p. 8


Church Services Also Labuorer Interesting Jottings Thirteen year olds (Continued from page 11. Rev. Wade.
12. 30. Holy Communion. 30 Rev. Wade.
Subject: What is God like?
Trinity Church, Colon Holy Communion.
11 am. Rev. Cousins. 80 Rev. Cousins La Boca 11. Mr. Frank Reed. 30 Mr. Perey Hinde.
New Providence 11. Mr. James Daly.
Paraiso 80 Mr. Walters.
ed SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION a Vou want to give them they were little mites in your arms, when they ate and slept as regularly as clock work and drank all the milk they needed, whether you nursed them yourself or raised them on Lactogen.
And now, at ten, and twelve, and thirteen years of age, they need milk to help them grow, to replenish abundantly the energy burned up daily by their active bodies, and to present malnutrition. They need your wise direction especially.
Do not force them to drink plain milk if they do not like it. Instead. use rich, creamy St. Charles Eroporcited Milk in cooking their foods, and give them a St. Charles Milk Shake (made with oranges) with their meals.
To add variety, give th Peter Cocoa made witl: St. Charles Evaporated Milk it is highly nourishing.
Colon 11 a. Pastor Witt.
Lord Supper after the 11 a. ser.
vice. 15 Deacon Drummond.
Chorrillo 11 a. Deacon Meintosh. 15 Pastor Witt. Lord Supper service.
Calidonia 11 a. Leader Tollough. 16 Rev. Yearwood.
Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Rev.
New Providence 11 a. Deacon Bromo.
Gatun 11 a. and 80 Sup.
Red Tank Mission 30 Supplied.
it We would like to send you a booklet calles Delicious Dishes Using Evaporated Milk. Write in for on and, by the way, do not forget to save your St. Charles labels for valuable premiums given out by NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or Box 300 Color (Continued from page Continued from Page 1)
try to embarues the paper for his grandchildren at home, and went augher salary, which was refused to his field to get some bittle (to and which refusal resulted in the cather victuals. When he returned, one of the children (the boy) was connection between him, the paper, ausent. Upon enquiry, he was told and our vested interest in it being that this boy had gone to gather broken. This naturally called forta mangoes. At this, he was displeased, our finer feeling and the admirations he took his rod of correction from which we had for him was augaient its place and laid it on the table say.
another attribued friendship, ling. te day, to day wid me ni him.
discovering this he decided to utilize Lider mek khus khus out a him, or it and lead in whatever direction him mek khus khus out a me.
he determine we are to go and The suppose you, or some of you, Tribune is born for the specific ob know what khus khus is. If not, Jeet which it now signifies, there is a kind of grass of very proHis first act after the paper flific growth in Jamaica, and daremade its bow. was an act studi say, in others of the West Indian is.
ed. was to interview the Governor, lands, called Governor Grass. This held in the ground by sud other officials of the Panama grass is Canal, and publish the interview, myriads of shred like roots. At naturally we labourers (ignorant certain period of its growth, the su know) would feel, and way to crass is rooted up, and the roots ulte another hello pal (or something out off, washed, and dried. These ike that) the paper is looking out dried roots have a peculiarly beautifor us. While that is the ultimate tul smell, and this is what is called khus khus. Many persons use impression intended to be created it was only a means to an end, which in their trunks and wardrobes to has revealed itself in the attack, give their clothes a pleasant smell, made at first on the officers of the land to keep out moth, and rust, and whatever else doth corrupt clothes.
Association, and then as though tu Tuol them, concluded the attack by Those who have no wardrobe or trunk put khus khus in their Yaying he meant Mr. Samuel Horatio pockets. It is from this same khusthat the other officers Whyte so khus that the beautiful toilet water might feel they were not included, bearing its name. khus khus toilet and too he has measured the intelwater) is manufactured by the lignce of them by the support they have already given him, and they Benjamin Manufacturing Co. of Port Antonio, Jamaica. This toilet would not support the President water received the approval and oband his goal would be reached. During this time some person describ tained the patronage of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York when ed by him as an intelligent memste visited Jamaica a little while wer of our community agitated for ago. Good sumting.
a conference of West Indians on the Isthmus, eager for leadership; he am done for this week, although seized the opportunity to offer to take such steps as would bring it about; am not making any promise for un objection was taken to his acting Inext week. promise is a dangerund the President among other perJous thing to make, especially in this place. One is liable to get in very cons was named to take the necesbad if ever he makes a promise, and sary steps to bring it about; two of by any chance becomes unable to one persons named, have so to speak iulifil it. Just a little while ago, a declined what is commonly regarded as the honour The President by his boy asked his father for a new pair comment on the writer suggestion when he got the next commissary of shoes. Father promised him that appeared to his (the editor s) mind book, he would give him the shoes.
to be willing to accept and this is too The little fellow was very glad and much to stand so he decides to notified all his friends that next ismake an attempt (at least) to discredit this man in the eyes of the pair of shoes. Next issue came, and sue, he would be wearing a new poblie by trying to show that people liather did not find it possible to will not join anything over which he (the President) has any jurisdictioncvercome with disappointment said buy these shoes, so the little boy, hence the attack. But you ask gentle to his mother. Mama, after all (reader what is his goal? Well my don see any difference between myanswer is this that viewing the fact sell and my dad. want a pair of mentioned above from the angle shoes, and can buy it. My dad prosce them, they point with a hand mised to buy the one, and he can not a finger to gamble for the buy it either. Gosh! that what leadership of the community, to me he has taken his chances and lost. ready for this question. The most not keeping a promise did. am unA word re a few suggestions made Jam willing to says is, good bye, till too by another Labouer (whom oncther time.
take pleasure in welcoming) and one by one the board of Directors ST. CHARLES MILK ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS SVARIRATE ST. CHARLES (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction 80 Evengong. Mr.
Richards, Catechist. There Cream in every Drop ST. BARTHOLOMEW S, LAS CASCASDAS ST. SIMON S, GAMBOA Matins, address, Church School, at the usual time by the Lay Reader. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
bod NEURALGINA Soldier Counsel p.
Wednesday. Corps Codel Class at Home Longue at p.
Thursday. Praise Meeting at. Should be in every office to immediately soothe any pain caused by excessive mental work.
Priday. Band Practice at p.
Saturday. Open Air at p.
Adjutant NORBERG.
neuralgic NEURALGINA PANAMENIAN ARRESTED FOR STABBING Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA the There is the The Spirit Of Garveyism Leonardo Gonzalez a Colombian is at present laid up in the Santo Tomas Hospital in a serious condition as result of stabbing which he received at the hands of Tomas Ledesma a Panamanian du.
ring an altercation which took place at the Tropical Saloon on Sunday night last.
Gonzalez sustained a wound on the right side of the back, damaging the tenth and eleventh ribs and puneturing his lungs.
Ledezma was arrested and is be ing held for trial.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail Sparklets AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor SOS Gesch Panama.
idea of killing the bug, while this (Contiued from Page 1)
is not literally meant, it should not This brought great rejoicing from be done for the reason that, there among the members, especially when is potentially possessed by the ediit was announced that 12. 000 copies tor which with age and experience of the paper were sold in less than may be of valuable services, thereone hour.
fore no boycot should be instituted, very forceful and encouraging with the other which demands that the objectionable articles be with address was then delivered by Mr.
drawn am not in agreement either. Greeley, Acting Secretary; the SingNeither of the two chastisements isſing of the Hymn 477, The day thou commensurate with the offense the cavest Lord is ended. The benedicformer too drastic, and the latter too tion brought the meeting to a close.
mild, we must be just not revenge vey Day, the public is again invited Sunday the 5th inst. being Garful, therefore suggest that an to attend Several well known speakapology dictated by us and signed by him be publishe in the Tribuneers will address the meeting which will commence at 7p. The SunEditorial Column, duration to be dedny school will start at p. Partermined by the Board. This feel ents and Guardians are asked to is the happy medium and in case of refusal we may then determine send their children.
what course we will take. lem figures to the coast where they Thanking You Sir, have established a hueleus for a secI am and Harlem district in this city. ALSO LABORER.
recent wall sent out by a picture company for 50 cafe entertainers HARLEMITES FLOCK TO for a scene of Harlem night club, LOS ANGELES FOR TALKIES revealed that many ex Harlem night club entertainers were here awaitLos Angeles, Cal. Increased de ing chance to perform for the mand for Race talent in motion pie talkies. Contiued from Page 1)
who had aggravated him, he sometimes uses the formal So help me God. And even nations, when they prepare for war to kill hundreds and sometimes thousands of some who are conscripted to lose their lives and leave behind scores of poverty stricken dependente, call apon the Supreme Power for help.
And so the subject of Power is an all important one. Our God is admittedly a supreme power upon whom we may draw at all times; but it is our opinion that the power received from this drawing should be used anly towards the building up or betterment of humanity and hunian pociety 1910b FEE ŞAAT ADVERTISE IN 189 HE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY RE


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