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PRICE CENTS Royal Proclamation Dedication Service Signeil by King new ensure my at Big Affair General Bramwell OF NEW OR GAN AND CHANCEL AT PARAISO MAY POLE DANCE AT KENNELWORTH Booth Honoured The Wesleyans are to be on fete on Sunday at the Paraiso Church.
Thursday Next, May 23rd At Meeting of Privy Council TerKing Appoints Him to CompanionThe Organ long looked forminating British Parliament has arrived and is to be dedicated The May Pole Dance and Picnic ship of Honour for sacred uses. new chancel has which will be held at Kennelworth cable despateh from London, countries in their determination to also been constructed and is univer Park on. Thursday, May 23rd (next London, April 29. General Bram. Council, said it would give him the dated May 9, states that Parliament co operate for the peaceful settle sally approved. The service of de week) promises to be one of the big well Booth was lying on his siek bed incentive he really needs maybe an concluded its actual labours todayment of international questions both dication will commence at pre sest affairs to take place amonglat Hadleywood this morning when incentive which will result in his rewith completion of the necessary in the Far East and in the world ateively on Sunday and the officiat. the people of the West Indian com his wife pointed to an envelope on curning to the leadership of the Arfinancial measures.
ing Ministers are: Rev.
his breakfast tray and said: my, Tomorrow it will be formally dis hope. the message continues) Wade, who will represent the munity in many kyears. It is from the King message Do not believe for one moment solved, and members will proceed to events in China will continue to Wesleyan Methodist Missionary So Twenty bonnie lassies will do for you.
the fight is no longer on, she said.
their constituencies to fight the show improvement and gradual pro riety and the Rev. Cousins, and the May Pole Dance, dressed in the The former Salvation Army lead it still is, and think can say that election campaign.
gress towards more stable condi the Rev. Sandiford of Bocas not beautiful costumes. er, thin, pale and weak after eight when the General once more appears The general election takes place tions. am glad it has been possible del Toro. After the solemnities of nofths of illness, murmured, Read on the platform the rank and file of on May 30th. It is expected the new for full recognition to be accorded this dedication are over a sacred this in itself will be a feature of it my dear.
the Army will proclaim their leadl arliament will be summoned by the National Government established uncert will be presented in which sufficient attractivenes to June 26th when the speaker will be at Nanking and for my Government everal well known and accomplish the attendance of a large crowd; and Then Mrs. Booth smiled and reader.
and members sworn in. to conclude a treaty recognising the ed artistes are to take part. These the fact that the Isthmian Syncopa. Just come from 10 Downing Street: versy, Salvationiste all over England the following lected message which had Regardless of the recent contro( here will be another brief vacation principle of complete tariff au include Mrs. Olga King, Mrs. Doris tors will furnish the music will go nefore actual business begins. Then tonomy. Owing to the uncertain sit Reece, and Mr. Lewin Dottin. The further to enhance the amusement. have the honour to inform you were rejoicing tonight over the royal at the Prime Minister request that gesture to their former General. The it will depend upon the results of uation in Afghanistan and the ab latter will play on the new organ.
Doors will be open at p. and the King has been pleased to ap feeling was that the King not only the general election whether the sence of settled government, my The program is an excellent one. Adpresent government will remain in representative was withdrawn from mission 25e, and 10e. The proceeds o clock will be crowning of the queen ber of the Order of Companions of long services, but had helped to the function will commence at prove that you be appointed mem had recognised General Booth lifefice for a further five years. Kabul at the end of February. It is are for the alterations and for the of the festival.
King Speech on Pro Rogation earnest hope that (internal organ fund. We hope to see friends soothe the wounded feelings which London, May 10th (Rugby Wire peave may soon be restered) and a from Panama with us. The Rev. ular and well within the reach of glasses so he could read it himselt. meeting.
The prices of admission are pop Mrs. Booth gave the General his have lingered since the High Council less) Both Houses fo Parliament government established acceptable to Cousins will preach at Paraiso at all.
met this morning to hear the King the people generally with which my 11 and the Rev. Wade at He read it slowly: then, turning to General Edward Higgins, the speech on prorogation which brings Government will be able to resume 80.
Tickets will be sold at the door. ward his wife, said: new leader said the whole Army the session to a close. This afternoon friendly intercourse. My Govern am pleased because can see, would be delighted at the news and the existence of the present Parliament have continued to press for rethat you are pleased. But we must sent a message of congratulations to ment itself will be terminated by aduction of armaments in consulta HERE AND THERE not think too much of earthly things. the General.
Royal proclamation signed by the tion with other governments This is an honour, not for myselt, The Order of the Companions of King at a meeting today of the Geneva. New hope of an early set(By JUNIUS)
but for the Army. only wish Honour was founded by the King in Privy Council at Craigweil House. tlement of the question of further were in better condition to make use 1917 for men and women who had have been tempted many times office of the Director of the school.
The new Parliament will be sum naval disarmament has recently 3? it.
rendered conspicuous service. Those moned for June 25th for election of been given by the speech of the to jump into this fray and give When the youngster got wise to the Later his physician, Dr. Ernest who belong have the right to use the a speaker and the swearing in of the United States delegate, there of Wallop, but am glad have been ontract that on course of consum Wardlaw Milne, visited the old Gen letters, after their names.
members but the formal opening will which my Government were not slow able to keep from doing this. mation, he just said to take place on July 2nd.
to express their appreciation. Seven Friends, you know how it is to con nothing doing. for he straightway had been a wonderful tonie for the ot Landsdowne, Frederick Delius, himselt, eral and said the news of the honour The members include General Smuts, Viacount Burnham, the Marchioness The King speech today was members of your two Houses to tend with a fool. If you be not care tore off his clothes, kicked every patient.
road at the House of Lords by the whom eighteen months ago issued ful he will make you look like a fool thing within reach of his little feet, the blind composer, and notable reLord Chancellor. In the section of it a commission to enquire into the Mrs. Booth, still unreconciled to ligious leaders. It is strictly limited too. It is very evident that this even his dad hat that was lying on her husband removal by the High to fifty members.
dealing with Foreign affairs, refer working of the existing system of character has been a perplexity to ence is made to the ratification on Government in India, have now com the world for long ages. Even the a chair, and raked so much dust that March 2nd of the Kellog Treaty and pleted the first part of their task. wise man Solomon was perplexed by the surprised director quietly deto the visit of the Duke of Gloucester They have visited India twice to achim, if we are to believe the state clared the contract off, so far as he THE OPEN FORUM to Japan with the mission of con quire information and collect evidment that the book of Proverbs was concerned. But his father was We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed in ferring the insignia of the Order of enee for the purpose of their enwas written by Solomon, for we find not to be beaten, for he took his the Garter upon the Emperor as a quiry. They have enjdyed the co nim spending a this column.
good deal token of my high regard for His operation of committees of the prothought on the fool, even to the point charge back to the Zone, lodged him at Imperial Majesty and as a pledge of vincial Legislatures as well as that of bewilderment. These are some of a police station for safekeeping, and Colon, 5 29. dian) business, have decided to rethe friendship which unites our two (Continued on Page 5)
the things he has to say about this on the following day transferred him to the Editors fuse to publish any further commucharacter: It is better to cast to Commander Watson Institute. Sir: nication on the subject. This is why millstone about one neck and fall just want to take off my old head Please give publicity to the fol he expects to hear from me no more.
into the sea than to contend with a rag to this humble father, for the lowing for the good it may do. He has promised to write once more fool. Even though a fool be told guts he had shown in this case: Comrades in labor, a little while on Laborer and close the affair, but (By FULLER)
that there is a lion in the way, he more power to him, man after my ago began an agitation for a cont want to call attention to the fact If you have never flown in an air) Th filtration plant, the locka, the will not believe. He shows also that own heart. Yes, sir ee, there are too ference among West Indians resident that he has not said one word in his plane then you still have one of the Culebra cut, the Gambon bridge, the he is a meddler in the affairs of many weak kneed fathers (or so in the Isthmus for the purpose of defense. The tactics of attacking other people, and a maker of strife. called fathers) around this here cevising ways and means to better someone else, which was designed to greatest thrills of your life in store. trains crawling along in both direc. But here is where the wise man dump, anyhow it it full time to in cur economic condition, which would turn public gaze from himself has You may rave about the scenic tions, the ships plying to and from ultimately raise our social standing. failed, and the publie is still waiting beauty of Isthmian vistas and the the seven seas, the myriads of little bewilderment is manifest: he has traduce a new breed. was diverted from my original pur to hear from him; neither his abuse marvels of the great artificial waislets in the waters of the placia siven two counsels about answering Say, a few days ago met an old pose to break a lance in defence nor sarcasm is sufficient under the terway, which you have viewed by Lake Gatun, the well laid out Chin the fool Answer not a fool acrail. auto, or from the deck of a ship nese vegetable gardens at Gatun, the cording to his folls, lest thou be Fortune Island friend of mine, whom of our organization. charged the existing circumstances, the position going through the canal, but if you fol French Canal cut, the breakwa like him. Answer a fool according had not seen in many years, had party attacking it with insincerity, he is occupying being too important havn had an opportunity to see it ters and the flight over both ter to his folly, lest he be wise in his known this chap as a mere kid on and thwarted his desire to call the for us to be satisfied with euch. So never written he must come out with his defense, all from the air, then m telling you minal cities were among the many own conceit. Here must appeal the old French dock at La Boca, in conference. He has folks yo ain seen nuthin yet.
to one of our learned theologians to the days of such men as Hunt, Clark, one word in defense of the accuse or the public may pronounce another impressive and interesting sights.
in navorable sentence on him, and Leaving at a. sharp last Wed. Leaving at p. the return trip clear this puzzle for me, as it is like Horton Bowen, Joe Haynes, DeLeon, tion, but proceeded to meddle ly some commentator has dealt Jim, Martin, and Charlie and John what was not his business, and now, this time it may be severer.
nesday aboard the seaplane of the was equally enjoyable after having)
am Moss too. At that time this kid was in his issue of the 5th instant, he would like to advise the gentleIsthmian Airways Inc. in company spent the day in Colon and Gatun with this knotty problem. stumped.
trying his hand at running trucks. has the audacity to tell us that man that in the future when writwith Mesars. Wm. Johnston, Pitter. combining business and pleasure.
Well, when they (the big people) have been driven to my hole and ing, he should think a little before Our maximum speed was 110 miles son, Maitland, Goff and Patrick the At the juveniles again! How can declared the old French out of date, that you will never hear anything writing, mis past understanding per hour, altitude 15. 000 feet, time plane taxied from its moorings we forget them if we have the cor it seemed that this kid left for from me any more.
to find how a person can state, that 25 minutes.
Balboa then headed north and glided rect view of things? Here is a tough pastures new, for missed him. So Well, here am again to expose he is the subject of an unprovoked ont of the water so perfectly that it! Special mention must be made of one! He was expelled from a Zone apon meeting him the other day, the method by which he expects to attack by someone who is writing was almost unnoticeable. Then we Mr. William Johnston the life of school last week for being incor said, Hello, fellow, where have you shut up Laborer. understand in defense of another. It seems he got our first thrill the feel of the the party. and who arranged this rigible. He is just 14 years old. His been all these years? Oh, was that he took the management of the cas gone stark staring mad. But air which was very pleasant, the enjayable trip. His happy and sten father decided to enter him at the in South American. he said. Do Star and Herald to court and forced what has made him so? Sometimes plane riding smoothly, and soon torian voice seemed to have attraet trade school up Calidonia Road, paid you know there? Well, said, Too them to disclose the name of the when a doctoris examining a roads and railroad tracks though ed the hosts of friends in Colon who the entrance fee, and on the follow had, you do not yet know where you author of the articles, and that they patient to locate and diagnoze his quite distinct seemed like mere rib gave us such a big hand, and the ing morning took him out for a ride had been. Perhaps, was wrong; being naturally not interested in complaint, the patient yields or bons on the earth surface. Continued on Page 8) in a jitney, finally winding up in the but don think so.
what may be wholly our (West In. Continued on Page 8)
of First Impression of Air Travel at


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