
Interesting Jottings THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 102, Ancon INCORPORATED 1869 We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS COLON THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929.
PANAMA Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Total Assets in Excess of 926. 000. 000. 00 Friends and Countrymen: am here again. suppose you are all there. This week, have two things of real interest to tell you of. They ure discoveries yes, startling discoveries. have discovered two ani.
nials, one the Iteh Ass, the other the, Jack Ass. The former is located on the Pacific side, the latter on the Atlantie. definition of the Itch Ass might help you to get an idea of what kind of an animal this is.
He is an animal afflicted with an e uptive disease of the heart, caused by some parasite. This parasite infriets on the brute an interminably teasing desire, and gives him an irritating sensation which torments and perplexes him. He is a quadruped.
Like the rest of animals of the some species, he brays. This charactoristic, as you know, is inseparable from all asses. To illustrate how this Itch Aas brays, If some one says. Our Father. he brays saying, You are a liar, you have no father. If another says, soul is my own. again he brays. That soul is not yours, it belongs to John over yonder. And so forth, and so on. The itch is on him always. He ll never stop. He can t, in fact. So, here you have animal Number one, and he is un the Pacific side.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank is in a position to render the best possible service.
Montserrat St. Kitts Antigua Bahamas Barbados British Honduras Guadaloupe (2)
Dominica Grenada Jamaica (2)
Trinidad (2)
British Guiana (2)
St. Lucia Martinique THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS General Barking Business Transacted.
OUR ONLY REMEDY The West Indian community in Paanama is lying stricken with diseases of one kind and another. It has been in this condition for inany many summers. For a long time it had not been conscious of this condition, and hau consequently been conducting itself like a healthy, well nouris eu anu well ueveloped being; but within recent years, prmcipalay because of being shunned as diseased and injectious and therefore undesirable of association, by the healthy or partiy healthy communities, it has gradually been showing some concern about its unhappy condition. With this sense of the danger it has been writhing and squirming and groaning in pains, pleading and whining and complaining about its lot, apparently with the hope that help win come from above and it will be rescued thereby. In the meantime, it is intensifying its own agonies, and is creating more disgust on the part of the other communities; for as is well known, even when there is genuine sympathy with one who cries in agony, there is nevertheless attendant horror and embarrassment it the crying be protracted, especially if the one in pain be supposed to be able to help itself.
This picture that we have drawn of the condition of our community is, in our mind, clear enough to arrest the attention of everyone and to require no explanation as to the matter to which it points. For instance, from time to time we complain about discrimination against us in wages; against unfair treatment in many civic affairs; about undesirable conditions with private schools and their teachers. These are some of the things that our picture is intended to portray, in all of which we have failed to apply the remedy. The saying has become trite that heaven helps those who help themselves. This then is the remedy Self help.
This is not a new remedy, but there is a new way in applying it. The physician invariably indicates on his prescriptions how they are to be used how often and in what quantities, and so forth, and sometimes he even shows that a prescription is to be taken only when the trouble is on according to circumstances (pro re nata. The old way of applying the self help remedy was that of the individual going about his business cleaning and tilling his little patch, gathering it and marketing it according to his own individual views as to conditions of fitness and price; or opening his school and carrying on with the idea of making a living and the best living possible under the circumstances: and not taking into account that there are others doing the same kind of work, or having other interests in these undertakings, and that therefore a common interest is set up amongst them all. Those were the days of individual efforts, but they are past and gone and are as dead as a wooden Indian. Today we talk Organization ard intelligent organization at that as the new method of self help.
The parents will hesitate to pay a doilar a month for one child or two dollars and a half for three children, when they do not hesitate to pay many dollars a week to the chance dealer or at the dog races, or for the many forms of frivolities by which this locality is infested. The laborer will refuse to pay a dollar a year to the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association, when he does not hesitate to give away a pair of stockings to some stranger for four dollars on the fly, only that she may call him a sport. or throw the dollars away like the other fellow. he school teachers need to call in the parents and others interested in the welfare of the children and the race, and build up an organization, that will gradually remove this obstacle that is in the path of all. The laborer needs to be convinced that he is being protected by the Association in a way that he cannot himself do.
By organization there will be the directing voice and the willing members, finding a common ground, and working hand in hand. Across the pond we are looking at Jamaica that is progressing by leaps and bounds through the agency of organization. There the elementary school teacher (Negro like his brothers here) is a force through The Jamaica Union of Teachers. The agriculturists have very recently (about three weeks ago to be exact) loaded the first of their four ships for the English and European market with 67, 000 stems of bananas, through the Jamaica Producers Association and the Jamaica Banana Association: wresting themselves from the strangle hold of the old fruit and shipping interests. And we could go on telling of the various useful organizations there, but it is not necessary. We have chosen Jamaica as an example, and not England, or Germany, or America, because we want to emphasize the possibilities by using examples that are near at hand and largely of our own material. We can do it as they are doing. Let us use the new method in all of our activities.
FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Animal number two is over here, on the Atlantic side. This is a Jack Ass, and the biggest one in Central America. He is a unique specimen of the species, and like his neighbor the Iteh Ass, he is a two footed quadruped. precisely that is to say, a byped in form, but a quadruped in propensity. The other day, he had some transaction with a Colored man in connection with the placing of an order for some commodity. It appears that this man (Colored)
used the unit dozen. instead of cach. The correct unit for this commodity was of course each. Mr.
Jack straightway seized the pportunity to practice his profession. You know, braying is a profession in these parts) and it is the Ass only profession. So, he opened his mouth and brayed saying Mevery fool on this Isthmus is a Jamaican. they don teach them anything but dozen in their schools. Now, if were to interpret him, would understand him to say that the Jamaican, being conversant only with the unit dozen. when he marries a wife, he marries a dozen. When he goes into a bar to buy himself a drink, he calls for a dozen glasses. When he goes to the theatre, he calls for a dozen tickets to admit him. Lordie, lordie, have ever some across Jack Ass as this?
such a 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY In the first place, Mr Jack does not even know that every colored persons come from Jamaica. He has never heard of the West Indies. He does not know of the many Islands which comprise the West Indies, nor that the majority of the inhabitants of all these Islands are colored persons, yet, he brays about school. He does not know too, that these same Jamaican fools earn all the money he draws from day to day month to month year to year. He knows less that many of these Jamaican fools could sell him, body and soul, without his knowing it, if the opportunity presented itself. Mercy! have discovered the biggest Jack Ass there is in these parts, and remember, friends and Countrymen, he is not a Jamaican he is not a West Indian. If could sell him, would; but nobody wants to buy a Jack Ass now a days. There is no place on the market for him. Too bad there is no Zoo here where these two animals which have discovered could be put on exhibition. This being the case, we will continue to feed him (the Jack Ass) on pork chops, steaks, and what not. Nourish him with Atlas and Silver Spray, and leave him to bray until he dies a natural death.


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