p. 8


What is the future?
SPARKLETS The Open Forum NEURALGINA neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA NEURALGINA AMERICAN PHARMACY Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
only coutuucu urom page. Contiued from Page 1)
Both Commander Watson espectable Governments, so it canfence of the Panama Canal West Innot therefore de concluded that they and the Colon Boys Institute which dian Empoyees Association and its sclaim responsibility for providing he founded nine years ago for the President and Founder, against the the wach educational facilities for its reruclamation of bad boys off an warranted attack that has been sidents as are plainly necessary.
streets of the cities of the Republic, going on for the last two months.
This matter has been taken up and have recently been under fire. For know this is going to be a great iscussed time and again with the case of discipline administered by shock and surprise to the attacker. Should be in every office to immediately soothe any Canal zone Government by the si Corporal punishment to one of the The Editor Publisher of the Panama ver Employees Association, and while inmates of the institute, our local Tribune, since he has been publishthese discussions have been very cor people paper focussed the men.
ing that it will never again he heard dial, the Government have neither tal gaze of its Live thousand and from in the press. The explanation moved, so far as know, nor made more readers on the inner workings for his statement, the public has alof the institute under the directorany statement upon which an intelready had from Laborer published higent opinion could be formed as to ship of its illiterate Commander. in the Workman under date of the when, how, or by what means the Watson. But the Rotary Club of Co18h inst. so do not need to repeat which Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and Government intends to do anything lən, the membership of it here.
in the matter. In the meantime, con composed of stout hearted men with The Editor Publisher of the Trireduce the fever of children.
stions are becoming more acute, and noble aspirations and pure intenbune is before the West Indian the necessity for this providence Lions, men who take real interest in Community for judgement and senmore pronounced. The children are the welfare of the community and tence. In my humble judgement, and getting older and more numerous. are too big to stoop to administer from the general opinions that Year by year, classes graduate from ingratitude, came forward and, as it have heard, he is guilty of wronging over the head of ine eighth grade of the Canal Zone) were, shouted the Asociation and its President schools. But where do they go? And monstrous injustice: Shift your posi and Founder. In passing sentence Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, what standard of education have tion, remove those one sided binoupon him, it should be remembered they? blushingly answer. Into the culars with lens of ingratitude, and that, that same consideration that bye ways and hedges. And with only you will be able to see the other he has shown to the President and side of Watson and the truth an eighth grade education!
the Association should be shown to It is my opinion that a situation in connection with the work of the him.
In reviewing his case, think of the For sale both Wholesale and Retail like this is bound to appeal to any Colon Boys Institute. Do that, and harm he did the West Indians in sober people. And this appeal should nore than five thousand readers will bc swiftly followed up by such acts be able to appreciate the good which 1925, and the harm that he has been AT THE as are calculated to furnish prac Watson, for nine years, has been dodoing our cause during these eight Lical solution. Up to now, the Goving for declaimed boys and to help weeks of slege, think of his attempts to discredit this association as Reernment have not done to us in this protect, especially, members of the matter as they certainly would have upper class and their big business.
presentative of the Workers of the Panama Canal, how he tried to tell wished us to do to them if we ae Do that and let the people concernJAVIER NOTAN, Proprietor cupied their position, and they ours.
ed appreciate their debt to the man us that all was well with us, because he had interviewed the Governor and This fact, however, does not estab. debt which cannot be very well Panama.
Joe Wyne and had made everything lish justification for further indie paid off in coins!
terence to the matter on our part.
With each succeeding decade, right for us and this was of course more than our Association The situation affects us vitally, and gentle reader, man is becoming could it is make more and more intolerant and an suggested that we have hoped to do. He has virtually inove, and make it now. It will serve noying to his brotherman in less unscrupulous said to the Authorities, Don pay take this opportunity to thank him no useful purpose to procrastinate fortunate circumstances; his major any attention to any representations for his advice to read good books.
further. Time is upon us. The longer inconsistencies are no longer pinfrom the Association because there Right now would like to get the we delay, the greater the hardships prieks, they have developed into are not many of the workers in it early life of Abraham Lincoln, who we will inflict, and that, upon our dagger wounds. Here is a man Watson, West Indian who, in 800 own progeny.
out of about 000 was one that was not afraid to be Can reason permit the perpetra the absence of any local institution how whilst he has been say shown the depths from which he Lion of the cruel act of permanently where the youths of the community ing to the workers Don join TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Jesme. In suggest that he neglecting to provide for the proper Past incorrigibility may Association, regardless of the kind road Gladstone suggestions to his You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Shareholders education of our children because be saved from the common jail and of representation that are being Son at Oxford. He may borrow Meeting of the above company which will be held on Monday, June the Government does not find it con the penitentiary where they must made on your behalf, because Mr. the book, from Srd, 1929, at o clock in the Offices of the Company, No. 12, venient to make such provision? God necessarily rub shoulders with hard30 and so is President, and he is an Re my tremblin that his imHiginio Duran Street, San Miguel, forbid! We owe it to ourselves to ened criminals and consequently Autocratic and intolerant person.
magination just as he imagined in a By Order The Board of Directors.
help ourselves. It would be most un emerge therefrom of the type, inHe has held up the President and natural for a man to stand up in the itiating a movement that has been EVANS JESSAMY, President.
the Association to ridicule and con scarehead two weeks ago. whole rain and get soaking wet because so far helping in no little way to retempt for fully eight weeks through family prostrate. If this lad want HER someone else did not bring him lieve the situation and meriting the the columns of his paper. Notice his to eke out a living Journalist shelter. The fact is that our children kind hands of some of the well thinkattitude towards the decisions of our in this Republie he will have to stop are out in the rain, and it is our ing people of the Canal Zone and Board of Directors and competent meddling, remember he owns the duty to shelter them. Let us do so. Panama, as well as the Panama Gov.
meetings of our Districts, how he has Paper Lock Stock and barrel (he is Next week, if am still able toernment that gives the director just brushed them aside as not not in a Company as he is not the Wire for us and we ll Wire for You speak with you, will continue this monthly stipend to help carry on the worthy of his notice, although he owner of a Printing Plant, etc. he had on the morning of the day of may be called upon to put up a very NIMBLEY Co.
discussion by calling your attention work. And here is a small group to some things other than those that approaches the scene to turn on the meeting of the Board Rested large Bond with the Government so Electricians and Dealers have mentioned here, which hope a searchlight into but one comer of his case in the hands of the board. Jas to protect the public against his will convince you (if you are not al Watson nine years work corner Notice also that a community like meddlesome proclivities. Advertisers Wiring, Supplies and Repairs ready convinced) of the urgent ne in which they would make us see the this, with other communal ac alone will not do, this means Capcessity for a move in this matter. man as an Illiterate Commander tivities such as the etc. Jital. also change this child of your Telephone 1059 (ELIJAH HUNTER)
administering disciplinary measures this great journalist can find none immagination. have had legal jusAncon CZ Box 747 (to be continued)
of the Middle Ages to the inmates for his well meant criticisms except tification of a libel action, etc. to in an old ramshackled unsanitary ours, the best and most intelligently read Believe have had, ete. No Street Panama conducted. These are the lines on word to the wise is all that is neAMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH building. Surely, this is not true measurement of the man and his which his honesty and sincerity arecessary stop Medaling lets hope, work. Moreso it is glaringly untrue to be judged, if the gravity of nut sed, Adios.
St. Paul Church, Panama, when it is known for sure that the his offense is to be properly measur. still see no wrong in signing myTRINITY SUNDAY measurement was done by persons CHURCH SERVICES ed and fitting sentence imposed. sell ANOTHER LABORER.
Rev. Nightengale, who are expected to be capable of This lad worked in the Balboa 30 a. Holy Communion. The snaking correct measurement in such Commissary as late as 1925, and at WESLEYAN METHODIST Church School, p. Mr.
CHURCH cases.
that time our Association was in HERE AND THERE 10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. AtChoral Evensong and sermon, 30 well, Lay Reader.
And this is the way, gentle reader, operation but we did not meet him (British Conference) The Rector.
that the strong jumps upon and at any of its meetings. Up to that 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and wrecks the weak. This is the way time, although he was living here (Contiued from Page 1)
from childhood, we had never read hent as appeared as the editorial in Wesley Church, Panama City Rector.
might, for the most part, treats with Prelude right. The effects of this type of inanything in the 11 and 80. Rev. Cousins.
press as coming the West Indian Section of the Star Introit Psalm 67.
gratitude are what now and then from him on the welfare of the com and Herald of the 23rd instant. This Trinity Church, Colon ST. BARTHOLOMEW S, LAS Hymns 160, 821, 161.
disrupts man CASCADAS munity. Perhaps, but for the good article is particularly interesting at 11 and 16 Rev. Wade.
sober, rational enTour Communion Services In deavors for peace and happiness. For men of the Panama American, who this time by reason of the fact that La Boca, Canal Zone Matins, Holy Eucharist and 00 Church School. Mr. nine years Watson has been silently made him get a taste at earning it is known that the most popular 11. Mr. Henry Harewood. mon. Rev. Mulcare, Cragwell, Supt.
contributing to the protection of the good wages he might still have been man on the Isthmus, if not even 80 Mr. Walters Church School and Confirmation 30 Choral Evensong and finer feelings of college and univerthe casual worker he used to be much otherwise, used to be one of Paraiso, Canal Zone Class, 30 Sermon. Preacher, Chaplain sity graduates and to the work of His prosperity in Journalism has the leading spirits as an officer of 11. Mr. Kinnimouth, Messrs. Brathwaite and Wood.
financial magnates and local society.
sent him mad. He had even attacked the movement, in much that he 30. Mr. Walters. Swaby, Lay Readers.
Hymns (A. and 162, 169, 477. That what the Niterate Comhis benefactor, Mr. Rounsevell, was one of their representatives to New Providence MULCARE, Psalm 148, 149, 150.
wish to ask him this question again. Ithe last jamboree at Wembley, Engmander has been doing. The flout11. Mr. Nathan Turner.
Priest in Charge.
Magnificant. Boyce (279. ing of justice by a few can not erase Since it is so easy to organize, and land: interesting because, despite Nunc Dimittis Robinson (278. Wataon name from the history of keep organized, what has become of his popularity and the blessings of ST. PETER BY THE SEA, ST. SIMON MISSION, GAMBOA Offertory Anthem: Lord Thou Panama; for, although Illiterate his various achemes to organise. the movement to him (in showing LA BOCA Matins and address, 11 a. Mr. Hast Been Our He says The West Indians are him one of the leading countries of Dwelling Place ke remains the only man who foundE. McCarthy, Lay Reader.
ed an institution for the reclamation Joiners. why did he have to aban the world. he has failed to attract Holy Communion, a. The Ree Church School and Confirmation Postlude.
don the Newspaper Syndicate, and the youngsters and make the local tor.
and reformation of wayward boys in Class, 80 go single handed why did they not outfit comprehensive and all emthe Republic of Panama where two Holy Baptism, 30 Mr. McCarthy.
Rent Recelpt Books in Spanish Governments, one of which is join him. He is popular it can hracing. whatever the later term Matins and address, 11 a. m, Mr. MULCARE, and English for wale at the Work richest in the world, are carrying the not have been want of popularity. might mean. Palmer, Lay Reader.
Priest in Charge BAR Prater. WC. ser


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