
PAGE THREE CANAL AT NICARAGUA Pres. Hoover Is Asked to Inforce 14th and 15th Amendments Representative Tinkham of Massachuset Writes Executive on Complete Law Enforcement PANAMA HARDWARE Its Construction Not Favour.
bly Viewed by Latin American Countries FEARS OF DOMINATION (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA Paint Headquarters WASHINGTON, Congress legal and unconstitutional.
man George Holden Tinkham of Comparing the Fourteenth and Massachusetts has written letter Fifteenth Amendments with the to President Herbert Hoover urging Eighteenth, Congressman Tinkham him to enforce the Fourteenth and pointed out that each one was a war Fifteenth Amendments of the Con time measure or the result of wars, stitution of the United States as and told the President: well as the much talked of Eight If you are to obey your onth of centh Amendment.
office and to the best of your ability The Massachusetts Congressman preserve, protect and defend the has been battling for the rights of constitution of the United States Negro citizens for several years, you must either recommend to the and his latest effort has caused Congress the passage of laws to enmuch discussion here. After conforce these amendments or refer the gratulating the President upon his enforcement of them to your nationexpressed determination to enforce al investigating committee.
the laws. Mr. Tinkham declared. Permit me respectfully to draw JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OFPaints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
Washington, April 28. The construction by the United States of Canal through Nicaragua, is not looked upon favourably by Latin American countries according to an article by Gaston Nervel, Bolivian journalist.
Pointing out that the construction of the Panama Canal, obliged the United States to intervene directly in Central American affhin to proteet American interests and that this intervention has been the cause of much distrust and ill feeling against this country, Nerval declares that the building of another Canal in Central American territory, would only add to the Latin American fears of domination by the great Northern Republic. It is well known how much this accusation, no matter how unjustified, it may be, has injured and is still continuing to injure the cause of a better understanding and closer friendship between the Latin American nations and the United States, Nerval says, and adds: Once the Nicaraguan Canal is constructed it will constitute one more ground for misgivings and for misunderstandmgs in Pan American relations.
your attention to the Fourteenth and Movie Trade War Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central verrue Fifteenth Amendments of the Constitution. The former makes Negrees(From the Royal Gazette and Colocitizens of the United States and provides that the basis of represennial Daily of Bermuda, dated tation shall be reduced in proportion April 10)
to existing disfranchisement in any State, and the latter amendment There may be a trade war in the prohibits any State from giving pre movie world between French and ference in the matter of suffrage to American producers. At least it one citizen over another on account looks as though the truce which of color, race or previous condition Win Hays arranged for a year ago of servitude, and the duty of enforeing these amendments with the Con might not be continued.
gress and the President.
That truce was based on the limit No laws has been passed to en ing to 500 pictures a year of the force these amendments. They are now wholly and grosely nullified in export of American films to France.
many States. Negroes are counted in French film producers now seek to the population for purposes of representation in the Lower House of have that 500 reduced to 360. They Congress and then disfranchised, want also to secure an agreement giving those States disproportionate from American agencies to buy representation, unfair to the other French films in return for permisStates of the Union and thereby sion to exhibit American films in making elections to the House of ReFrance.
presentatives, and of a President ilADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the orkman Printery.
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