
Bird Like Aeroplane The Ideal Pharmacy INVENTED BY BARBADIAN AT THE No 29 Street East, Calidonia LA MASCOTA Always on hand a fine selection of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES And TOILET ARTICLES fine selection of Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist Flapping its wings in bird like fashion and with many other unique features, as will be outlined by the inventor, the Clarke Ormthoptical Monoplane, designed and built by Clement Clarke, of Camden, New Jersey, is destined, according to its inventor and those who speak with authority on matters pertaining to aviation, to revolutionize the art of flying.
Clement Clarke, the inventor of this mystery plane, is a native of the island of Barbados, I, and a blacksmith, by trade. Being a skilled all the mechanical requirements of a machine of this type.
The Camden (N. Evening Courier, in its issue of November 2, 1928, says, in part. Throw away your ideas of baby Simps doing daily dozens from coast to coast. Bury your dreams of new Lindys and Chamberlins hydroplan.
ing from pole to pole. Right here in THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also Book Binding!
ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs in TAILORS TRIMMINGS Why throw away your old, but no Camden there a new type of fly doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly boundat THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL LA MASCOTA ing machine that is destined to put all bi planes, seaplanes and Zeppelins in storage. And safe? Why, here the solution to aviation troubles. It is the Clarke Ornithoptical Monoplane. Now, that may seem rather mysterious. But not to the inventor, Clement Clarke, and the men associated in the Clarke Ornithoptical Monoplane Company In the company are Clarke, who is president; Hearn Jerome, vice president; Samuel Smith, Secretary and Harris, treasurer.
All of these officials are students of aviation from the ground up Exchange.
37 Central Avenue.
Romaine Organ Repairer No 42 Calidonia Road KKKKKKKKKKK Candidates for British Elections WE OFFER London, April 20. The number of candidates for the 1616 seats in Parliament in the General Elections of May 30th will number altogether about 1, 680 it is indicated.
The party figures are 530 Labour and 560 Conservatives, 560 Liberals und 30 Communists and Independents. Few ridings will escape al triangular contest.
The Republic of Liberia is evidence of the ability of the Negro to build a permanent social, political and economic organization. Beset with many difficulties and discouragements, this small independent country has managed to weather the storm of severe economic and political distress.
Liberia was established by illequipped emigrants. They had no capital and they suffered all the privation of poverty stricken pioneers. The obstacles which usually befall people thrown into an uncivilizled environment had to be met, faced and conquered. This was done in a manner that compares favorably with the colonization expedition in Virginia.
The pioneer Liberian colonists fought the ferocious African wild animalo. the tropical scourges and the deadening African climate. All at there, while not conquered, were reduced to a point where civilization could begin its uplifting influence.
Negroes should be proud if LibeIria!(Negro World. EXCELLENT PRICES FOR HOMELY PHILOSOPHY DECISIONS CLERGY SHORTAGE AND Wise decisions are the result of discipline through years. He who turns to other for guidance and direction in every, bout with fortune is left rudderless and helpless when forced into a swift and unsuspected gale unaided and alone.
Every decision made, no matter how faulty, helps to a better ope; our mistakes are wonderful teachers. Decide for yourself, remonbering that fearing to make a mistake is the biggest mistake of all. and He who makes no mistakes makes nothing else. Georgia Dongias Johnson.
Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery AT Tera FIFTY DIE AS FLOODS LEVEL 200 HOUSES IN SYRIAN VALLEY Curate Says Parents Think Church Decadent London, April The Rev.
Buckell, perpetual curate of St. Salviour Ealing, preaching on the shortage of clergy yesterday, said: The root of the trouble is that the public school and university man of some means from whose ranks the preisthood use largely to be drawn, has not any desire to take Orders.
And his parents back him up. They point to the Prayer Book controversy and other rifts as proof that the Church is a decadent organisation.
At the other end of the scale are thousands of young men, from the city office to the East End slum, who are keennness itself but who cannot afford the theological training We want no class distinction in the preisthood. Saint Peter himself had an accent you could cut with a knife. daresay he met with a certain frigidity in the best houses of Jerusalem, but he turned the world upside down.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the WorkM Praters.
72 (By Cable Co. Beirut, Syria, Saturday. At least fifty persons perished at Deirezzo, in extensive floods caused by over flowing of the Euphrates: River.
About 200 houses were destroyed.
Animals perished by the hundreds in the affected regions. Aeroplanes to day were assisting in the rescue work.
Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Rent Receipt Books in Spanlok and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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