p. 8


CHURCH SERVICES Panama Arranging for Air Mail Service The Open Forum (Contived from Page 1)
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH NEURALGINA any Should be in every office to immediately soothe neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA St. Paul Church, Panama, WHITSUNDAY Rev. Nightengade, 00 a. Choral Communion. The Rector.
10. 16 a. Matins. Mr. Atwell.
10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist and Sermon. The Rector.
Prelude. Minuet in Beethoven.
Introit. Psalm 83.
Tours Communion Service in Hymns (A. and 158, 156, 154.
Offertory. Anthem: They Shall Mount Up. Simper.
Sespal Postlude. Rockwell. 00 pm. Church School. Mr. Cragwell. 30 pm. Choral Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, The Bishop.
Prelude. The Silver Chimes.
Hymns (A. and 154, 211, 80.
Psalms 104, 145.
Magnificant Bennett in Nunc Dimittis. Henley in Offertory. Anthem: Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place Postlude. Parade of the Scouts.
Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO, The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
11. 00 a. Matins and Address. 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction. 30 Evensong and Address Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 30 a. Holy Communion. 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction. 30 Evensong and Address.
Mr. Richards, Catechist.
The British Pharmacy We understand that during this starts to pressure at certain pointa; week arrangements were made be and this is always taken as indicattween the local government and the ing the seat of the trouble. It would Panama Airways Inc. for the etherefore seem that touch the seat of tablishment of mail transportation the trouble in this case. have heard between the Republic of Panama and rumored that he was over here the United States acouring this city of Colon to find The matter of transporting mail me. Perhaps it is a good thing that between Panama and South Ameri he did not, as he might have knockcan ports such as Buenaventura, Jed this poor old man into atoms.
Guayaquil, Tumaco, Lima and other He has tried to show that Mr.
places is also under discussion and Whyte is the author of the articles we understand receiving favour appearing over the nom de plume able consideration. Laborer. and he uses the method of fitting a person to a clue and not BRITISH VICE CONSULATE a clue to a person; which shows that NOTICE at the beginning of his inquiry his mind was not blank, and that he had Information leading to the where already decided upon his man. This abouts of Charlotte Emily Hewitt is a very faulty method, and it is my of Jamaica, who was last heard of pinion that the conclusion he has in 1915, is required at the British arrived at has put him at some disVice Consulate at Panama.
odvantage in the eyes of the community which is obe regretted. If the intention was to discredit Mr.
PANAMA WESLEY CHRISTWhyte in the eyes of the public, it IAN ENDEAVOUR ACTIVITIES has failed miserably, for Mr. Whyte was over here a little while ago and An unusually interesting musical saw him getting ko many handIt program under the auspices of the shakes that was astonished.
Panama Wesleyan Christian Endea would do well also to observe how vour Society took place on Wednes he publie is acting towards Labor.
Jay night last in Geddes Hall when s vaporings. first, the several musical items were contri has repudiated the attitude buted by the Society members; of the young editor in meddling in among them being the Misses Doris what is primarily their business, and Rodney, Louise Gill, Dalia Staples, second the town of Colon is organizVida Stephens, Mrs. Stephens and ing into a grand whole. This is parly. Dottin. An elocutionary item was what Laborer by his vaporings has contributed by Miss Hilda Forthe agitated for. feel pleased with the and a dialogue entitled the Sewing results, and wish the young editor Society by the Misses Niles, Jcould say as much.
Ilumphrey and others.
Thanking you Mr. Editor, The Rev. Wade presided am and brought the evening to a satisLABORER.
factory termination.
HON. JOSEPHS FIRST IMPRESSION OF AIR TRAVEL The Jamaica Mail of the 2nd Inst. Continued from Page 1)
says: It is understood that the Hon. Hee pilot, whose landings and take offs tor Joseph LL. were so perfect. Yes sir, like flyAttorney General of British Guiana, ing so well, that some day hope who is going on leave of absence du to buy me a plane and become a ring this month, will visit Jamaica, flying jeweler.
his native land, before returning to that colony to resume his duties.
BRITISH VICE CONSULATE NOTICE Drought Conditions The British Vice Consulate at Panama would like to know of the The Gleaner of he 6th ultimo says whereabouts of Zoilia Wilson, a nathat drought conditions here have tive of Jamaica, who was last heard reached a very serious stage and for from in 1926.
ONE ON TAFT upwards of fourteen weeks, not a shower of rain has fallen, and men Chief Jusice Taft is not averse to plants and beasts are suffering. Last telling jokes on himself. During his year was bad, but as things stand presidential campaign he once faced today, the inhabitants of Southern an unfriendly audience. He wanted St. Elilzabeth are up againtt. dit to send over some points with a punch, and finally appealed to the ficult problem. With the scarcity of presiding officer, saying: foodstuft, and money, the people are have been talking for a quarter iace to face with terrible hardships of an hour, but there is so much All the tanks around are dry, the noise that can hardly hear myself only means of a water supply being talk.
the Parish Tank at Facey Turn, and That all right, shouted somedaily hundreds of people are wend. one from the rear, you re not missing their way thither to get a litile ing anything.
of the precious fluid. Owing to the great rush for water, some people especially children, have to remain SOUR ON HER AUTO at the tank for hours before getting a little water and in not a few cases If you buy an auto and feel that have had to return home without you got stung you might follow the any. Last year ended with a serious example of Genevieve Mach, of drought, hence the planters had no Brooklyn, who picketed an crop, and this year being the same auto agency with her car which was starvation is facing many of the labeled my 2, 000 lemon. Lemons plorer classes.
were draped all over the auto. But a Since the year came in the plant local magistrate, while allowing ers have not been able to make that it was all right for her to vent crop of tobacco or peas the two her spite, denied her the right to inain sources from which they get park in front of the auto agency.
WHITSUNDAY Wesley Church, Panama City 11. 1154 11th STREET 11. Rev. Sydney Sandiford of Bocas del Toro Circuit. Subject Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK God Time. 30. Rev. Sydney Sandiford.
Where our customers will receive the usual Subject: Wholesome Contagion.
MONDAY 80 courtesies Sunday School Convention. Addressed by Rev. Sandiford and others. Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles Workers from Paraiso, LA Roca, and Panama urged to be prerent. Cordial invitation to all interested in young people.
Collection for Funds.
Trinity Church, Colon 11. Mr. Braithwaite. 30 Rev. Cousins.
Paraiso 11. Rev. Cousins. p. Dedication of New Organ.
Rev. Sandiford, Rev.
Cousins and Rev. Wade.
Dedication to be followed by Sacred Communion, a. The Rector.
Concert. Admission 25c. and 10c. Holy Baptism, 30 a. 80. Preacher. Rev. Matins, Holy Eucharist and serWire for us and we ll Wire for You Wade.
mon, 10. 45 a. The Rector. NIMBLEY Co.
La Boca Church School, p.
11 a. Rev. Wade.
Electricians and Dealers Choral Evensong and sermon, 80 80 Mr. Frank Reed.
Wiring, Supplies and Repairs Monday, Sunday School Conven tion in Panama MULCARE, Telephone 1059 New Providence Rector.
11. Mr. Hilton Airall. Box 747 Ancon ST. BARTHOLOMEW S, LAS No Street Panama CHURCH CASCADAS PANAMA CITY.
Matins and address, 11 Mr.
Near Calidonia Road Braithwaite, Lay Render.
Sunday night May 19, 1929.
Church School and Confirmation TOPIC: Class, 80 The Penalty of Transgression. MULCARE, Come. Bring your Bibles.
Priest in Charge GRIZZLE, Pastor.
ST. SIMON MISSION, GAMBOA Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
ST. PETER BY THE BEA, McCarthy, Lay Reader.
LA BOCA Church School and Confirmation WHITSUNDAY Class, 80 MULCARE, SOLD IN DRUG STORES Choral celebration of the Holy Priest in Charge WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR their existence. Most of the plants Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required have perished from lack of moisture.
As for the corn crop, no corn has PUZZLE PROBLEM yet been planted owing to the drought.
No. 70. The square of John age added to Mary ages gives 62 while Rent Receipt Books in Spanish the square of Mary age added to and English for wale at the Work John age gives 176. What are their man Printery.
ages? Ans. to No. 693. 65 rods.


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