
Interesting Jottings THE WORKMAN (Contiued from Page 1)
The Royal Bank of Canada FOR SALE CHEAP they separated and the old man from Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 his point, heard the boy fire many CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, hots. By arrangement, they met in INCORPORATED 1869 the afternoon, and the old man askP. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ed the boy. whey de bud you We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada shoot. The boy replied, ta ta, miss dem. The old man said, buoy, The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS yu too foolish, bring you fe shoot PANAMA COLON tut, but all you do is miss. Ef you THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929.
want fe shoot bud, you mus shoot Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets traight. Ef you don shoot traight, Improve Condition of Coloured Aliens you wase de powda.
First To this advice, suggest that we Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 all say Amen. In our day and time, The April, 1929, issue of Marine Review. the nathere is this same class of boys.
Fond of shooting, but too stupid to tional pubication covering the business of transportation by water in the Uniteu States, carries a lengtny araim first. Just shoot, shoot, shoot.
No matter if not a bird is shot. The ticle entitled Reduce Panama Canal Tol Rates. The With 900 Branches throughout the world, including chier points in the article are, as shown in its heading, pleasure is restricted only to the (1) Revenue now exceeds self supporting basis. 2)
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank grund of the gun, pam! pam! If 10us revision needed. 3) Dual measurement troubleis in a position to render the best possible service.
had to name them, would call them some, and (4) Technicanties cause unfair differences in the pam pam boys.
charges. The article is, of course, inspired by a carefu Antigua Dominica Montserrat study of the annual reports or the Panama Canal during met a little fellow last week who its to years operation, 1914 to 1928, and takes into acBahamas Grenada St. Kitts impressed me as being both serious und humerous. He is about 12 years count and attempts to refute reasons already set out by Barbados Jamaica (2)
the late ex Governor Goethals in 1926 and Governor St. Lucia old. smaller little fellow had just Walker in the annual report for 1928, against former British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique been taught how to multiply, so he suggestions for reduction of toll rates.
thought he woud pull off a joke on Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
this bigger fellow. He said to him, wo points in this article are of special interest to the alien suiver employees. 1) Revenue now exceeds self say, willie. for that was his name)
supporting basis, and (2) Tolls revision needed; anu bet you that you can tell me how they should be considered from the statements containto make four out of two. Willie ed in the Governor annual report already referred to.
THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST pased a while, then replied, can The report states: only tell you, but can show you. The total net revenue from combined Panama PAID ON DEPOSITS Said the little fellow, go to it.
Canal and Panama Railroad operations in the fiscal The bigger fellow. clinching his year was 20, 621, 314. 82, the best showing for any year fist and resting it gently on the to date. The increasing revenues have been made the ocA General Banking Business Transacted.
little fellow lips) growled solemnly casion for proposals tnat the tolls be reduced either on and slowly, Yes, when land this all traffic or on special classes of vessels. Policy in this squarey on these two things of respect is for determination by Congress. It is peryours, will show you how to make tinent, however, for the administration of the Canal to four out of two. Se Senor, so the point out that heavy expenditures are yet due to be little fellows are. Always trying to made for additions and replacements in the plant, for S9, Osmes pull jokes on their bigger brothers the adequate quartering or employees, for suitable reThen the joke is turned on them.
tirement of employees grown old or disabled in this exThe Story of the English Bull Dog acting service; that reductions will benefit foreign vesand the Poole can be made good sels in foreign trade as well as United States vessels in use of in this connection. Adios!
domestic trade. and a lowering of tolls may cripple the internal transportation system of the United States while reducing the Government revenue, with HERE AND THERE offsetting benefits accruing only to limited special interests. in a former part of the report the following is (Contiued from Page 1)
stated: The traffic through the Panama Canal in the fiscal year just closed was greater than in any precedsay nothing about an exception here ing fiscal or calendar year. This statement, made last and there they prove the rule.
year, is repeated for this. Traffic in the fiscal year 1928 was greater than that in the fiscal year 1927 by 18 Well, we are making a monkey per cent in number of commercial transits, 12 per cent out of him now, anyway or rather in net tonnage, 11 per cent in tolls and per cent in he has been making a monkey out of cargo carried.
himself, whichever way you may We believe, after reading these extracts, the spewant to have it. See, this little micial interest attaching to the two points that we have micking animal is swinging by his chosen will be evident to everyone. Of course, the two tail from bough to bough, and is points are not of equal interest to the alien employees.
giving the crowd a lot of free show.
The burden of the article in the Marine Review Isn be funny! But, don forget it. Reduce Panama Canal Toll Rates or Tolis revision he has a lot of tricks too, to play on needed. is only of interest to them to the extent that you if you don keep yur eyes on they should say to the Canal authorities, Well, we have bim. One of his favorite tricks is to an infinitely higher and more equitable claim, and a steal one clothes, a head gear esmore pressing one too, than steamship companies using pecially, and dress himself up in it; the Canal, so before you do anything about meeting or snatch one food; and then climb their demands, please attend to ours. And yet, second50 high that he thinks that he can ary though this point may be, the arguments being used never be reached. If ever you find in favor of tolls reduction must necessarily have a rehim playing that trick on you, just flex favorable influence in the position of the colored don worry and excite lyourself: the alien employees. The primary and major point to these thing is easy. He is afraid of guns, employees is that of the huge profits being made inand will climb down darned quick creasingly by the Canal, from year to year.
if you point one at him. But you Now, what is chiefly responsible for such large need to have a gun.
profits? We should not hesitate to answer the low cost in the employment of the colored alien force. These 72. Carlos Mendoza Street Despite his cleverness, he does not know the difference between a stick people get wages only. Of course, they also get sick time pay at the rate of 50 per cent for 30 days per year; but and corner Javillo and a gun. Just point a stick at him, as you would a gun, and then watch this is not cumulative, cannot be taken, for rest, and him climb down, screetching and never can net any employee as much as 40, considerOPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD fawning to your feet. That a good ing hospital charge of 50 cents a day. They get no vacaformula for handling the fellow famtion leave, and by that means are forced to carry on PANAMA CITY iliarly known as Jack o.
the work against the gold force, who work as relay men, going on vacation for as much as four months at SSSSSSS 53589 a time. They (the silver force) get no railroad or water reduced transportation; they occupy much inferior ANOTHER ATLANTIC SIDE quarters; and in most cases work longer hours than the gold force. These gains to the Canal in the employment COMMITTEE OF CENTRAL Mr. John Neverson presiding. After importance is attached thereto and, of colored aliens cannot be readily computed in figures, BOARD some well thoughtout plans were to enhance the occasion musical (Continued from Page 1)
būt the application of scientific economic treatment to the the subject will place it beyond the pale of mere con Met And Decided to Circularize an heard and discussed, it was decided program to further entertain that all Societies on the Atlantic delegates will be on hand.
Friendly Societies on the jecture.
side from Monte Lirio to the city be coited, we must be earnest and honAtlantie Side But, suppose we consider wages alone in its direct est, and above all, the good of the circularized, inviting them to send The representative the Panama community should be first, and the form. During the year under review, there were 3, 000 COLON. On the night of Tues delegates to discuss somo important Central Board is keeping in touch almighty dollar last. If you are not gold employees and 10, 800 silver. The average monthly wage of the silver was 56. 00. That of the gold was not day at 45 April 30 the Comitems relative to our Unification.
willing to adapt yourself to these regiven, but judging from the fact that very few gold mittee deputed by the Central This meeting is set for the 26th of this with everything for their informa quirements, then don call yourself employees get less than 150 per month, and that their Board to prepare an Agenda met a month, at the United Neroen Hall, tion. Other announcements will fol Editor director, controles, publishers (Continued on Page 5)
the Office of the with street Lane; great low.
or what ever it may be. Good Assortment of Photo Albums ScrapAlbums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
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