
Negro Town Household of Ruth Chamber Needs no Jail AT THE LA MASCOTA on vote fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels a Also ENGLISH TWEEDS a the very latest designs in TAILORS TRIMMINGS was LA MASCOTA MULLER, MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue. Bil DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner uu. LUJJ.
STEAM PRESSING CELEBRATES EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY Mound Bayou, the Negro town in the Mississippi where no white man has BERMUDA REFUSES The eighth Anniversary of MOTORS TO DOCTORS Household of Ruth ever lived, is about to tear down the city jail for the very good reason Chamber No. 82 took place at their that it has been empty for two years, The Bermuda House of Assembly Hall 21st Street Central Ave. There has not been a murder in the has refused by a margin of one Sunday the 21st instant.
town for more than four years.
to allow physicians of the The occasion was marked with We have a peace loving and law. colony to operate automobiles, per much dignity and enthusiasm, the which would have about entire progtam being all that could abiding community. says the Negro mission mayor. Our people go to church in double the 10 motor vehicles in the have been desired. The chair for the stead of to jails. Mound, Bayon, colony. Opponents of the measure evening was occupied by Mr.
which was founded nearly fifty years argued that it would have been an Harris (a member of said. Lodge)
ago by Isaiah Montgomery, cpening wedge that might result in who expressed his pleasure in being so many other exemptions to the Negro, has a population of about able to preside over such a function.
800. In the hotel is one room re tiveness of the island would be mar branches of the order were present law against motors that the attracRepresentatives from various served for white people who happen red for the 40, 000 tourists who visit and they all conveyed things of good to visit the town. The record ot each winter.
Mound Bayou should serve as a rewill which will undoubtedly serve to The doctors urged that inadebuke to those benighted souls who inspire the Lodge to forge ahead in still persist in believing that Nequate transportation facilities de the future.
groes are incapable of good citizenprived sick persons of the measure Two marked features of the eveship. And it is refreshing to rememof proper attention which was their ning were a performance by ber what is easily forgotten in these due. They asked exemption from the company of Gleaners and a procesdays of gang murders and violence of Motor Act of 1905, prohibiting use sion by the Juveniles demonstrating of motor vehicles, on the ground of the Sewing of seeds.
every sort, that there are many communities in the United States humanity.
Other contributors to the program where murders are as rare as they For many years after the passage were Mrs. Doris Reece the Misses are in this Mississipi town. The of the Act there were no motors of Vera Markland, and Iscilda Scarlett Nation any description on the island. few und Mr. Dottin.
years ago the Department of Public Works was allowed to purchase a The Secretary report showed 1, 300 FOR DICKENS BOOK few tracks for moving road build great improvement since the last a ing material. Next the City of Ham anniversary, and indications for Riton LONDON, March 27. Gabriel install more successful future were much permitted to Wells, New York dealer, paid 1, 800 motor fire fighting equipment and evidence.
The proceedings terminated at u Sotheby today for a presente street sprinklers and last year the tien copy of Charles Dickens Tale King Edward Memorial Hospitalſp.
of Two Cities. inscribed by the auwas granted leave to use a motor thor to his friend, Charles Lever.
DUST BLOWN 2, 000 MILES Manuscripts, autograph letters The Canadian Gazette.
and inscribed first editions of the Australian Soil Carried to New works of early nineteenth century al origins quotas of the immigration Zealand Ruthors were included in today law become effective on July 1, unsale and fetched a total sum of 1088 Congress takes action. The Pres SYDNEY, March 14. freak of 11, 934. dent added that he favours re nature was responsible for landing WASHINGTON, March 22. Pre tricted immigration, although op many tons of Australian soil on the sident Hoover, upon the advice of Josed to the national origins provi southern parts of New Zealand last Attorney General Mitchel, issued aloion.
October. It is estimated that the proclamation where under the nationdust suspended in the air, travelled over 2, 000 miles from Central Australia to the South Island of New bevos Zealand, the greater part of the journey being over water.
Dust from Australia, said Doctor Kidson, Dominion meteorologist, at MODERN TAILOR recent New Zealand Science Congress, had been recorded previously House 40 in New Zealand, but the deposit in 3rd November Street October was remarkable both for Guachapali. Panama City quantity and the area over which it was recorded.
Concentration in the atmosphere 2001 after travelling at least 2, 000 miles, was also surprising. In parts of Southland, during the first falls, when the dust was brought down by rain, the rain was referred to as mud rain the discoloration being sufficient to render it di Mault to disWhy throw away your old, but no tinguish the jerseys of different teams at a football match.
Dr. Kitson added that occasions can have them neatly bound at on which dust had been carried long distances overseas had been recorded frequently in many ocean waters in the neighbourhood of desert regions, such as the Atlantic to the No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET westward of the Sahara, in the Mediterranean and numerous other AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL placu.
KE3333333333333KKKKKKKKKKKKK TRAVELS 429 MILES IN NEW YORK CITY FOR NICKEL VIOITA New York. person can travel for 429 miles and for 34 hours for No. 29 Street East, Calidonia a nickel in New York City, noted for its high living costs. young man recently dropped a nickel in a toin box and spent a day and a half on New York underground and DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES elevated systems. Shifting his route And TOILET ARTICLES by means of a map, he systematically rode up and down every elevated and subway line in Greater New York and its suburbs, never twice Prescriptions Carefully Compounded traveling the same route.
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