societies, of the lodge parades with About two months ago this column carried an edimusic and dancing, in the maintorial enucled Sign or Improvement. in which a With 900 branches throughout the world, including tenance by West Indian barbers of few striking cases were cited to show that our commuthe single chair shops. Now, this nity was getting to appreciate constructive criticism.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank same gentleman is a newspaper This opinion of ours has recently been very strongly is in a position to render the best possible service.
magnate; and instead of continuing buttressed by another case, it is that of the tricky anu his policy carried on in the other mean attack made upon the Panama Canal West In follow paper, he is tooting as louddian Employees Association and its President, Mr.
Antigua Dominica Montserrat.
ly as he can his praise of the coloH. Whyte, by the editor of The Panama Tribune.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts nial societies and the rest of them, bilier coi and has evidently forgottten about In the early part of the year 1926 a Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia troversy was waged in the local press between partico the lodge funeral parades and the British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique dingy led by these two persons, over the leadership of the As dirty barber shops. Well, sociacion. This young eu vol was then apparenty repreGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
when a fellow acts like this, in our senting a negliglove and uisgruntled iacuon of the AS language he is regarded as ineonsociation, but by end of that year that faction was sistent. According to our old Afrisatisiactorily dealt with, and peace reigned in can parents, Cattle know wey de weak fence dey.
community about the doings of the President of the Association Mr. Whyte geiting re elected from yeah THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST to year. Then after a shience of three years, during Another of our unfortunate boys PAID ON DEPOSITS which period the influence of the Association has been hus gone wrong. For three years he Ielt and recognized in all quarters, the young editor must be confined in the Canal Zone came back at nis old game to annoy the President vi the General Banking Business Transacted.
Penitentiary at Gamboa, according Association and to opstruct the progress of the Assoto the sentence passed on him yesciation affairs. For five consecutive weeks he spen terday morning in the District Court whatever mental energy he might have had, and the Ancon, by Judge Lenihan.
editorial column of his paper, in a manner that is This youngster of 16 summers, worthy of a better cause. He has libelled the President cleanly attired and of intelligent of the Association and heaped insults upon the heads of bearing, was found guilty of highthe general membership of the Association not upon SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS way robbery. snatching a purse them alone, but upon the general body of silver emfrom an American woman on ployees.
AIRKIN treet in Ancon, a couple of weeks Now what has been the conduct of our community ego, when he ran away into Panama in this case? They have categorically, said, No, BoyCity, and there shared his loot with sey, you are wrong. And why? Because they have two other boys who had run after caugnt him deceiving. He has done so when he states and with him immediately after the Good Assortment of that the Association is 10 years old (for it was founded snatching had occurred.
on January 13, 1924. and when he states that the memThis is not the only place where bership is but 600 (for it was 1398) on December 31, this class of crime is carried on; 1928; and he has tried to trick the people into believing but, considering the peculiar eirthat Mr. Whyte, the founder of the Association, is recumstances surrounding the social sponsible for some of them not being in it. With these and economie welfare of the colored inaccuracies and inconsistencies clearly before them our Indian here how the parents are community would not be misled. But they have been inkept down with low wages, and the fluenced also by the fact of the unique service that Mr.
younger ones are proscribed against Whyte has been rendering this community in the cause in decent and remunerative occupaof labor for the past several years; they saw thai tions and there are so many things there was the old man Envy at the bottom, and like the appealing for money, it does appear good cricketers and umpires that some of them are, that there is going to be an increasthey have given him out for obstruction ing amount of it amongst these Laborer. Another Laborer. Mr. Wilson, The children of restricted opportunities.
Cristobal Colon District, and the Board of Directors o.
The pity of it all is, that no one is the Association, have all spoken in no uncertain terms paying any serious attention to the of their high appreciation of Mr. Whyte as President ou situation, except to lock them up the Association, and of their disgust and annoyance at and make criminals of them.
the meanness aimed at him and the workers.
If this is not a salutary lesson to all concerned, ANOTHER DOG SPECIAL TO then we must confess that we are sadly mistaken as to COME OVER FROM THE what may be so regarded. This ideal editor, as he claims WINDY CITY to be, has not had the public support of a single member of our community. As far as we have heard he is Arrangements are being made (by condemned by everyone. If he was thinking that our promoter Sol) with the management community was prepared to live perpetually on domesof the Panama Railroad for the runtie wrangling, and to be hoodwinked into supporting ning of an excursion from Colon on such a scheme, he has been treated to a rude awakenMay 5th for the benefit of those ing, if he was calculating on lowering Mr. Whyte in the persons who intend to visit Kennel eyes of the public, he has certainly succeeded in doing 72 Carlos Mendoza Street worth on that date and have some just the very opposite thing. This is a result of which fun. Stops will be made at the folthe West Indian community can feel justly proud. We and corner Javillo lowing places: Gatun, Monte Lirio, know for a fact that they are being congratulated on Red Tank and Balboa, so as to acit by the intelligent onlookers of other groups.
OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD commodate excursionists from these We have devoted this column today to this quessections.
tion, not because we desire to knock a man who is down, PANAMA CITY This will be the last night for the but because of the splendid lessons that this whole animals, and a huge crowd is exepisode brings to our community. It shows that there pected. The excursion which was are still wolves parading in sheep clothing, and that run on the 14th instus was a success, it takes strong and courageous men to man handle and similar expectations are in view and unmask them; that there are still thieves who try enough to come to the defense of a deserving cause by CHAPTER 14 of the coming trip.
at the same time calling thief, thief. in order to countenanced the attack or refused to lend their sup the above named Chapter beginning to deceive the crowd by running with their booty, and open statements, as well as those who in silence disThere will be a dual function at SPANISH FLIERS RECEIVED make their get away, and that it needs shrewd and port to it. Now that the silver employees have shown at 30 tomorrow the celebra ranged at the Presidencia. Contined from Page 1)
knowing men to stop them and investigate them; and it themselves to such advantage, we would urge them to tion of Garvey Day and the instalshows also that we have the strong and courageous take more seriousiy the matter of their full support to lation of officers.
Aviators Honored men to manhandle and unmask the wolves, and the this the only workers association in their midst. What Delegates from all of the divi medals on them in commemoration President Arosemena pinned gold shrewd and knowing men to stop and investigate the they need is proper representation. If they can all be the nions of the Chapter have been in. of their visit to these shores; while run away thieves. In other words, it shows that our personal friends of the President, well and good; but it vited for the occasion and most he and other distinguished guests community is thinking and is not going to be made a they can t, that is nothing to lose any sleep over. His interesting and enjoyable evening is in which official members of the We wish to congratulate those who friendship can take care of them, but his representa anticipated. Friends are also most Canal Zone were included) gave apwere bold tions certainly can and do.
cordially invited.
propriate toasts on their behalt Bolo Photo Albums. This ScrapAlbums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.


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