
PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes ATLANTIC DE Meeting Postponed IDOZAN LA BOCA QUIET WEDDING AT ST. MAY AFFAIR AT PLAY PETER S, LA BOCA SHED WAS SUCCESS COLON. The Committee appointed to circularize he various organisations on this side have decided to ostpone the meeting which was to take place at Liberty Hall 8th Street and Hudson Lane, on the 26 of May 1929 to the 9th of June at p. sharp This change was brought about owing to the short notice given and to give the organizations sufficient time to take up the matter at their general session.
WELLKNOWN RESIDENT Receives News of Death of Mother Quiet and evasive weddings are All who attended it were unanimbecoming very fashionable not only in the terminal cities of this Repub Affair given by the Social Workers ous in their expression that the May lie, but also in the towns of the Ca Committee of St. Peter at the La na! Zone.
Boca Play Shed last Tuesday night, One of these hymeneals took place the 14th inst. was beyond doubt a at St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca, most colorful entertainment in every last Thursday morning at o еlock. sense of the word. As had been preThe contracting parties were Mr. viously announced, there were sev.
Fred Archibald Burleigh and Miss ral amusing diversions, as Sticking Olive Mildred Perryman of Panama the Donkey Tail, Blindfolding, City. The young couple were con Guessing Boxes, Post Office Busifirmed at St. Peter in 1920 andness, and Manicuring at Beauty Par.
1921, respectively, by the Rt. Rev. lour.
Jas. Craik Morris, bishop of The Popularity Contest sponsored the Canal Zone. For several years by the president of the Girls FriendMiss Perryman was a member of St. Peter Church Choir. She is the taste and reflected credit on the con ly Society was conducted with good only child of the late Alfred Perry.
testants for the remarkable poise man, and first saw the light in this they exhibited throughout he entire country twenty two years ago. Mr.
voting parade, which terminated Burleigh is a native of the island of with the results following: Antigua.
The bride was attired in an up Vera Estenos. 1572 Miss Votes to date georgette gown trimmed with broad silk lace and lovely Dorothy Inniss. 1360 orange rosettes. Bearing a lovely Violet Agard. 1303 bouquet, the bride entered the sacred Myrtle Campbell 915 905 edifice at 45, leaning on the arm of Rena Solomon.
Mr. Fitzgerald Yard, who presented Evelyn St. Hilair. 740 her. The groom was escorted by Mary Roden.
650 515 Miss Louise Gill, a relative of the Ruby Kellman 410 was Maud Alleyne.
bride. The nuptial ceremony erformed by the Rev. Mulcare. Lorain Lane. 110 After the ceremony the party walked The Committee will in the near over to the home of the bride aunt, future distribute the prizes to the where appropriate addresses were three leading contestants.
delivered and refreshments served. Through this medium all the conAmong those who attend the res. tertanta beg to heartily thank their idential function was the pastor of generous voters. The Committee algo the above named Church. Shortly af beg to extend their thanks to all ter this function the happy couple who by their unselfish patronage motored to Panama, where they will and excellent behaviour assisted in reside.
Imaking the Affair a success.
Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in excess of that contained in the more generally prescribed iron compounds.
The most recent medical investigations have fully proved that iron should be administered in much larger doses than these usually given. Thus, Professor Poulsen, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmacology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in until the doses of iron applied are so large as to apparently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when taken before meals.
IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration observed after taking a dose, disappears at once if the dose is followed by a draught of water.
IDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN yields results in a short time, comparable to many months treatment with preparations, the iron content of which is much smaller.
COLON. The many friends and acquaintances in Panama and this city will be sorry to learn that Mrs.
Stella Gibson, Dressmaker and popularly known as Nenen has received news from Lucia giving the death of her mother, Mrs. Hortence Hyppolyte Danzie, which took place at Anse La Raye on the 5th of April 1929 after ten dayys illness.
We extend our kind sympathy to herself and family, both here, Cuba, and St. Lucia, in this their sad hour of bereavement.
COLON BRANCH OF COLONIAL SOCIETIES BOARD OF CONTROL FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS The addition of the Colon Branch of the Colonial Societies Board of Control which was recently formed at that end is an improvement in executive matters and one which will make the management of the or ganization more efficient. promising future seems to be in store for this much needed Society.
Royal Proclamation RRRRR EVAPORAT Cristobal Notes (Contiued from Page 1)
ST. CHARLES There CREAM in every drop of the committee of members of the (By The Staggler)
wand, and a glass stuck in his skirt central legislature, who at the inwaist marked with the figure vitation of my Government will be On Tuesday night last, straggled was struck with the fact that even associated with them also in the into the Colon Baptist Church. was in those days, these people used to final stages of their enquiry. There told that there was to be staged a identify themselves by some peculiar ises before them to complete their drama entitled, Joseph in Egypt. marks, such as this Being famarduous task, the duty of framing When arrived, the place was al iliar with the bible story of all these THEN a bottle of milk stands for a while, the a report which when drawn will be ready comfortably filled, and soon, it persons, was able to follow the act to the top. Pour this out, and you have practically nothing left but water.
presented to Parliament, pray sucbecame so full that was nearly ing with more than passing interest.
Cow milk is made up of sess may crown their labours.
strangled. If were, don suppose Conspiracy, Chicanery, and Decep12 milk solids (but.
terfat, milk sugar, proteins and mineral salts) and Improved Industrial Outlook it would have been anything out of tion were all vividly depicted, and it 87 water. In making St. Charles Evaporated On the section of the King the ardinary because every strag was well demonstrated how persons Milk, 61 of the water is removed, leaving all the milk solids in the concen pler should expect to be strangled related to each other are not always speech dealing with domestic mattrated product, which is therefore more than twice as rich as ordinary milk.
ters reference is made to the imat some time or other. However, it their friends. The attempt to kill By a special process the butterfat is broken up proved industrial outlook and moveseemed to me that was in for a Joseph because of jealousy, and the into very small particles so that the cream does ment towards a higher level of emgcod time. It was five minutes after subsequent barter of him was well not rise. There cream in every drop. Use St.
Charles Evaporated Milk for eight, and Mr. Witt lead the people presented, and it brought to my all cooking and ployment. Reorganisation of indrinking purposes. Recipe book sedt free on request.
dustry and its development in new in prayer as is usual in such places mind many incidents of the present NESTLE S, Box 803 Panama City or directions are steadily proceeding and circumstances. had forgotten day. Box 300 Colon and with continued co operation and to say that the whole thing was com don think it is necessary to tell goodwill between employers and menced by a rendition of the march you the whole story as saw it. Sufworkers will lay the foundation for a Concord by an orchestra and or lice it to say that it was acted as relasting improvement. It is clear gun. Correctly speaking, the prayer corded in the Bible instead of being EVAPORATED however, that owing to altered followed this, then an Anthem, then tuld.
needs of industry, redistribution of the Lord Prayer. was anxious to was impressed with many things workers must take place on a large reach the point where the drama brought to my remembrance, and There Cream in every Drop Iscale and it has been the policy of would begin. was almost out of suppose others were also. At any my Ministers to aid and guide this breath, and when the curtain went rate, all those who knew what to movement by schemes of training up, the air was rent with screaming select from the picture as shown in and transference.
voices, and there fervent the scenes must have learnt some clapping of hands. Now, the drama useful lessons.
References to the drafting scheme, began. The twelve sons of the an But there was also a humorous to reforms in the local government cient Jacob appeared on the scene, side to this drama, and there were and to housing, followed. The speech all dressed up in Egyptian costumes. things learnt that did not know proceeded: My Ministers have inSome were old, some young, and be before. For instance, did not know Hiated an inquiry into radium recause of the costumes, began to that Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, and Issachar, or Gad.
quirements of the country in the Long live Smith, the man wonder if was not really in Egypt. Gad were women. always heard light of knowledge and experience When the affair came to its close, who is responsible for the presentaI saw old man Jacob the prolifie an them called sons of Jacob; but in gained as to the importance of racient whom these twelve stalwart the drama, discovered that they was as happy as could be. Not astion of this drama.
diam in the treatment of cancer and boys called father. Their names were women. am glad went. If happy as those who collected the in accordance with recommendations were given the same as have read did not go, would not have learnt receipts; but was certainly happy BRITISH VICE CONSULATE The Tailor made to them they have agreed to them in the Scriptures. Reuben, this. This knowledge will come in that had straggled into this place, NOTICE contribute to a fund for the acquisi24th STREET Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issacher, Zebu kandy for me when produce my and that had obtained some very tion of a stock of radium. It is my lon, Dan, Napthali, Gad, Asher, Jo next daughter. Should find any useful information. then and there Georgiana Samuels a native of JaGuachapali earnest hope that this action may seph, Benjamin. saw Pharaoh the difficulty in the selection of a name promised myself that the next time maica whose last Address was Aneon Panama P.
prove a substantial step forward in King, his butler, his baker, his that is a girl s, certainly will divest they have anything at the Baptist Post Office Canal Zone, is requested soonscoutoscocoon the campaign against one of the abeah man whom they called in myself of this embarrassment by Church, will direct my feet to take to report at the British Vice Con Advertise in the WORKMAN it will most distressing maladies known to those days Magician. He had his naming her either. Reuben, Simeon, me thither.
sulate Office in Panama City. brill you good results.
mankind ST.
MILK was a.
an Samuel Russell


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