
PAGE TWO NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD Willard Clocks ANTIGUA JAMAICA New Prisons Industry Article From Sisal Plant rethe ording to the latest Whl has arranger FULLER WAS In the interest of engineering, visit, after being supplied with the EXECUTIONER END THE HON. WINT investigate the immigration question Stretched out on the bottom floor in connection with the move on the of a building in Corn Alley, says The Member for St. Ann Accepte part of the British Guiana GovernAntigua Magnet, of April 6, a room Call To British Guiana ment to get Jamaicans to settle in of which is used as a workshop by that colony to help develop its representative of the Guardian, after being dyed with Twink, into Carpenters, the body of Joel Martin, late issue of the Gleaner states source.
was shown samples of what is cer string for wrapping purposes, mats executioner of John Provee. that the Hon. Wint, lainly going to prove the nucleus of or matting for household and office iay dead, and exposed to the view of for St. Ann, has accepted an invite CITY WATER SUPPLY an Industry for prison labour which use.
all who were curious and inquisitive tion from the People Progress Aswill be, not only a credit to the Pri Orders can be given by the public enough to go and see it yesterday sociation of Georgetown, British From the Gleaner of the 27th inson Authorities, but of sound econo to the Prison Authorities for mats, morning. Joel was walking about Guiana, to deliver the principal ad staat: mic value to the Department. matting and string of sisal hemp 1080 apparently healthy up to late Thurs dress at their convention which will According to he latest BacterioThe articles comprise rope, twine, dyed in faney cololurs. The charges SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY doy night having been noticed start in that city on the lat August logical report on the Watter Supply and mats made at Carrera Convict are quite moderate, 00 for a mat amongst a group of persons on the next.
STUDY OR DESK Depot, from leaves of the sisal plant 24 18 with an extra charge for of Kingston the highest degree of pier. After leaving the jetty he which grows in abundance at Car lettering if any, and the matting 5e. There is an air of grace and ele seems to have gone to the room Jamaica about the second week in must certainly be gratifying to the Mr. Wint has arranged to leave purity possible was recorded. This rers and the Prison Authorities per square foot. Both mats and mat gance reminiscent of Colonial Dayo where he was permitted to sleep. July, and will be away for some Kingston and St. Andrew Corporahave been given permission bytings can be had in any size desired. about Willard Type Banjo Clocks During the night it is reported he weeks. During his visit to the sistertion having regard to previous reMessrs. Ross Co. Ltd. to The samples will be displayed in that appeals to people of culture. experienced a sharp atttack of in colony, the member for St. Ann will ports display them at their store. one of Merrs Ross show windows These clocks are high grade and digestion brought on by excessive This is a new industry which is anring the week and apart from the bring fostered at Carrera Prison, articles made, there will be seen the reliable, while the cases are of the eating. Medical aid was sought but could not be obtained and the strain ST. LUCIA launch, which is being built by and because of the exceedingly leaves in their raw state and in best craftsmanship.
of the attack having proved extraand Hill Ltd. on the Tyne, will strong quality of the fibre which the course of preparation and the tools Also a new assortment of other ordinary to the system, the icy hand have an over all. length of 65 feet prisoners make from the leaves of used by the prisoners to transform fine clocks that will surely meet of death gripped him, and Joel fol Launch for St. Lucia with a beam of 14. feat, and will draw the Sisal plant, it bids fair to be the leaves of the plant into fibre your every requirement in the home Jewed Provee into the unknown.
about six feet of water when loaded.
come o serious rival of straw and preparatory to making mats, mat or office at Naturally, the report of his sud According to a report published in the shares have been fully subscribother fibres in the making of mate, ting, string and rope which is afterdel demise spread quickly, and at the West India Committee Circular fed ete.
wards dyed in the sevaral attraeShe will have accommodation for tracted crowd to Com Alley. an icon April 18th the town of Castries The articles to which attention is tive colors in which the emples in the island of St. Lucia, , 25 first elas passengers and 50 secsort of opinions were expressed as will shortly be linked up again with ond class passengers aft, with adenow being paid are mats, matting, are shown.
to the cause of death. Apparently Soufriére, rope and string, but as time goes on Choiseul, Laborle sadquate toilet accommodation.
more attention will be paid to the Popular he will never prove anything of the the authorities were satisfied that Vieux Fort, the St. Lucia Naviga The launch will be driven by two fibre got from the plant and the Prlkind. should imagine that a live he had not been the victim of foul tion Company having been formed Petter 36 42 horse power units, and wire would be dangerous anywhere play, as a permissive warrnt Selection son Authorities are sure to find it was lying about, and indeed this granted for his burial and the for Gloumeau, Du Boulay and others ter plants, one for the cargo winch through the enterprise of Mr. will have besides two auxiliary Petother avenues of use for this valyElection of Mr. Fred. Grant To and wrongfully used in the ordinarmality of a Coroner inquest with to run a coastal motor launch wer and the other for electric light.
is a term which is most carlessly able plant.
The Sisal plant which is of the Presidency of Chamber conversation of Port of Spain. But post mortem examination was dis vice between the capital of St. Lucia Mr. Gloumeau and Mr. Du Boulay of Commerce in his conduct of the affairs of the pensed with. What was the reason cactus family, grows in abundance Chamber of Commerce as elsewhere, which caused this step to be taken, and the villages and towns on the and their friends are to be congrat the Carrera Convict Depot which OF SISTER COLONY know Mr. Grant will prove both we have not yet ascertained but we Leeward coast to the south. The ulated upon their enterprise.
is in charge of Mr. Bookham and it progresssive and wise.
Mr. Grant has just been in Jamais intend to investigate and offer cer hert period, and that future ar and there is every likelihood of his was he who discovered the uses it His Recent Visit to Jamaica, could be put to and eventually sue And Comments by This ca, and though he was there on busi tain comments. It did strike us as Journal ness of his firm he found time to do peculiar that hours after a man had rangements which the Council might advise being sought in connection a great deal in the interests of Unifi en notified as dying suddenly, his devise, would probably interfere with the proposals.
Bamples of mats, matting and string.
These were lyed in various colours Spain Gazette. Carton writes in the Port of ed West Indian spirit and sport. Re budy should have been permitted to with the seheme.
The Council is willing and ready ferring to his public and sporting remain sprawling on the ground in to pay all expenses incurred by his with Twink and when samples There was time in the history activities the Jamaioa Mail of the condition which was a reflection were submitted to Mr. Vaugham of of Trinidad, and that not so very 26th of last month said: the motto that necessary on a community boasting of living Nr. Evan Parry. an efficient Einformation West Indian Brotherhood is be up to a certain standard of civiliza gineer) is expected to visit the coun. Trinidad Electric Company Ltd. and from the Messrs. Geo. Huggins Co. Ltd. long ago, when who represent Messrs. Lexer Bros. Youth will be served. held no sort activities of the Colony, from which the created in the widest possible tion and sanitation.
try during the month of November, the Crown Agenta Ltd. makers of Twink dyes, Mr. of application to the public life and sense and those who follow the Bookham pointed out that the dyes youth was most systematically and trend of Caribbean affairs know WEST INDIAN COMMERheld fast and gave excellent colour scornfully excluded, but that sort of that Mr. Fred Grant is a powerful CIALISTS VIEW CANADA ing to the mats, ete. and he receiv folly has been broken down a great factor in the cause of West Indian WITH HOPE BAPTISTE encouragement which has deal of recent years. As a result we ed the HOYTE unity.
prompted the Prison Authorities to done by Mr. Fred Grant and other have had the excellent public work That is, fortunately, quite true. Halifax, Friday Commerprepare the products from the Sisal young or at least not old, men at the hope that Mr. Grant term of ofeial and industrial activity in TrinTHE ARTISTIC The People plant for the market.
Chamber of Commerce, and in his tire will see the Trade Commission idad is expanding rapidly while the TAILOR ership question, which he has done tourist business particularly in the The methods of production adopt some other cases elsewhere.
Tailor The Chamber of Commerce has ed are quite simple and inexpensive.
so much to promote, finally settled. winter months is fast developing, The leaves are cut and beaten with honoured Mr. Fred Grant by elect. It is up to the administrations of declared Hon. McCurdy, on his Bullding 32 a piece of wood, then hung up and ina him President of the Chamber. the West Indies now, but Mr. Grant return on Saturday from an extendHouse M Street 12th October St. will not use in connection with Mr. has got the matter into such a foring visit to the West Indies. Interacraped with a piece of iron hoop.
Panama, Panama They are then shaken out and wash. Fred Grant that hateful and in apo ward shape that the most laggard viewed with particular regard to the propriate Americanism that have ed and put in the sun to dry. They heard so often of him and say that of them can hardly hang back very Canadian National Steamship serare then ready to be transformed, he is a real live wire. hope that long.
vices, Mr. McCurdy stated that in DENTIST HOWELL his experience they were excellent and compared favourably indeed House No. 912 La Boca Joseph Mason with other steamship lines. The Canal Zone Metaalbed equipment and facilities of the ships OPPOSITE RESTAURANT were modern and the service good.
In the West Indies the people are PHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Caranteed loud in their praises of the improved Specialises in all Branches of services now being provided by these Dentistry Ilat Stroot Guachapell boats and the commercial interests ALL WORK GUARANTEED Roc No of those islands are hopeful of inRESIDENCR588 creasing their volume of trade with Canada.
ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings CITY COUNCIL REJECTS Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at PROPOSALS ON TRAMWAY EXTENSION POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM per annum is paid twice a year and added The following article is taken from to the money you already have on deposit, TAILORS recent issue of the Trinidad Guardian and deals with requisition from House 77 Room the Management of the Trinidad Electric Co. for Tramway Extension 23rStreet Chorrillo tu various suburbs of the city and also the extension of the lighting Bank which, together with its predecessor. The system ten miles outside the city limits.
International Banking Corporation, has faithA letter from the Colonial Seefully served its West Indian friends on the retary dated April 8, 1929 which asked for an expression of the CounIsthmus for a quarter of a Century. PHYSICIAN cil opinion upon the application re52 ferred to was considered, but when TAS bador HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO recommendations were made by the lodda committee, it was discovered that No. K STREET toto.
PANAMA COLON such requests were not possible when ad PANAMA CITY it was considered that the concession would be terminated within (90 bin)
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