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PRICE CENTS Panama Canal Adequate For Friends Tender Dental College of Another Atlantic Side CorresAnother Twenty Years pondent Expresses Views wi op other Howardj University MR. AND MRS. HENRY RECEIVES GIFT FROM CARCAMBRIDGE NEGIE CORPORATION Say sGeneral Manager of Company On Recent Tribune Attack of the By Veritas The Negro World of the 20 ulto.
Operating Suez Canal The residence of Henry Cam says that: President of the bridge Eagre, real estate man of President Mordecai Johnson of NEW YORK, April 16 The Pan, exactly like ours, was confronted Colon, was the center of much gaiety Howard University has just received to the Editor THE WORKMAN. Genuine, persiany doubt it my ama Canal should be adequate for five or six years, the canal should as a result of a most enjoyable o notice from the Carnegie CorporaSir Kindly publish the following uit, remember very well now as suded with the Panamerican.
at least another twenty years, in the be able to handle seventy day injul function held on Tuesday evention of New York City of the grant your weekly paper:opinion of George Bonnet, general stead of the present probable max. ning the seventh inst. to a very self 2, 000 to be used for the pur For they speak not peace; but manager of the Compagnie du Canal unum of about forty. The satistics et gathering of friends, gathered to chase of books for the Dental they devise deceitful matters against we believed su impucicum We Suez, operating the Suez Canal, of the Suez Catal, which compare vast Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge who brary. The grant is a compliment as them that are quiet in the land.
outhiul divor that we piacea who was interviewed yesterday at very closely with those of this water ac booked for Europe for an ex well as subst tial aid, as Howard The great Psalmist, the late Dao our contıdences in aum, anu hvw, ternoon by the New York Times. way and are available over the for ended vacation.
was one of but twenty dental coll vid, although he lived in an age nous bus caused to bow our us.
Disclaiming any idea of posing asmer longer period of existence, he Situated as it is at a most pictur ages in the United States receiving exactly like ours, were confronted hale, in the ince of the very vice prophet. and judging adequacy said, show that traftic is about center of the city of Colon, such recognition.
with the same kind of men such as we unknowingly opposed in oua.
wolely from a commercial and en doubled every ten years. This would samediately on the right of the The Dental Library is affiliated some of our local editors. This great and Heraud that all we can wu itu gineering point of view, be present make the Panama Canal adequate autiful American theater in per with the Medical Library in the new King in his periods of trouble would ask the follow to quit trying to pu.
ed figures in support of his state for another twenty years, he assertrmance and at all times making Medical Building, which is now in its call out to his God in his occult way, over any more of his pe. muar vetone ment.
ed, and a deepening of the Gaillard he said center famous with its owest second year. The combined, libraries but in our case, not being able trzed stunts, qu.
wr. ung aur une Mr. Bonnet, with Lucas, super Cut. reduction of the umount of wa nusic, and the fine modern struc contain more than 3, 000 volumes on call on our God in the same manner, West Indian Comn. unity.
intendent of navigation of the Suez ter needed for electricity and other are in itself a city attraction, the medicine. dentistry and pharmacy, or rather, that most of u do not We can now see the whole Canal visited the Canal Zone during methods of obtaining water shoulalon fire brigade Headquarters, with fifteen periodicals in the differ inows his method, are compelled to very clearly, when this su. the first two weeks of March to be available to increase its capacity eautifully lighted and clad in its ent branches of medicine. cry out to the community to stop while editor of the Panama awe study the workings of the canal. He still further.
hining fire fighting armour The library is meeting great the kind of covered venom that our cun West Indian Section crueuse remarked on his delightful recepwsite, showing up to deserving up reed in the Medical School. One boasted intellectuals some times fling certain gentlemen, then at tion and the kindness of the Gov. GRAND MAY AFFAIR AT ount the beautiful Cambridge re large room on the first floor was in our eyes; the recent attacks on uimes wou. disect others, in nis ornor during his stay. He is now at POPULAR SHED AT LA BOCA dence with all of its modern com iesignated by the architect for this the President of the columns, we were very ow to doubt the Ritz Carlton, and will sail for orts gained as result of steady purpose, with an adjoining room for is a noted example.
toat his attacks were motivated by France on Saturday on the Ile de The ladies of the Social Workers and honest labour and good busi ja pathological museum. Both of The power of the press is une some deep rooted baie, Jealousy, France Committee of St. Peter Church, Las acumen.
these rooms are now used by the qualed in directing the thoughts at Lear or something of the kind, and The only rout difficulty the canne Boom are doing everything in their It www to this attraetive residente brary, and even then be crowded community, country or even the for course as he had the opportunity is facing now, Mr. Bennet said is power to make the entertainment ne invited guests of the occasion or space.
world, and one who is privileged to be made the best of it. The whole that some times of the year there is they have booked for next Tuesday were seen repairing by ones, twos Dean Balloch states that there is write for the prems, and more seri thing is very plain to us now, and not enough waer available from GN night, the 14th inst. the very best (Continued on Page Continued on Page 8) ous, to direct Newspaper should we feel for those unfortunate people tun Lake to operate the locks easily every given at the Shed. There will se never be permitted to abuse this, who happened to have been his vie and frequently not enough to handle be a Popularity Contest between ten SPARKLETS nigh privilege, as soon the trust tims. The Editor of the Panama 1traffic. The only thing to do is what (10) of the most live wire and comeed one is discovered the remedy pune is all done for now, as far as they are doing now building a damy looking young ladies of The Girls should be applied without delay, the interest of the very ordinary (By on the Chagres River, which flow Friendly Society of the Church. doubt strongly that the Panama People is concerned, We have into Gatun Lake, to conserve the Aside from this there will be sevcommenced to take it humorous paragraph, ho snapped Tribune will survive the effects of In conclusion, must give the folwater during the wet season for the eral mirth producing diversion seriously. rentle reader, as to what off and wrote down what newspaper its wonted attacks on the President owing bit of advice to the writer of dry.
From start to finish Professor Wal an be the real idea of our contem men of our calibre would call a neat dam had not been stared two ority to tickle the ambitious upholders ottings published of late in jux. is probably known as the Khus khus friends are through with the paper, the whole we must forget melt, we Mr. Bonnet said it was a pity this ter Wood will demonstrate his abil porary who writes the Interesting ittle free advertisement for what of the LE. already sev the Panama Tribune: To be of use eral of its readers, my personal to our community or to humanity on three years ago. An average of nine of the light fantastic toe with his taposition with this classic section, Toilet Water, manufactured in Por they do not believe that the Editor oush not be envious, despotie, conteen boats a day now use the canal. Continued on Page 8)
making such frequent use of Jamai Antonio, Jamaica, and bears an en(Continued on page 4)
ca proverbs and other phrases which dorsement of the Duchess interest in the colored community is Bene for convenience might well be refer York. Ye gods and little fishes!
HERE AND THERE red to as a dialect peculiar to ignor Being in such close proximity, thereant Jamaicans. We have been turn xy within hearing distance of this ing over this thing in our mind for classic column, this conduct of af(By JUNIUS)
ome time and the most logical con fairs is particularly annoying to us. By ELIJAH HUNTER)
There is generally a difference beural standard of the community it. clusion we are able to arrive at is We protest. Buenas dias me amigos. Como es not like my friend Sparklate. am usted? Como las familias. Bueno, nct corpulent, nor imprudent, nor tween idealism and reality, but very welf. Where in Panama do we hear that, with regard to the proverbs, We notice that Hector Connor, me alegro, carahu!
frquently people confuse what is with creat preacher, lecturer, or lawyer, ne possibly has in mind their intro president of the United Negro ImAhora, yo an imprudent. am not fond of dabbling torne Olohe te popote should not belied in these regards, what is the tuction into Panama wan innowa. provement Association of Colon cabeza, en au mana, en la bariga, en mir theology. This latter to the latest poco enfermo. Yo tengo dolor en la in sycology tantology, tautolog.
The question of the cultural standard position in the West Indies. Take ion in the vocabulary of the clerisy: prowing into as as todos parte, cerahu! Well, thatfield Sparkleta has entered, and of children born on the Isthmus of the Boy Scouts movement for in the same manner as the introduc rait bearing, organized business of sounds like spanish, but there is no when read his findings in the West Indian parents. as compared tance, what is the difference social ion on the local concert stage of forts of Isthmian West Indians is with that of children born in the and educationally, at least, be American Negro spirituals, by Mrs. oncerned. Hector, once secretary of Kuarantee that it is. don ruar ould not provent myself from mut West Indies, is now before the ween the officers in the West In Plga King. If this is so, then more one of the local branches of the antee anything, especially in Spanish. tering. King, live for over!
the power to the writer wrist; but we Iniversal Negro Improvement Asso: pre time to be meddlesome in these larn. This ancient axiom is true Yo no comprende. It is a pleasant De more you lib, de more you community, appears to be one of lies and those here (without thene confused issues. There are so lightest desire at disparagement of ire of the opinion that the very high rintion and African Communities many environmental differences behe latter? Will anyone attempt to philosophic value of these proverbs League, broke away from the dic parts, so must enjoy a little of it today it was when spoken. Au it oven to wild away the time, or to the time know Sparkleta, never that would be veritable freak of the opportunity to be lectured often by ciassical literature than some with York a tow years ago and, with someone; but don forget that you can him and the church. Now, know tween the two groups of children. doubt that a group of boys having merits their use in company with more ſtates of the Parent Body in Now till this column with a little non know that there was malle between nature, a monstrosity, if thely de uch officers as the Colonial Secre which they have been infrequently sensible followers, organized the veloped alike in character. If we take ary, or a Supreme Court Judge made to associate in Interesting storementioned united movement. To pick sense out of nonsense.
Lhat he went to church last Sunday Then again, like to be consistent. night for the first time. And look the topography of each locality hould ordinarily develop into better Tettings. With reference to the this UNITED effort has been added alone, which is scientifically held boys and men han the less favored ialect. we can see no other reason several laudable off shoots, one of man who is not consistent cannot how ambitious ho ls. The firet time one of the great agencies at work boys in Panama. And what about for their conscription but that our which stands out prominently be depended upon by anybody who he want to church, be passed the in the determination of character, we institutions of learning the contemporaneous collaborator is model bakery conceded to be capable is unlike himself. He is dangerous pow, and went to the pulpit, then be see a mighty difference. We are now actories for turning out intellectual ninking of conforming his weekly of turning out the best quality bread man. Dangerous when asleep, dan man Inst Saturday, taking the text contemplating nature configurauen? In Panama, there is not one: column into something similar to baked in Paname. Among other out rerous when awake, dangerous at allrom the gospel according to Sparktions and beauties, that appeal to while in the West Indies there are that edited in Barbados some years standing accmoplishments of Hec tiines, yea, like the mule, he is dan reproduced his sermon in the Work tor leadership of the united Ne gerous at both ends. don wish to leta, usual the soul and whisper through the lozens. It is a dogma that character go by Cuffee de Poole.
verse. suspect that pune, or that suggest hardihood and depends upon two things Heredity Which also reminds us that in last groes is his office and statt of be that way, so must live up to Sparklets is going in for the minindependence of chracter; or the end Environment. Heredity is pon veek jottings third paragraph, cierks which are a credit to West the terms of my declaration which istry. If that in so, wish him good absence of such, tending to deprese essed at birth, and is even prenatal: ur contemporary started off to tell Indians in the Republic of Panama. made the other day, that will luck, and my again, King, live with Spaniah.
and dishearten. The theme of The Environment in comprehensive of all. something about an old man who Sparklets congratulates Hector have nothing to do for over!
Distant Hila which was discussed hat is acquired. If it had depended and returned home and, not finding on this signal success, and hopes When am perfect in English, in one of the local papers during the on hereditty alone, certainly the chil his boy, remarked in his native that in spite of opposition he will am still alive and fit, might try it came across a story in an old Jecourse of the week, is spropos of Iren would be alike in both places, dialect as to what extent he intend continue on, growing by way of obtaining some additional maica race book the other day, writthis subject, and one that can be foek for stock; but it is a fact that a to introduce the rod to the fel stronger and strnger after each knowledge. Therefore, disclaim alten by Funny Murray. In that story, more readily appreciated by the it does not depend on that alone. low on his return. Having approach dimmunitive assault, and develop responsibility for the correctamente it was told that an old man and his West Indian born in the West Indies here is no spontaneous vegetation to a point where he was begin nlo a stiu stronger first line repre of any Spanish write.
son went out to the woods to shoot than one born in Paname. Then the matter of character. Please ring to make us feel that he had at tentative West Indian at the crossbirds. When they reached the woods there is the human element the cul. Continued on page 4) last succeeded in giving us really onde of the world. am willing to confess that am (Continued on Page 4)


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