
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD AJ. AMA CA ST. LUCIA A3 ВОИТИДАН Air Service Planned Successful Inauguration Of Child Federation of the Brit.
The Guardian of the 23rd alto.
Wellfare Association says: ON ish West Indian Port of Spain, April 23. The folThe Voice of St. Lucia published the poorer classes; the anguist that lowing is taken from today the following editorial article, asome poor mothers suffer when idad Guardian: From an exclusive short time ago: their infants sicken and die owing EUети, Colonies interview given to the Associated We commend His Hon. to the lack of the wherewithal to obPress representative in Trinidad, we lain medical advice, medicine or Doorly on the successful inaugura nourishments. Many of the causes of lear that the Governor has received hi tion of Child Welfare Associa the high infantile mortality are prein audience Captain Erekenbrack, To Every West Indian Who Is Worth Executive of the Pan American Air.
tion. In a colony that has as many ventable if tackled at the beginning friend said to me the other day, His Salt ways Inc. of New York, a subsidiary needs as we have, we venture to say or early and the Child Wefare As.
SHBA of the Aviation Corporation of the have an old black automobile. means.
Americas known in the United Sought it in 1927. When get out on that the health and lives of the chilociation will supply such To every West Indian whose Soul, they actually influence some people.
position, the lack of interest in is not dead that he to himself we have heard the same arguments States as General Motors of the the road in it feel like a crow dren are of as much importance and Elis Honour anticipated if not op.
airong a lot of bright colored birds. Any and should be the concern of a child Welfare Association. We do hath said, This is my own my native aivaned against co operation in our ITIS Honour was moving on the right not think there will be any lack of land. Do you think an automobile comthe following article taken nidst and they did, for a time, de It has been ascertained on good lines when he emphasized the fact support now that it is fully under from the April number of the Jaceive many.
authority, that Captain Erekenbrackpany could sell me a black autoshat the aims of the Association was stood on what lines the Association maica Critic is published for his or The first thing to be gained is has obtained temporary operating mobile today? They could not! anot to bring a Creche into being is to be run and we would not be ter consideration: that we would reach the Dominion rights for this company for the ter Right there is one reason that that has been tried and did not sucurprised to see others started in There a fount about to stream, such would be ad ritory under the jurisdiction of His lor alarm clocks are going over seed owing to the abuse of it. The other towns in the colony.
status, and as There a light to gleam, mitted, into active and responsible Excellency.
There warmth about to glow, partnership within the Empire. At An Amphibian Plane MC 776 unig. The world has moved. People Child Welfare Association is to establish a Clinie for the benefit be The potentiality of the new born There flower about to blow; present, we are, for the most part, der command of the company chief Want, demand and get color.
of the children whether that benefit babe cannot be measured. Figura There midnight, blackness changing treated as overgrown children, too pilot, Mr. Ormsby, together with an If you need a really dependable De bestowed on the infant before ortively speaking, we may have lost into graynig to be whipped, but only to be observer, is expected at any moment. alarm clock try one of ours, they. e after birth. The high death rate that many a worthy son during the past Men of thought and men of action treated, as all overgrown children he object of this preliminary flight new, different, superior.
was mentioned by more than one of year through St. Lucia high infanclear the way!
are, with a good deal of indifference is purely technical, and observations the speakers is sufficient proof of lile mortality. Certainly we have lost Many profess not to see it, es. and some toleration. Being children will be taken en route as to condiFULLER the need there is of discovering and about 130, which, if they had lived, Jecially those who have tried so we cannot expect to be given much tions, facilities etc. with a view of 122 Central Ave. combatting the cause of this high might have meant hundreds more in hard to make every movement im. esponsibility neither can we expect establishing a regular service.
infantile mortality. place where a la couple of decades.
possible which leads to the goal of the powers and privileges of grown Captain Erckenbrack has also mother will receive free advice on We need more population. It is a united British West Indies. To aps. union of these scattered enti been in consultation with the Colo Cerest to all the islands, it is almost what to do and what not to do to not the correct thing to cry over those who have eyes to see, however, ties would be the anniversary of our nial Secretary, and it is learned inpossible to deal with it in a cokep her baby healthy or to restore spilt milk but it is the wise thing to the signs of the times are un coming of age which would ensure that further negotiations are on perative manner. The West Indies her infant to health, where a train take precautionary measures mistakable, there are momentous for us the privileges, powers and re foot in preparation for the exten Congress recently held at Barbados ed nurse, medical advice, instructions prevent further spilling. The dead days ahead, there the preparation ponsibilities of big people.
sion of the services of the Pan. Thas proven that the solution of this and possibly, some nourishment will pust is dead but now that an attempt of an exodus into the promised land Isolated and weakened in our iso. America. Airways Ine. to Port of is a Central Council which will pass be available, will be of untold benefit is being made to remedy the evil and of West Indian Federation.
Those iation, we are a prey to every condi. Spain. This corporation is at present in all questions of importance to all to the unborn and new generation provide means of preventing further extensively throughout the islands, as a memorable and epoch making West tion and circumstance, and this is operating Indies Conference held in Barbados not lost on the watchful emissaries Central America, the Northern West Conference, was indeed such a Coun have not been brought into contact duty of all citizens to give their unit. The recentMany do not realize, because they mortality among the infants it is the recently were the end of the begin of America who would have the is. Tudies, South America and Mexico. cil, with this great and striking with, the suffering that exists among hearty support.
ning (the dream) and the beginning innds annexed to her. The question and holds United States Govern. weakness that its findings were not of the end (the reality) of the conof annexation to the is, ment mail contracts for countries in binding on any Colony but required their approval individually. Had rummation of a British West Indies however, one hardly worth consider which they operate.
Dominion which has, for some time ing. The great majority of the inP. HOYTE engaged the attention of the most habitants would not agree in any Colony, but only with the Colonies che findings of this Council would of course have been binding on all advanced and farseeing minds amongrase. She has already in dignified as a whole. That was an eye opener THE ARTISTIC The People Colonies.
West Indian leaders.
terms informed America that the in the federation movement to The conference marked the pasa West Indies are not for sale. The. and no doubt forced those interested Therefore! Be ye prepared. FedeTAILOR Tailor ing of the night of dreams and vis next question to be contemplated is more serious consideration of the ration is bound to come sooner or Building 32 ions and the dawning of now day. amalgamation by Canada, a proposi question. Such considerations have later and the appearances are that Now that we have entered upon the certain direction. It does not however forced them to the logical concluit will be sooner than later. One or House Street 12th October St.
the two of these Colonies are prosperous, morning the call goes out to every tion which finds much favour in asion that the only antidote to Panama, Panama right thinking West Indian to be take much consideration to come to West Indies situation is a federation one or two are advanced, but taken prepared.
conclusion that such a solution of those islands under one head on as a unit, collectively, the British The leaders of selfishness and would not mee the case. We have, loll matters which concern the vari West Indies and West Atlantic Coloparochalism in our midst ask what therefore, to fall back on Federation, ous islands as a whole. Our isola nies can not be said to be either as or prosperous as they benefit the union will be to us. They end in this connection our thankstion has resulted in the most insular advanced way we are doing very well by our are largely due to Canada which has spirit is all the islands, and even a ought to be. They will never be so DENTIST HOWELL selves and have no need to join with forced the question on the attention good deal of jealousy which we are long as they remain in their isolaothers who may need our help. And of leading West Indian minds, glad to see is now slowly giving tion; they must ither unite or go unHouse No. 912 La Boca Mattresses Furnished such statements are made quite seri when, in 1926, she refused to nego way. If therefore, there a question der. They cannot afford to go under Canal Zone and Repalced ously. and impossible as it may seem, tiate reciprocity with any individual to be discussed which is of vital in. In this progressive age, they cannot OPPOSITE RESTAURANT afford merey of the unfavourable circumPHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Guaranteed stances and conditions of isolation, Specialises in all Branches of therefore they must unite. To this Dentistry 31st Street Gunchapall end they are advancing and by the ALL WORK GUARANTEED Hoone No 10 time the next Conference meets in RESIDENCE588 London we will be greatly surprised RICKARD SUCCESSOR if the advance has not reached a high state of development.
NEW YORK Monday William Cheese. 81, 175 82, 482 Carey will be named head of MadiLike the Producers Association in Planks hoards Job 45, 524 68, 190 son Gardens succeeding Tex Rickard Jamaica it will come with a sudden Paper, etc. 69, 528 and irresistible rush overwhelming Autonobiles 59, 681 according to a statement made by HA 176, 572 391, 571 che Chairman today.
all opposition and sweeping away all sa 50 obstacles; therefore: Be ye Prepared.
por Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at Sam Manning, The POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM Celebrated Comedian TAILORS Coming To Jamaica To ApHouso 77 Room pear At Palace Movies Start saving now. Open an account with this And Gaiety Theatres.
23rd Street Chorrillo dos ro Bank which, together with its predecessor, The the above captions, the International Banking Corporation, has faithJamaica Mail of the 27th ulto, says: The public of Jamaica will be defully served its West Indian friends on the lighted on learning that Sam Man.
Isthmus for a quarter of a Century.
ning the Celebrated Coloured vocal on Comedian, will arrive in Kingston on PHYSICIAN Monday next to fulfil a contract YTOR with the management of the Palace, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Movies and Gaiety Theatres at PANAMA which he will appear during the No. K STREET COLON bog coming week.
PANAMA CITY (Continued on page 6)
there been a Federated West Indies BAPTISTE a Joseph Mason START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE The sensible man saves consistently. Though his deposits may be small, his is the satisfaction of knowing that he has a constantly growing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings Benjamin Barnett Son per annum is paid twice a year and added eins to the money you already have on deposit.


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