
PAGE THREE Curb Negro Birthrate, Is Warning Cry of Professor Holmes Singers Drilled Like Troops PANAMA HARDWARE The United States Choir at Albert Half (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OFCompulsory birth control to modify whatever procedures are found efwhat he termed the menace to the fective might well be applied to de white race of increasing Negro pop termine the proportionate represenulation was advocated recently by tation of its component racial eleProfessor Samuel Holmes, nation ments.
ally known authority on eugenies In other words, in countries and author of biological texts, speak where incomers through birth are ing at University of California.
subjected to numerical restriction, it Holmes, professor of zoology at might prove feasible to introduce a the University of California, made mnota ystem.
the suggestion during the course of Professor Holmes said he believed the annual faculty research lecture diffusion of Negro blood by interdelivered prior to the university Lixture with white was taking place charter day exercises.
much more rapidly than statistics Asserting the Negro population of disclose. Any set of statistics tendthe United States is rapidly apling to show the Negro race is inproaching that of the white, Profes creasing more slowly than the white sor Holmes declared that contrary to is faulty, he insisted.
opinions of many recent writers, the The colored birth rate is higher Negro population of the United than the white, he declared. The Ne.
States will present an increasing to death rate is rapidly decreasing problem in years to come. through acquired immunity to respiQuote on Births ratory diseases, and the negro popSuggesting that, in effect, childulation is rapidly overtaking that of the white, he added.
birth be placed on a quota basis, the quota to be determined by racial oriPointing out that primitive peogin, Professor Holmes warned that ples have many imes adopted reonly by such method can Negroesstrictive measures on iheir own popand whites in this country continue ulation, by exposing children to die to grow side by side as separate and by killing the aged and unfit, racial entities without complete in Professor Holmes concluded with termixture.
the warning that civilized man Ever increasing Negro births in may be compelled to adopt means of this country will form an added in preventing population growth if he contive for nation wide adoption of would escape the terrible penalties birth control measures which will which overpopulation brings in its Jimit population of both Negroes train. He cited China and India as countries where such conditions are and whites under a quota system prevalent.
comparable to that now limiting immigration from foreign countries.
said Professor Holmes.
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London, April Sixty men and women, all dressed in white surplices stood on a raised platform at the Albert Hall yesterday afternoon and raised an audience of between 3, 000 and 4, 000 people to enthusiasm by the sincerity and beauty of their singing. They were the Dayton Choir, of Ohio, who were making their first Toppearance in London.
They sang from memory and withont accompaniment music by Palestrina, Lotti, Bach, Grieg, and Dvorak, and a group of specially arranged zpirituals. Their conductor was Dr.
John Finley Williamson, who seven years ago founded the music school where they were trained.
The choristers, showing remarkable discipline, marched on the platform like well drilled troops, formed up and followed their conductor with astonishing precision.
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COLONIZATION SCHEME INQUIRY BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue Mr. Andrews en Route Halifax, May 2nd. Mr. Andrews, an interesting figure of International prominence, arrived in the city last evening en route to British Guiana. Mr. Andrews will leave by the Lady Hawkins on Friday night for British Guiana where he will investigate on behalf of the Indian Government conditions regarding indentured labour there.
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