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Big Boxing Bout Atlantic Side Scouts The Right to use the Cane at School Under the direction of Assistant Schoolmaster who Flogged Boy for Smoking Cigarette Upheld Tend.
The court People Severely Rebuked Sam Manning Noted HARRY WILLS AND MAKE EXCURSION TRIP TO West Indian Comedian WALCOTT TO FIGHT PANAMA DECORATION DAY At last the indomitable Harry Files Libel Action Against Marcus Wills welter weight champion of Commissioner Ford, the Atlantic Garvey at Jamaica the Isthmus has come to terms with Scouts consisting of five detachyoung Joe Wateott two young ex mento viz Silver City, First Colon, The Jamaica Mail of the 21st ponents of the fistie art will try Second Colon, St. Joseph and GeA cable despatch from London cigarettes confiscated. Butap ulto, states that Messrs. Milhol GOES ON WELL EARNED conclusions at the Panama Bull Ring tun made an excursion trip to Panslates that Kings Bench Divi parently a girl who smoked land, Ashenheim and Stone filed VACATION on Sunday the 16th inst.
sional Court consisted of Lord could only have the actual cigat.
ama on Thursday loat (Decoration an action in the Supreme Court Hiewart, the Lord Chief Justice, ette she Mr. Coleman (Atlantic side Day. was smoking taken yesterday on behalf of Sam ManMr. Arthur Richardson, Assistant and Justices Avory and Switt, away.
Treasurer of the Panama Brewing correspondent of the Star and Her Arriving on the 11. train, ning the coloured comedian, to Lord Hewart: That again old) has made arrangements with they were joined by detachment of yesterday upheld the right of a recover damages against Marcus and Refrigerating Company accompanied by his family, sailed away the Panama Railrond for the run Pacific Scouts at the Railroad Staheadmaster to cane a boy who, shows the importance of belong with his father permission, had ing to the other sex. Laugher. Garvey et al for alleged libel.
hey proceeded to The libel complained of is from the Isthmus on Wednesday last ning of a special train on that date tion, afterwards, Mr. Pratt: The statute that contained in an article which ap for his home in England where he in und he will also handle all tickets in DeLesseps Park where badges were smoked a cigarette in the street.
the fight at that distributed by the District Commis Smoking was an infrigement of gave the policeman authority to the school regulation, peared in a recent issue of the tends to spend a well earned four connection with confiscate cigarettes says no Rioner Bolt and other obligamonths Vacation, after a period of Blackman newspaper under had before it the thing about a boy who smokes The train will leave Colon at 12. 80 tions undertaken; then they marched the heading The World as it ten years continuous work with the is. and signed by Mr. Marcus Brewery. The familiar figure of Mr. the date of the fight and will stop to the President Palace where they rule calling on the Newport a pipe. Laughter. Shropshire, justices to show Mr. Justice Avory remarked Garvey, Manager and Editor of Richardson will doubtless be greatly at Fort Davis, Gatun, Pedro Miguel, received a hearty welcome.
cause why they should not state that now, apparently, the boy that paper.
mused by the staff at the great and Balboa making ita return trip On returning they marched through a case for an appeal against had been at 10. 00 the same day. the principal streets of the city, fin their refusal to convict Mr. school in order that he might taken away from Mr. Sam Manning is the cele Brew house as can be attested to by brated American Comedian, who the many encontums expressed at Jethmus on Thursday nigh last states ally reaching Delensepa Park where Brooks, the headmaster of smoke ad libitum (laughter. that a bulletin issued from Windsor they separated.
Adams Grammar school, New along with Mr. Sydney Perrin his departure.
Lord Hewart, in his judgment The Workman bids Mr. Richardson astle that day, conveyed the sad in Completing a has just completed a season in day recreation, port, for an alleged assault on said that there was a plain rule Jamaica, having appeared in und family bon voyage. pleasant ormation that King George of Eng. they made the return trip to Colon Frank Douglas Wright, a school of law that any person who sent vaudeville numbers under a constay in their homeland, a complete and had a feverish attack and was on the p. train much benefitted boy of 15.
a child to school was presumed tract with the Palace, Saenger restoration to health of their young e. nfined to bed.
by the day experience.
Wright was a day boy and to give the school authorities Wilcox Co. at the Palace Movies son who has been in a health duwas smoking after school hours power to administer moderate and Gaiety Theatres here. Both ring the past two yean, and a happy with his father permission and reasonable punishment. So comedians left the island yester return to Panama.
The justices refused to convict the justices in this case had exday for Cristobal.
KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND Mr. Brooks who was summoned pressed a perfectly correct view It is learnt that prominent ATTACKED WITH FEVER by the boy father, They declin of the law. They found that the BY POLICE COURT MAGISTRATE counsel have been retained on ed to state a case for appeal on punishment was a proper one, behalf of the plaintiff, cable despatch received on the content (Contributed)
the ground that the application reasoably administered and The above headline is the caption amount of fines imposed in this was frivolous.
there did not seem any ground INTERESTING JOTTINGS Mr. Ronald Walker appeared for ordering them to state a of an article published in the papers place for one month equalled the of a certain place for general in amount of such fines imposed in the for the Justices and Mr.
case for an appeal. Therefore. By ELIJAH HUNTER)
formation, and is reproduced here pace where he came from in a year. Pratt for Mr. Wright.
the rule would be discharged, for the same purpose. Inasmuch as This city, by the way, is a prosper The Boy and the Pipe Oh, these jottings! have heard fool. fool is a man who has the the incident took place in a country ous city. Here is pauperised. You Mr. Pratt said that a boy un. with costs against Mr. Wright.
all sorts of things about them. Some, ability to do what the one who calls very distant from here, the circum can draw your own conclusions.
der 16 who was found smoking Mr. Justice Avory and Mr. Jussay they are all right others, they him fool cannot do. Let them puttances in connection with it are not In other words, you foolish peo by a policeman could have all his tice Swift concurred.
are no darned good still others, the this in their pipes and smoke it. The distant, because occurrences of ple ignorant people who are pay.
writer is a fool, he has nothing to smoke will fumigate the saw dust of the same kind are taking place in ing all these fines for insulting lan HERE AND THERE do and the girls say, they are a which their grey matter is made, this locality which call for just as guage abusive language trivial aspain. With your permission, want and make it a little less offensive. severe rebukes. Then it demon sults instead of spending that mon 10 say don care one row of pino Those who way have nothing to do atrates that human BY JUNIUS nature is the ley even on your own homes, and about the opinions of those who are are blind, deal, and dumb, and its a same everywhere. It shows that putting it in the Savings Bank, you It may be recalled that last week, general way, they were all intend ferocious, fractious, and impertinent good thing they are dumb. The fel ignorance is curse and scourge are giving it to the Government in had a few things to say about the ed es. means of public protest enough to cuss me, and call me bad low who said thene jottings are nowherever it abounds. It shows that the shape of fines and stampe: and way in which we celebrate here, and gainst indifference and oppression, names, and interfere with me, and darned good is no damned good himlinis disease has the same effect that is why you are pauperised now, that closed by suggesting that, al. But thing are now not nearly so bad won mind their own business, and sell. He is like the man who saw upon all persons without regard for and will always remain pauperized though did not want to meddle in as then, and procession now should don like the look of my face, nor another driving in a brand new Buick anything else. It shows that society until you get out of this idea of the practice of joining in the celebe primarily directed at creating enthe make of my physical form, dorix. His friend asked him how he is being corrupted everywhere, and litigation.
bration of the holidays of all the thusiasm in the heart of our fellowthe naked dome that possen. would like to be owner of cap like anong all peoples, because. cerThe rebuke contained in these other nationals in the community, workers for the cause of organized have come to the conclusion that that and he replied, man, that tain percentage of persons every words were severe indeed coming would nevertheless like to see some labor. Here is a suggestion then for brother Bedward knew what he was thing is no darned good, it only put where seem permanently assigned to from such an august personas a of them slide. Now, am sure that, us to take up the question at the saying when he said, dem don man into the hands of the police, this work. The tendency to con judge occupying the Judicial Bench. after such a very guarded and high meetings of our Association (The know food sumting.
ad caumes bim no end of possentaminate, destroy, and despoil the But just a moment look will dis. ly diplomatic manner of putting the Panama Canal West Indian Emsions. purety of the nation, and the stand close the fact that the rebuke was thing and this may be about my ployees Association. and in the have the same opinion of them ard of the people is general, per by no means more severe than the first attempt at diplomacy, leaming press, the best method of celebrating myself. But as long as the girls Now, that it exactly possessions petual. and intensive, and so men go social and moral disaster which the wo be clever like the rest not to call the coming Labor Day. Remember think well of these fottings, wiu. Some folk have none, and hate to trom stage to stage, and age to age by these acts of theirs. The Judge trom the dogs no one will object to people had brought on themselves a spade a spade even the spades the Latin American Federation of continue to give it to them. am see other have. But me and my folk Labor celebrate the 1st of May as vlad when the girls are pleased with possess the mind to see some humor putrifying, wasting, languishing.
was filled with disgust, evidently. my suggesting a day of celebration The incident follows: And no wonder, because any man by the workers. There is no ques. European workers; but the day in their Labor Day, in association with me. am naturally pleased with all in these Jottings. We are different of them. love them. feel like to those who condemn what they do! Addressing the litigants in Court, with a truely civilized mind, and a tion about it, am keenly anxious September is that observed where we am in a wilderness whenever am not understand. We possess the mind the presiding Judge is reported to conscience purged of brutal desire to see the workers taking increasing are employed. Last year the Ameriabsent from them, and they from which delights in mirthful ideas. have said. Before we start hear to see his fellow man cover his head interest in themselves, and believe can Association of Organized Labor me. They nourish me, they cherish That is a quality. But those whose ing these insulting and abusive lan with filth, and bathe his face in cor thot this is another means of in.
me, they sustain me. They invigor bodies and minds are moistened guage cases, have just got a few ruption would naturally encounter ducing interest. have the mind on the Canal Zone celebrated the day, by publishing a supplement to ate me. They entertain me, and oh, with a poisonous fluid are burdened remarks to make. Last year, 1928, most formidable attack of nausen, LABOR DAY, the first Monday in the Star and Herald, in which they what would do without the affec with an infection. So, if these bother you people paid nearly (15, 000) tit expressive only in words like those Scptember every year. This year it tion of the girls? What would get Ls, and molest us, and try to draw ten thousand dolars in fines. Think used.
will be on the 2nd day of the month. recounted the history of organized (Continued on Page 8)
ont of life if there were no girls to our tongues, we will roast them, and of it, fifteen thousand dollars. From If these platitudes might be par. It may be recalled that the old :waft me upon their wings of charm bil them, and eat them raw! January 1929 up to yesterday, you doned if one might be permitted to ver Employees Association very fitand solicitude to the mountain tope have already paid over four thou tell the truth, the whole truth, and tingly and profitably observed this ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS of peace, satisfaction, and serenity? Speaking about the girls. They sand dollars. 4, 000. For the first nothing but the truth, such people day in 1918, by means of a very orMEETING For whom would fall, it there are on my nerves, and like it so nine days of March, over one thou are in this very place in two great derly and dignified procession from olsamma were no girls. Therefore, behold, ob The other evening, attended a funerand dollars were paid in fines a number for their own good, or any. La Boca to the Balboa Heights Shareholders of the Isthmiah Unserve and be notified that the rest, tion at which there were a number Think of that too. Yesterday, had body elses. It appears that they out. Station and back, carrying ban lertaking Company in hereby reen go to hell, as long as the girls of them. They were good looking a gentleman sitting on the beneh number those who are familiar with ners depicting in brief statementa minded of the Annual Shareholders and me stay here loving, cherishing, pretty, beautiful, handsome, sweet, with me, a Police Magistrate who the purpose for which they were the sentiments of the workers; that meeting which takes place on Monand disobeying each other. lovely, fascinating, captivating, came from Nova Scotia. When not made with four feet shoots, long they also had a similar procession day night next the 3rd June in the Then, to those who say the writer Merey! they had all the qualities of showed him the fine books and the flappy ears, and a tail that has to few months later in Cristobal. There offices of the Company at No. 12 to a fool, me and my girls will re the modern girl. Their skirts were a average monthly fines that were im be trimmed lest it sweeps the were also other processions by other Higinio Duran Street, San Miguel, mind them of this definition of a (Continued on page 5) posed, he was simply astounded. The (Continued on Page 8) labor organizations subsequently. In Panama City.
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