p. 8


KID SALGADO TO MEET CHURCH SERVICES TRONCOSO TOMORRROW Friends ſender Farewell NEURALGINA Ring Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURILGINA Should be in every school to sooihe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY Much enthusiasm is being exhibit ST. PETER BY THE SEA, ed over the exciting bout which is to LA BOCA take place tomorrow between Kia Balgado (Cuban boxer) and Ki Matinskud addr, Nr.
Troncoso of Panama at the Ball Palmer, Lay Reader Church School. Both of these lads have good re Choral Evensong and sermon, 80 cords, and the desire to see the bet pm. The Rector, ter of the two is at high tide. Kid MULCÁRE, Salgado is seeking for recognition in Rector.
Panama, and in order to achieve anything worthwhile, he has to con ST. SIMON MISSION, GAMBOA tend with the reputed Troncoso for it.
Matins, 10. 46. Mr. Me The fistic bout will be no walk Corthy, Lay Reader.
over from the fact that both of these Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. 30 ring giants have something in the. Rev. Mulcare.
shape of a come back upon which Church School, 80 pm.
they can rely, and no one needn J. MULCARE, entertain the idea that getting this Priest in Charge gamne will be one of chance, they both have to be at their wits end.
Promoter Solhas put himself to ST. BARTHOLOMEW S, LAB some inconvenience to secure a CASCADAS match for the Cuban fighter, consequently, the fans should make it Matins and address, 11. Mr.
possible to see this bout which promises to be the most interesting for Bentley Swaby, Lay Reader.
Church School and Confirmation the season.
latent numbers.
St. Paul Church, Panama, Mr. Neeley, the alert and SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION genial secretary of the La Boca Rev. Nightengabe, Clubhouse, will be in a position to Rector satisfy the most fastidious patron 30 am. Holy Communion. The at the counter.
It is the consensus of opinion that 10. 16 Matins. Mr. Atthe prices of admission are within woll.
the popular line, and can therefore 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and xe taken advantages of by any who is a real brick in sportadom.
Sermon. Thd Rector.
Bear in mind the date May 14, Prelude Ave Verum Haydn.
1929, and the place the La Boca Hall Communion Service in Play Shed, and the hour, 80 Introit Psalm 9a.
Hymne (A. and 148, 147, 587, 801.
Offertory. Let The Righteous Be Glad. Baines.
Postlude in Chopin. 00 Church School. Mr.
Cragwell. 00 Thanksgiving Service tör 80 Choral Evensong and rermon.
Prelude. Monastery Belle Wely.
Hymns (A. and 804, 160, 148.
Psalms 46, 47.
Magnificat Robinson in Major.
Nunc Dimittis, Boyce in Offertorty. Lift Up Your Heads.
Postlude March Harris.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
Continued from page 1)
and threes on the evening in ques: tion, till well assorted contingent of the Cambridge intimate friends had assembled to do justice to a well joyed function After one or two preliminaries and all was duly set for the evening tatertainment, Mr. Cambridge in a few well chosen sentences addressed the gathering, calling upon Dr. Todd, Attorney at Law to per form the duties of Toast Master for ubo QOCASION Our amiable and popular doctor abundantly vindicated the expecta tions of all present in the pleasun his witty and humorous speech gave the gathering, and as it advanced in its brilliance and pleasantness making for the complete enjoyment of all, the points be made being characteristic of the witticisms of a clever lawyer.
Speech Makers and Toasters Among the various speech makers and toasters, the following were called on to toast the host and host08 Nr. and Mrs. Cambridge by Toast Master Dr. Todd in the order stated: Messrs. Parker, Will kina, Ogle, E. Cherry, Roberts. Bobbs. Reid, Hector Connor, Babylis.
The foregoing gentlemen all told in glowing terms of the unproclaimed usefulnew in the community, as well as the unpretentious manner in which he Mr. Cambridge as sucdestul business men goes about Nene in the most modest manner Imaginable. Tey also told of how Irom actual knowledge, they could tell of how the good gentleman at all times make it suit him to respond to the call of persons in distress, always ready and willing to share the joys and Sorrows of his people in the community.
Lack of space forbids covering some of the main and very interest ing points made by the several toasten, all in honour of the occasion whereon useful citizen and his betterhall are considered worthy of the honour demonstrated.
The following complete list those invited and who rallied to the Cambridge farewell party speake for itselt: Dr. Todd, Dr. Small, Mesars. Gittens, Winter, Tom Burton, Vogle, Williams, Batchellor, Ogle, Baylise, Cherry, Roberts, John Reid, Parker, Mr. Parker jr. Pilgrim Wilkins, Hector Connor, Teacher Webster, Polk, Jas Facey, Arthur Taylor, Lawson as guest and Director of the Atlantie Orchestra, whose sel eet music made the four hours reg.
ular entertainment glide by all too quickly to remind a fellow that some eleep was a necessity, Refreshments The refreshments which were wont to be characterized as a light supper and were more than heartily partaken of contained such a large supply of solids as deny the name attached. They were however disposed of by polished appeties and convivial spirita.
Recitations Among the contributions to the entertainment might be mentioned two recitations by Master Osborne Querlins, one of the pupil secretaries of the Firm of Cambridge Eagre, the latter of which, the Spanish Champion and the eloquent manner in which Master Quarliss delievered it merited much praise. Then there was a fine recitation by Mr. Bayliss substituted by him for his speech.
It le poultive that the Cambridgele trip has already begun to show its effect in the good wishes and the brightness of the send off a precursor of what is to follow in the various European countries planned to the Cambridge Itinerary.
Going to the Mother Country Fest ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN WE OFFER of EXCELLENT PRICES FOR ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO, The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 46 a. Holy Communion and Sermon. 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction. 80 Brentong and Address Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction. 80 Evensong. Mr.
Richards, Catechist.
AT HOWARD UNIVERSITY (Contined from Page 1)
reed of more books on the subject of medicine, although recently several valuable volumes have been added. The library is a branch of the University Library, with a full time librarian, Mrs. Josephine Morton, who received her training under ProLessor Williams, University Librarian.
Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge will sail from Cristobal today on the Ariguani for Bristol, England, whence they will join the family of the late in London, and where after spending some time they will tour France ete.


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