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PRICE CENTS Discussing Money Item WHAT IS THE FU DEDICATION OF Distinguished Invalids TURE?
NEW ORGAN in Jamaica Legislature Exchange Good Wishes NEED OF HIGHER EDUCA CONCERT PROGRAM POSTTION FOR CHILDREN PONED TO NEXT MONTH Causes Brief Passage of Arms BeGeneralj Booth and King George short while ago, there was distween Governorgand Elected In spite of the inclement weather Express Appreciation cussed in an editorial of this paper which prevailed on Sunday last, the Members the subject of higher education for dedication service which was held in London, May Two distinguish will, shall devoto my remaining our children under the caption connection with the new organ atled invalids exchanged good wishes years, adding: At the session of the Legislative pleal Agriculture, there was nothing General Bramwell Council of Jamaica, held on the 8th to web except the beautiful build West Indian Foundation. Previous the Paraiso Wesleyan Church on today. One was have noted with extreme pleasinst. in discussing the passage from ings. He might mention that there to this, the matter was introduced, Sunday last was well conducted, and Booth, former leader of the Salva coloured students there, exand a tentative plan as to how suf the occasion which was one of spe tion Army, and the other King) ure the good news of Your Majesty England to Jamaics of the new Di were on Monday conferred recovery and pray that God will rector of Education the following cept a few East Indians who did not ficient funds could be raised to fin ſeial significance will long be remem George, who unce the project was outlined. To bered by those present membership in the Order of the grant you complete restoration of brief passage of arms ensued be call themselves coloured.
tween the Governor and elective Mr. Sanagster mid there seemed this, there has not been any general The service was opened by the Companions of Honour on the old health and strength.
This was the reply which came to Salvationist leader.
Members: to be tendency to ling Jamaica publie expression of opinion; but it Rev. Cousins of the Colon is known that number of persons General Booth wrote the King how him from Lord Stamfordham, the The next heading was 49 for the with Trinidad.
Wesleyan Church and was continued have become interested in the matter Jeeply he appreciated passage of the Director of Educathe honour King private secretary: The President siad the system of and have stated privately their de by the Revs. Wade of the which, he said, will afford great tion from England to Jamaies. Education in Jamaica was far from The King desires me to thank you Mr. Smith said they knew the pas being perfect, and studying any with the suggestion.
sire to see something done in line Panama Church and Sandiford pleasure to our people and friends for your letter and to assure you of the Bocas del Toro Circuit. Mr. throughout the Empire and many with what sage here by the Direct Line, but other system ought to prove weful.
pleasure His Majesty Mr. Veitch said it was very laudI take it that every parent ofe. Fuller, Circuit Steward and Trus luther parts of the world.
this was more conferred upon you the Order of the The Colonial Secretary said on the able on the part of the Director of West Indian children in this part of tee of the Paraiso Wesleyan Church He wid that his only regret was companions of Honour. His Majesty suggestion of Mr. Hammond and Education, coming from Africa to the world is as interested in the at this point turned the Organ over that he was still kept back by his regrets that you are still seriously consent of the Governor the Sec Jatop at Trinidad to get an insight welfare of his offspring in this con the Rev. Wade (Superin serious illness from taking an ac Jun well and earnestly trusts that you retary of State had approved of Mr. to the systems in vogue in the nection as are the parents of the tendent of the Circuit) to be dedi tive part in that work which has may regain your health and enjoy Hammond taking the round trip and West Indies.
other groups of the community. It eated for Church work.
been my joy for more than fifty rest and peace after long years of stopping at Trinidad in order to Mr. Cawley said he understood Mr. might be said rightly or wrongly, The dedication ceremony was per years and to which, if it is God active work.
study the system of eduertion there, Veitch had a brother in Africa who that there is no evidence of this formed by the Rev. Sandiford, and to visit the College of Tropical claimed to have equal qualifications that has been said before, but it Mrs. Wade unveiled, Miss THE OPEN FORUM Agriculture.
me those of the Director of Educa must be obperved that the apparent Margarette McKensie unlocked, and Mr. Smith said Jamaica had notion. This officer was young and so iack of this evidence is due to the Mrs. Kinnimouth drew the first We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed right to pay the extra amount. had to call at Trinidad to get some fact that the other groups were stop all to the bonour and Glory of was considered very unsatisfac experience.
never, and are not now required to Gud. In view of the fact that the conthis column.
tory appointment at the time, and give any evidence that they desire cet had to be postponed on account the officer was young and had to Hon. Member thought that that was The Government The President asked whether the Eigher education for their children. of the inclement weather, the Rev.
Colon, 12 29 actly the position of my young go to Trinidad to get his experience. Jthe way to set decent officere for provided the necessary facilities to un the Program which were conhave voluntarily Wade asked for two items 2o the Editor THE WORKMAN.
friend and countryman. He has deHe should pay for his experience the Government it Elected Members emble these children to obtain high tributed an anthem by the Choir of weekly pictorial ite editor has devot port his denial with some fact Sir: In today nied the accusation and tried to sup.
issue our himself were to criticise them in that way.
The President said that studying Ho had been partly responsible for ter of duty. There is nothing strange by Mr. Dottin; the other part writer of articles appearing in the ed of him.
er education. They do this as a mat the Church, and an organ selectioned more than column to abuse the facts. am beginning to feel shumany system of education would do the officer going to Trinidad, and or peculiar about this because every of the service consisted of appro vocal press under the nom de plume good.
it the Colonial Secretary would let In my last article to the press Mr. Smith aid the officer had him know what the additional respectable Government in the civil. priate Hymns trom the Wesleyan or Laborer. chose to write under have shown by what means te had exonly been an Inspector of Schools in pense was, he would write his choque to provide, in adequate manner, for ized world regards it as their duty Methodist Hymnal. Bol such because felt as Paul did, when hoped to shut up Laboret. and an African colony and was not near for it on the spot. He could not al the education of the peoples resident Arrangements are now being made writing to some of the churches he cannot refrain from drawing your being the head of a department. He low any further discussion on the in their domains The Government to have the musical program on the lind founded, he used the term in attention to the fact that now he was young and had little experience.
feels that Laborer has no opporMr. Wint said the Director of Eda subject.
of the United States in the Canal Second Sunday of June when with reference to his fellow workers. desire to draw the attention of tunity of matching logic with cation gave promise of being a very Mr. Cawley was continuing his Zone is not without the category of the anticipation of a fair evening, good man. It was, however, unwise speech when the President mid if the the public to this important fact, logie. how he is braying; and (Continued on Page 8) an enjoyable time is expected.
Pamely, that wrote suggesting wish to ask this question: Is that to spend money to send him to discussion proceeded, he would leave that conference among West In the action of one who loves a fight Trinidad to study the system of Edu the house; rose from his chair and HERE AND THERE cation there. It had not taken him was proceeding towards the door, dians on the Isthmus be called, be. Por was willing for one? If your concause of the favorable opportunity, science reply affirmatively, then and other Hon. members who had asking the Colonial Secretary as he for such an event not as the editor ask why he did not reply to Laborvisited Trinidad two hours to know did so, to take the chair of the (By JUNIUS)
in question would have you believe er before he tried to stop the pubabout elementary education there. As Committe.
THE WAY WE CELEBRATE here: refer to Sunday of the that wrote to vilify him and his palication of his article.
to his visiting the College of Trop. Continued on Page 1)
VARIOUS HOLIDAYS Christian Sabbath or the First or per and his and all the other papers would not have given myself Dus he Way We Celebrate: Seventh Day of the week. Instead of praised the idea; but when he any trouble to write so continuously If my friends will not seriously est from our labors of the other six thought the state was set, he offer on the subject, but for the fact that (By ELIJAN. HUNTER)
or two on how we celebrate. Thurse with the laborers at the Balboa Luborer objected, giving for his our existence, and any person who SHOW day the 30th instant will be Memo Dil Handling Plant, for instance, do reason that the sincerity of the has its freedom, and would have his Friends and Countrymen: have mus le so small, that every time rial or Decoration Day. Up to the ng all kinds of heavy manual work young and promising editor was people believe that he is bent on been extremely interested by the go to the Pont Office in Cristobal, time left the Land of Perpetual very such day; or we go to plenics, questionable.
their welfare, his life should children in my village during the some of my friends in Panama know Sunshine a little over twenty years horse races, or dog races, or at The editor in question should first be such could be pointweek. In fact, am always interest it so quickly that am surprised. ago for these gloomy shores, am end at the lottery office, and so on satisfy the public mind on such and to as to a living testimony ed in children and their doings. They will only repeat the words of the not sure that had had any ac nd so forth. All of these go to show accusation. gave as evidence of of sincere honesty, and his motives are so cute and amusing. Their in first line. They aN: Run Kitty, quaintance with such a day. Fromhat the Isthmus is a different place Jeincerity his attitude towards the should be (as in our cane) altruistic nocence fills me with the desire that Run. fancy hear them singing what have learned here about it, rom others that know, and perinsular societies at their inception, not apparently so; coupled with should become a little child like that song now. It contained all the it is an American institution, hav aps even others that do not know. Wand his own action when an oppor the fact that it is my disposition not was once before, and enjoy life with beauty that their sweet voices con ing as its primary object the paying would be good if we could make tunity presented itself for him to set to sit silently and see people fooled, out any caree, fears, anxiety and tained, and it was sweet to my ears, of due respect to the memory of ar observances fit their occasions. the example. Therefore, deny my or at least to see some one trying to the like. Sometimes Indeed, life seem It charmed me, and filled me with their dead. With such a background on the special question of the having vilified him or his paper. fool them, and not call a halt and not to be worth living except us delight, and muttered the words it would appear that it is to be a day endency on the part of my own However, he was astute enough to ask that the cards be dealt fairly little child. 10 as wended my way. Children of wlemnity. From the many pla friends to celebrate the holidays of evade the charge by directing public and above board and not only so, was strolling to my camp one voices ever singing. cards have seen on display, an all nationals in this highly mixed raze in another direction. Having put played fairly.
evening last week. My term of sernouncing picnics and other forms of sommunity and to celebrate them failed in both these attempts, bel In closing this article wish to vitude had duly expired, and there And had another and peculiar pleasure for the day approaching, it the same frivolous way from year now turns to the abuse of Laborer: state that intend to make a review was nothing else to do but to be on pleasure at the sound of this song hoa occurred to me that there is ſo year, do not propose at this have never been forced to the my way. As reached little cor because of the name Kitty. It re something wrong somewhere, either ery critical moment to ay any use of such language. yet in the of the whole matter, then leave it in ner, heard the beautiful voice of minded me of cow my old dad had with my own conception of the pur hing: except that should like them discussion of any subject and the hands of our readers.
a number of little girls. They were when was quite boy. That, of pose of the day, or with the concep skip some.
have discussed quite a few during your truly, singing in unisona favorite local course, is umpteen yeras ago. This tion of those who do not see with LABORER my stay here: have always confinsong. mean to say it is song of Kitty was vicious old brute. So me. Somehow, am inclined to the It would be a pity and a shame ifed my argument to the subject and local composition. It was composed in vicious, that she broke one of the latter belief that there is something ne Boy Scout movement were to ound facts at all times to support ANOTHER LABORER ALSO the same village in which it was be horns in trying to root up a tree on wrong with the crowd, taking into erish here from lack of interest and my side of the question. therefore SAYS ADIOS ing sung. won tell you all the which a boy had taken shelter from consideration that that is just about opport. This is the conclusion of cannot repeat too often and too the Editor The Wokman.
words here because am sure you her. Sho, like the Kitty of the song the same way in which the first and an interesting article on the move trongly that the resort to abuse is Permit me to make a few observaknow them already. This little Lath. Continued on Page 5) greatest of holidays is being observ. Continued on Page 8) a sign of weakness and this is ex ions in bringing to close my de(Continued os Pago. INTERESTING JOTTINGS object, y should like to at, a ward days, we take on more work, like we to call the conference, to which the press is so important a factor in as


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