
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS BARBADOS Willard Clocks JAMAICA TRINIDAD Proposes The Qualification Necessary for Voting FULLER half acres are There are some man RECORD MADE BY JAMAICA BANANA ASSOCIATION The Iurf Club The Jamaica Mail of the 4th Inst.
says that for the first time in the Reviving The Breeders Stakes Indies there is no reason why the history of the banana industry of and the Trinidad Derby Trinidad Breeders Stakes and the (From The Barbados Advocate. in receipt of a salary of 50 uer anthis island, three ships have been Derby should not be very attractive num, or be a barrister, solicitor, phycaded in one week by one organizaThe Guardian of April 14th states features as turf prizes, quite apart One of the Editors of the Barbe sician, surgeon, or or a tion, viz. the Jamaica Banana As that the Committee of the Trinidad From the honour which attaches to dos Advocate writes: bona fide lodger in a house rated at buciation, for direct shipments to Turf Club proposes to revive the wie breeder of the best creoles of the We have had a full perhaps 1250 per annum and paying not less the markets of England, Canada and Breeders Stakes and the Trinidad rear. It is proposed to make a start might say a hectie week and feel than 15 a year. The land qualificathe United States.
this year so that the yearlings of Derby. Such a decision is eminently 3928 will be the animals taking part romewhat like the walrus. tion shows, as well as anything else, This remarkable event occurred The time has come. the walrus the stupidiy of the regulation. DurSUITABLE FOR LIBRARY during this week the Jamaica alculated to enec urage the horse in the Breeders Stakes of 1929, and oreading industry which is the ulti tre Derby of 1930. The races will be said, ing the war years a sixteenth part STUDY OR DESK settier, fruit for the English market, of an acre was worth a year, and e Canadian Hunter for the usate goal of racing in every country en to creole horses, thoroughbred To speak of many things; There is an air of grace and ele. Canadian market and the Ceiba where the sport obtains. Like other and half bred sired and foaled in but nothing equals in importance it any owner of such a small parcel branches of sport, horse racing was e British West Indies and British the Representation of the People Act or land had been bold enough to res sance reminiscent of Colonial Days for the American market.
The quantity of bananas shipped and it was not until 1920, when theirge as it is certain that other racheavily hit during the war period Guiana, and the fields should be which is sadly in need of some rester he could not have been refused. about Willard Type Banjo Clocks prirs to make it workable. Few per In these days of low prices a half that appeals to people of culture. on these vessels total approximately sons outside Barbados would believe acre barely suffices to give the These clocks are high grade and 166, 427 bunches. The Jamaica Set Trinidad Turt Club inaugurated ang centres will be attracted by the that in this 20th century, and in a cualification. It is clear, therefore, reliable, while the cases are of the ler, sailing this morning, carries system of the regular purchase of prize offered.
bloodstock in England for disposal lo16, 600 stems, the Canadian Hunter, country, too, which boasts of its free that the right to vote depends not best craftsmanship.
which sailed from Port Morant ocally that interest was again infused representative institutions, there is on the possession of land, but on the Also a new assortment of other Wednesday direct to Canada carried into the grand game. That policy of CANON DOORLY WAS BORN a statute which makes a distinction price of sugar, and a man may lose will surely meet 44, 000 stems, and the Ceiba for importing bloodstock has set the IN JAMAICA between an agent or upper servant and regain his qualification in the fine clocks that which also sailed on game of racing alive, but more than and a domestie or other menial ser came year. In other words the quali your every requirement in the home New York, Wednesday, had on board 37, 827 that, it has resuscitated the horse vant. Yet anyone who cares to exert fication does not depend on a stake or office at Trinidad, April 22. With regard slems.
breeding industry as a goodly pro himself will find this obvious relic of in the country, as the elderly polislavery in sub section of section 3ticians are so fond of telling us, but It is very interesting to note that portion of the importations were fill to the resignation of Canon Doorly of the Aet. Surely it is a reflectione purely arbitrary. It is time that besides establishing this record, the lies which are descended from racing from the Priesthood, it is with pleaon the whole community, and more we brought a little commonsense to 122 CENTRAL AVE.
quantities of bananas which the Ja stock of more than average ability are that we announce that Canon especially on our legislator, that this bear and would suggest that it maica Banana Association are ship in England and Ireland. With the Doorly is a West Indian.
He was born at Up Park Camp, distinction should be legal ninety would greatly simplify the Revising tisans, a fact which should shock the ping for its members are increasing passage of time a number of thor Jamaica, on Trinity Sunday, 15th week by week.
onghbred mares which have retired five years after emancipation. The Officer duties and remove a dis political sense of the community. June 1851.
from the turf are now available and whole section is indeed unnecessary tinet grievance of the small holders man who is intelligent enough to lay He was trained for the Anglican it the qualification was granted to the Trinidad Guardian on October Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and should be deleted. But it is only levels and to raise perpendiculars 7th in a special article by Ministry at Codrington College, Barone of many provisions which should the owners of a half acre of land should also be intelligent enough to and English for sale at the Work East pointed out that it was im bados, and was ordained Deacon and No objection can be taken on the suffer the same fate or at least a make a mark on a voting paper.
man Printery.
perative to reinstitute the Trinidad Assistant Curate at Trinity Cathechange. It is not easy to discover ground that some people who wax Derby in the interest of he horse dral Trinidad, in May 1877. Since why man who is earning eighty valueless, for the land tax is levied profane about the folly of managing dollars a month is fit to be a legisla impartially on arable, pasture or public business by counting heads, The Judge remarked that the post gratifying to find breeding industry. It is therefore then he has been Priest, Chaplain, that the Turl Canon, Rector, Rural Dean and at tor when who is getting other land, and one half acre for the but as a firm believer in the rights Registrar Provost Marshal was Club have fallen in with the suguimes Vicar General.
seventy five is deemed unfit to alt purposes of taxation is the same as of human personality know of no one of the plums of the Legal Civil gestion. Doubtless, they have been another. The great principle of no better way of reaching sound deci Service, and that Mr. Roek was sin influenced in this decision by the Jubilee as a Priest was being markIn May 1927, when his Golden around the horseshoe table. Yet a salary of eightly dollars is the stat taxation without representation sions. whole people is seldom forely to be congratulated on having fut that the Government have re led by a special service at St. Paul utory minimum for a man to qual should be made to apply in this island wrong, declared Burke, and never obtained such a position. In his opin ceived from Lord Derby, Daddy, al Church, those who were intimately ity for the House of Assembly has it applies in other parts of the intentionally so, and contend that in the reward was well deserved by nigh bred stallion whose services acquainted with his life work pubhe has not been blessed with broad King Dominione.
ſecunting heads is better than strik freason of consistent application and have been eagerly sought by breed cly agreed that his has been use.
acres. Surely we may leave it to the The Income Qualification ing them. The Bishop on hard work alike in Montserrat, Antiintelligence of voters to select, fit Monday night pleaded to give the ſeua and Dominica. He (Mr. Justice ers, since his arrival in the colony. ful career.
The high income qualifications is Having regard to the number and And if he is to be remembered and proper persons to represent artisan an oportunity to take his Noble) could bear testimony to the (Continued on Page 7)
them without establishing such also indefensible. It is palpable place in the political life of the coun. eificient work done by Mr. Rock du the quality of stallions in the West ridiculous standard.
anomaly that while a man in receipt try.
ing the last two years, and he wishA Lower Franchise of 30 a year in Grenada is allowed ed the new Registrar many years of to vote, a man with the same inBut after all the greatest injustice come is prohibited from exercising SUCCESS OF BARBADIAN wefulness in the distinguished post HOYTE which he now held.
is the high qualification demanded this right in Barbados. As a good The Crown Attorney rose on beThe People before a man is allowed to vote. Barbadian contend that the qualifiTHE ARTISTIC Before the commencement of businalf of the Bar of Dominica to enray nothing of the injustice of bar cation in this island should be lower ness in the Summary Jurisdiction ring all the intelligent women of the than elsewhere for we can knock Court on April 2nd (at which all dorse the Judge remarks. Mr. TAILOR Tailor community, for the women are or spota off our neighbours in the mat the members of the Local Bar ac Shand expressed his belief that the ganizing for themselves; and when ter of intelligence and general educa tually in Rosenu were present) His duties of the Registrar had been conBuilding 32 women begin to organize nothing tion. But for the sake of uniformity Honour Mr. Justice Noble alluded to fided to capable hands.
House M Street 12th October St.
can stop them. But under the present should be content with a 30 fran the appointment of Mr. Milton Mr. Theodore Cools Lartigue (who Panama, Panama law a man must be either the owner chise. The existing qualification dis Roek as Registrar of the Supreme has now resumed work as a practisof land of the annual value of or franchises eighty per cent of our ar Court writes the Dominica Chronicle. ing barrister) also spoke. He said that Mr. Rock came of a good West Indian stock, his father being held DENTIST HOWELL in high esteem, and his brother an House No. 912 La Boca Joseph Mason able Judge in Ceylon.
Matisse Canal Zone Furnished Mr. Lockhart said the promotion und Repaired was well deserved, since Mr. Rock OPPOSITE RESTAURANT was an artist in the sense that he PHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Guaranteed Soved his work, and excelled in its Specialises in all Branches of technicalities.
Dentistry 21st Street Gaachapali Mr. Alex Lartigue also congra ALL his deposits may be small, his is the satisfacWORK GUARANTEED Hoone No 10.
tulated Mr. Rock praising him as RESIDENCE538 tion of knowing that he has a constantly growa an efficient officer who knew his job.
ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings The new Registrar (who was Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at visible affected by this publie appreciation of his services) made a suit4 per annum is paid twice a year and added able reply, Mr. Rock is a Barbadian POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM a son of Mr. Abraham Rock.
to the money you already have on deposit.
TAILORS BARBADOS LOYALTY House 77 Room The Barbados Weekly Herald of April 6th says. The House of As23rd Street Start saving now. Open an account with this Chorrillo sembly passed the following resolution on Tuesday. That His Excellency the Governor be requested to convey to His Majesty the King an fully served its West Indian friends on the assurance of the loyal devotion of the House of Assembly and the peoIsthmus for a quarter of a century.
ple of Barbados to His Throne and PHYSICIAN Person, and an expression of their heartfelt thankfulness to Almighty HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO God for the improvement in the health of His Majesty and of their No. K STREET PANAMA COLON fervent hope that he may be mainPANAMA CITY tained to a complete recovery. BAPTISTE START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE The sensible man saves consistently. Though Benjamin Barnett Son Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithDr. Fairweather THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK


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