
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh. Quality Unsurpassable Nine Million Women on Industry Payrolls NIMBLEY Co.
Religious Maniac BERNARD ANDERSON Roast Weeks Wire for us and We ll Wire for You Gramaphono Ropairer Baby HOUSE 980 LA BOGA, lectricians and Dealers CANAL ZONE (From the New York Amsterdam Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed News, dated April 10. Wiring, Supplies and Repairs Too much zeal in religion led Mr.
Iris Brown, 1879 Pacific St. BrookTelephone 1059 If you have a Prescription to lyn to burn her baby of eight weeks PO Box 747 Ancon be made up take it to the to death in the home furnace FriNational Pharmacy, Santa Anation to the desire to have the child day. The mother attributed her acNo 8, Stroet Panama Plaza, where you will get courto go to heaven. Belief was expressteous and obliging service od by officials that the woman is deranged.
Mrs. Brown was the mother of four children all under eight years.
She was intensely religious and named the last child Faith, as symbol of her belief in God. On the fatal day she ceremoniously dressed aith in white and told the others to kiss her before she went to heaven.
Joyce, 7, followed the mother to Vihe cellar door and saw her place the little body in the blazing fur.
nace, Clarence Brown, the woman brother in law, who live to the same house stopped in when he came Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK from work and asked the whereabouts of the baby. He was told that Faith had gone to heaven.
Where our customers will receive the usual The man investigated and found the body in the furnace smoldering.
courtesies He called police from the Atlantic Avenue station. Mrs. Brown Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles charged with homicide pending the determination of her mental state.
Nearly nine millions of American rica will force on the business conwomen and girls are painfully em ciousness of the country not alone ployed in American industry. They the inequity in the paying of a lowearn upwards of six billion dollars aer wage to women, but its cost to year. These two figures stand out the country in dollars and cents. It prominently in an article on The has been thought that women in the American Woman at Work by See past have had to put up with a lesser retary of Labor James Davis in wage because employment was open the current number of Nation Busi to them in a few trades only. Now, ness Magazine. He describes the with the opening of virtually every achievement of these millions of line of employment to women, this feminine workers as of the most recondition no longer obtains. Equal markable developments in human ex ay for equal work is the only equitistence.
able policy for employers to fol.
The World War, which took four ow. Clipping.
millions of our men into camps or to the battlefields, created a great WEST INDIES TRADE scarcity of labor and drew women into occupations long thought beCanada, March 23. This wideyond their endurance or skill. Women spread interest in West Indies trade, now can perform nearly any work that a man can do. They not simply in view of the fact that the people are able to do such work, they ac of the islands and British Guiana tually are at it.
and British Honduras desire to en If women skill and productive large their trade with the Dominion capacity, Secretary Davis writes, rives promise of enlarged markets are, welcomed by industry as on a not only for their products in Canrarity with the strength and ability ada, but for our products in the of men, how do the two compare in south. The Maritimes need markets, the important matter of. wages? and here is one which with the new am sorry to say that industry has, teamship service will be brought not been as liberal to the woman much nearer to their doors. In buyworker as to the man. In general the ing more tropic products the wages women receive, even where islands we shall be increasing their the qualtiy and volume of their out purchasing power, and they will put is equal to the men s, range be uaturally desire to buy where they low the wages of men, very much rell, assuming that in the matter of below. According to the Women quality, price and delivery our proBureau, women wages are all the duets can compete Saint John way from 25 to 60 per cent below Telegraph Journal.
the average wages paid men for the same variety of work. This is not Rent Receipt Books in Spanish right.
and English for sale at the Work Sooner or later believe the into herent sense of fair dealing in Ameman Printery.
The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY Dr. JOHN THOMPSON Mechano Therapis No. 36. ANCON AVE.
UPSTAIRS Panama City

    World War

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