
Improve Condition of Coloured Alien RED TANK DISTRICT ASSOCIATION First (Continued from Page 1)
Estend Invitation To West Indians wages range from 80 to about 800, it would be safe Resident at Red Tank and Paraiso to put their average at about 250 per month, conservatively. Now if the whole force were treated alike (or general invitation is hereby extend better, if the whole force were citizens of the United Tank and Paraiso to attend the next ed to all Indian residents of Red States) the increase in wages at 250 per month for regular monthly business meeting of Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern approximately 11, 000 employees would be approximateprinciple of prescribing liberal doses of iron without ly 26 million dollars, after making allowance for mil he Red Tank District of The Pan.
causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains lion already figured in the cost of the silver force at sma Canal West Indian Employees 56 average per month. Then there would be a corAssociation arranged for next Mon per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in responding increase the privileges enjoyed by the day night the 13th instant.
excess of that contained in the more generally presgold force. That increase of 26 million dollars would The meeting will be held in the cribed iron compounds.
wipe out the profit now standing to the credit of the back room of the Red Tank Clubestablishment and create a deficit of millions in addihouse and is acheduled to commence The most recent medical investigations have fully tion. Of course, some one might say it would not require Members are all reminded to pay at 30 sharp.
proved that iron should be administered in much larger as many gold employees to supply the places of the sildoses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poul.
ver. Although we know it is debatable, we might allow up their duen for this year promptly, sen, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmaas the Association has considerable a ratio of to 2: and still, the loss is great.
cology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in But if the wages of the silver force were doubled business to handle. Another financial until the doses of iron applied are so large as to ap brought up to an average of 112 per month, it would matter to be given early considerareduce this profit by only million dollars; and if even behalf of our late Brother Ishmael tion is the paying of Death Levy on parently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, there were but a flat rate increase of 10 cents per hour Chase, Register No. 389, who died Stockholm, has arrived at şimilar conclusions in his or 25 a month bringing the base rate up to 30 cents suddenly on the afternoon of April treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. an hour and the maximum about 125 a month the 29th.
In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no profit would be reduced by only million dollars. Unfortunately, the Governor did not include amongst his The Association is still actively constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when taken before meals.
reasons against the reduction of tolls, the particular in engaged in promoting the interest of terests of the silver employees higher wages, rest West Indian workers and their famIDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmleave pay, and suitable retirement of (silver) em lies on the Isthmus, and it is exployees grown old or disabled in this exacting service. pected that every effort will be made ful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration obbut from the fact of the huge profits that are being to extend all consideration to the served after taking a dose, disappears at once if the piled up, and that of the abnormal contribution to sociaion enable it to discharge dose is followed by a draught of water.
them by the colored alien force, we believe that the the duties imposed upon it with logical inference to be drawn from the clamoring on the greater efficiency.
IDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated part of shipping interests for a reduction in the toll Indian are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
rates, is that the under paid silver force should first be verkers depends solely upon the acIron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN materially improved. As the late Col. Goethals said: tivities and success of the Associa Viewed from any angle, reduction in toll rates would lion, and as the progress of the Asyields results in a short time, comparable to many not result in lower freight rates for the saving would veiation depends upon the support months treatment with preparations, the iron content merely go into the pockets of steamship owners. It is from our people all over the Isth.
of which is much smaller.
certainly high time that the silver employees be justly mus, we must do everything possible considered in the light of the profits that they are that lies in our power to help make FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS bringing into the coffers of the Government, and the the Association a worthly arfi a lastease and convenience that they are affording the gold ng institution as long as we sojourn employees in all directions.
in this country.
The progress of West CRISTOBAL Atlantic Side News Canal Zone Notes to And (By The Straggler) Che acts will portray the eventa narrated in biblical stories concernThe rainy season seems now to being them, and the costumes will be COLON BAPTIST CHOIR AND Choir.
LA BOCA here in earnest. Tuesday night, it like those worn by the Ancient Egyp FINANCE COMMITTEE TO 23. Manasseh and Ephraim. Babies Drummond.
rained with a vengeance. But not tian in the days when Egypt was. STAGE JOSEPH IN EGYPT Director: Mr. Smith.
withstanding the regular showers, it No prophesy is being made as to the On the 14th inst, at p. the Organist: Miss Viola Reid.
CUMBERLAND COLLIDES elimination matches to start with is very warm. Somebody said that food that will accrue to any that atPROGRAMME: WITH AUTO ADMITTED in the next fortnight. The teams, it atter enough rain has fallen, and the tend; but it is stated that certainly, colon Baptist Choir together with TO HOSPITAL is understood, are considering pur. earth gets cool, the great heat will no harm will come to any who elect the Finance Committee, will present March Concord (Bennett) Orchestra.
chasing a small prize to be set up disappear. This is a supposition that to spend the evening of May 21st Joseph in Egypt. a Biblical Drama, in five acts: The Prayer and Opening Remarks Isaac Cumberland of number 971 as a trophy for this occasion. The contains reason. Lets hope it will be at the Colon Baptist Church.
This is a well known Bible Story; Rev. Witt.
Jamaica Prado was admitted to An La Boca teams compose of the Cal. so.
drama is both interesting and edsee the dramatization of this beau Anthem Thou Art Our Fathercon Hospital on Tuesday afternoon ford, Jolly Boys, Atlas, Smith Five ucative.
tiful story of Joseph and his breth The Choir.
inst suffering from a dislocated and Imperial.
The ladies of the Alliance Literary ren. THE DRAMA, Act. shoulder and several bruises of one and debating Society of Cristobal This drama is full of pathos, and Exercises in connecThe brothers Graduation conspire ku cf his arms and hands. Mr. Cumber BISHOP MORRIS TO SPEAK are making feverish preparation for there is no doubt that the writer, Joseph because of his dreams and land, immediately after leaving his AT SONG SERVICE what they call Ladies Night. Lion with the Cristobal Colored Crippin, has given to the public his report of them to Jacob. Reu.
work on the Zone visited Panama This will be on Tuesday night, May School will come off in June next. It a wonderful play.
ben constrains them, and they sell City for a few minutes and was re Bishop Charles Craik Morrs will 21st. They propose to contribute is being talked around by the pupils! There are twelve scenes, and the him to the Ishmaelite merchants.
turning by way of Fourth of July be the principal speaker at the every item on the program. The idea that they are looking forward to setting is partly in Canaan The brethren now deceive Old Avenue and Balboa Road. On making Athenaeum Song Service to be held is to show the men that women can these exercises with great anxiety. partly in Egypt.
cob who concludes that Joseph to thie descent from Fourth of July at the Clubhouse tomorrow, accord do things just as well as men can, have not heard them say why they Everyone who can make it pos torn to pieces.
Avenue, on his bicycle, he, apparenting to announcement made by the and also, that women can outshine are anxious; but it is assumed that sible should visit the Colon Baptist Violin Duet. Village Chimesly, got jammed in the fast traffic Athenaeum Chaplain, George Rich. men in any field it given a chance, they are anxious out of expectancy. Church next Tuesday and see the Bennet. Misses Francia and of automobiles which is peculiar to ards, at last Tuesday meeting of They plan to give recitations, songs, All the members of the graduating Play. There is no doubt that all who Smith.
tris section and ran into the rear that society.
readings, etc. etc. and already, they class to be were present at the ex attend will spend an enjoyablo eve THE DRAMA, Act end of one of the cars which seemhave expressed themselves as being ercises last year, and saw their so ning. Come in and see the Egyptian Pharaoh demande an interprete ed to have made an unexpected slow CARNATION BALL certain that the Ladies Night win niors receive their diplomas. It is and Hebrew characters carry the tion of his dreams from the magidown.
eclipse that of the men which came only natural that when another such story through.
cians, but they failed. The butler Arrangements for the Carnation off some time ago. Male members CAST OF CHARACTERS tells him of Joseph. He sends for IMPERIAL SPORTING CLUB Ball to be given at the Clubhouse on and friends of the Club are anxious occasion is approaching, that those concerned will have a feeling of Jacob Teacher Drummond.
Joseph. Hear how the lad inter TO CELEBRATE Saturday the 18th instant are near for the coming of the date, in order anxious expectancy. It is known that Reuben Miss Doris Black.
pets the King dreami.
completion, it was stated at last that the facts will be established as the diplomas which were given to the Simeon Mrs. Robinson. Cornet Duet Waltz, Little Marie The group of young men of this Tuesday meeting of the La Boca to who can do it better!
first graduating class have created a Levi Teacher Rodriguez. Bennett. Messrs. Hackett town who banded thempelves togeth Athenaeum. This Ball will represent Smith er into a social organization known the semi annual social of the Athe Another matter of moment is the tremendous amount of interest among Judah Teacher Ellis.
19. THE DRAMA, Act ar the Imperial Sporting Club will nneum and promises to be a plonaur preparation for staging of the drama, the pupils of the upper grades, and Issachar Miss Iris Charlton.
Joseph, as a result of interpreting celebrate the club second anniverable affair. Music will be furnished Joseph in Egyph by the people of so, it is not surprising that the little Zebulon Mr. Gibbs.
Pharaoh dreams is now ruler in sary at the Clubhouse on Thursday by the famous Yathmian Syncope the Cristobal Baptist Church. Tues unes should now be anxious to ob 18. Dan Mr. Veitch.
day night, May 14th is the date. tain theirs. Those who remember last. Naphthali Mr. Walters.
Egypt. His brethren visit Reypt evening next in a grand social at tors.
10. Gad Miss Louise Reid.
Those responsible for this affair say year exercises recall the beautiful and he swears they are spins. Folfair, principally dancing. According must, like their 11. Asher Mr. Irvin Hicks low closely the stratagem by which to the Secretary of the Club, Lloyd ST. KITTS AND NEVIS RAISE that all roads will lead to the Bap affair it was, and 12. JOSEPH Mr. Wilfred Reid. he tests them. What a plot! The White, a bevy of young ladies is exA LOAN tist Church on that night. That the children, look forward to a succeedLeonora brethren hurry home and succeed pected to be present. special atpeople will be taken down to Egypting one with great deal of plea, 13. Benjamin. Miss Smith.
in getting Jacob to send Benjamin traction will be the Imperial The West India Committee Cir and be introduced to Joseph. They sare. It is hoped that on that night, 14. Pharoah Mr. Whitting down with them.
Stump. a dance composition by cular honorary correspondent has will see the Egyptian corn and wine the affair will be greeted with a ham.
11. Overture. Energy. Bennett)
Walter Woods of the Isthmian Syn reported that subscriptions were in that they read so much about in the representative attendance as was 15. The Butler Mr. Stephen Orchestra.
Seriptures. They will see Jo the case on the last occasion. It is cepators, which will be played and vited by the Government of St.
sung during dancing Music will be Christopher and Nevis last month seph and 12. THE DRAMA, Act become acquainted also hoped that for that night, the 16. Baker Mr. Gibbs.
with his The brethren return to Exypt.
doings furnished by the Isthmian Syncopa Per a loan of 10, 000 for (a) mail Egypt, rain will please stay away, and 17. The Magician Mr. Tawes. This time they are kindly treated, tors.
and passenger service between st. and also, they will see some of the come upon another day. And it is 18. The Steward Mr. Dul but after they depart, the Steward Kitts and Nevis. b) electric light things that happened to him there. hoped again that the time is not fus.
goes after them for the King BASKET BALL TEAMS TO and cold storage plant for Nevis; very distant when, graduation exer 19. Potiphar Mr. Henry Irving. cup which is found in Benjamip PLAY IN ELIMINATION (C) cold storage plant for St. Kitts; 250, each bearing interest at per cines will have a more practical and 20. Dinah Asenah Miss Lenteen sack. Hear Judah plead with JoGAMES and (d) erection of hire purchase cent per annum from the 1st April, permanent value to those who re Campbell.
seph. See Joseph make himself house for labouring classes in Basse 1929, payable at the expiration of ceive diplomas, viz. that they win 21. Stranger and Servant. Mias known to his brethren, watch the The five Basket Ball teams of Laerre.
40 years from the date of the issue receive diplomas for higher educaGwendolyn Francis reunion of Joseph and his old Boca are preparing to play a series Debentures were to be issued for of the debentures.
22. Zords and Ladies The General Father Jacob.


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