
Alarming Conditions In Parish Descendant of Distinguished Legal of St. Elizabeth Family.
Legislative Council Votes Sum To Provide for School Children.
His Excellency at Enthusiastie Meeting the Were FULLER came we enSt. Vincent, April 17th. very representative and enthu.
siastic meeting to discuss the Vol The Grenada West Indian of thu, of the Law was too strong for him.
unteer movement was held this afth instant says: According to Sir Henry Alcazar, ternoon, the Governor and In Trinidad, on Wednesday last, Mr. Wharton joined Gray Inn in Major Peebles, o. Mr. Joseph Algernon Wharton, son 1926. There, after eighteen months, Administrator, being present. Speech of the late Louis Anthony Wharton be passed his final with such distincSUITABLE FOR LIBRARY es were delivered by Lieut. Da Sanand brother of Mr. Louis Edgar tion that the Benchers of his Inn Writing editorially on the great, velopment which is taking place in tos, at present in command of the Wharton was admitted by the Full awarded him Chambers grant of STUDY OR DESK drought which at present prevails in the colony. Log wood and stockVolunteers, the elected member for Court to practice as a Barrister at one hundred guineas which enabled the parish of St. Elizabeth, the Ja breeding are no longer profitable There is an air of grace and ele the Windward District, Major Grist, Law.
nim to read for two terms with Mr.
maica Mail of the 14th ulto, says: Jenterprises in that parish; there isgance reminiscent of Colonial Daya commanding Local Forces, the The petition was moved by Sir Henn Collins, an experience which Acute distress prevails over a market for the former, and ani About Willard Type Banje Clocks Covernor, Major Peeble sand the Henry Alcazar, who, referring he had no doubt would be very uselarge area of St. Elizabeth. Persona mal drawn vehicles are fast disapthat appeals to people of culture.
Chief Justice. The force is now to be to the legal career of the petition ful to him in the practice of the proof the peasant class are in the grip pearing from idand thoroughtares, These clocks are high grade and raised to the full strength as recomer father. who was at one time session. They welcomed him cordialof appalling conditions that have this being the horseless age. wise reliable, while the cases are of the mended by the Inspector General of Solicitor General of Trinidad) said iy to the Bar of the colony and they been occasioned by drought. Indeed, government has made provision for West Indian Local Forces. it might have been prophetic when had no doubt that after such brilwe are led to believe that they are the carrying out of experiments in best craftsmanship.
Among others present the he was named Louis Anthony at the linnt studies, there was a brilliant starving. Three deaths which occur and around the Pedro Pinins, in the Also new assortment of other clergy of the various denominations taptismal font, for his initials were career in store for him in Trinidad.
red in the Mountainside district du sinking of wells to provide water fine clocks that will surely meet including the Bishop of the Wind A W, and of law he was a bril The Chief Justice, followed by Sir ring the past fortnight are said to for irrigation and domestic purposes. your every requirement in the home ward Islands and many representa liant student. Of course, in the George Walton and Mr.
Justice be due to starvation. Recently, the is hoped that this will solve the or office at tive and leading citizens.
courtesies of the moment Sir Henry Greenidge addressed the new Bar.
government sent Mr. laaacs, problem in that area; for once patehdid not pursue the matter, since the rister in encouraging terms and he Secretary of the Board of Supervises of the Pedro Plains are irrigated, INSTALLATION OF ELEC new Barrister is A W!
gracefully bowed acknowledgments.
sion, to the drought strieken die drought conditions will be supercedTRIC LIGHTS It was noted that the petitioner was trlets to investigate conditions; and ed by agricultural activities; and 122 CENTRAL AVR.
the third son of his legal father to WOMEN WILL NOT SIT ON As a result of that enquiry It is well shwe the people of that particular Work to Begin Soon practice as a Barrister, and that the TRINIDAD CITY COUNCIL within the region of probability area will be blessed with economie pisal fibre is used to manufacture previous two from their That relief works will have to be un vision. Some four months ago this begs that are used in the exporta In connection with the paragraph father Inn. As a matter of fact this Motion by Captain Cipriani Defeated dertaken, to enable suffering huma journal announced that plans are be tion of cocoa, coffee, ete. Factories which appeared in a recent issue of third son, the petitioner, studied nitty to withstand the withering ing considered for the establishment blant of adversity. In the meantime, paper factory in the parish, for the making of baga exist in those this paper with regard to the elec. Medicine for time but the lure The Grenada West Indian of the the Legislative Council has voted lighting of Kingstown, ith instant says: five hundred pounds to provide a Brass of certain variety which countries, Jamaica should follow the trie Vincent, saye the Grenada before it bears a crop, the shortage grows in profusion en swamp landa example of these two republica This St.
At a specially convened meeting understand is likely to continue for some time of the Port of Spain City Council Indian, daily meal for school children. In our that abound in the river area, being is one direction in which an Econo West Saturday isme Mr. JRO. Final. available for the production of painie Committee would serve a very that the report of Mr. Welman According to the Jamaica Govern motion by Captain Cipriani that citizen who is well and favourably to the committee concerned has been ment Blue Book, the export value steps be taken to have in Corporaso favourable that work will be start. of pimento was 190, 017 for the tion Ordinance amended so to inknown in every parish of the colony per. We hope that the factory useful purpose.
scheme will materialize. There is an in view of his connection with or year 1926 and 265, 308 for 1927clude in its provision the eligibility other industry that could be well known Canadian Life Assurance couraged in St. Elizabeth. In a very Jamaica Pimento: there wthin the next three four months. The installation of The export value for 1928 is not yet of women to sit on the Council was Company, made an appeal for funds Boosted Abroad electricity in St. Vicent has met published, but it calculated on the discussed at length. The result of to assist in alleviating the distress large stretch of the Lotite Plaing with the approval of every citizen. average selling price during the the vote was for and against.
which obtains in St. Elizabeth. The sisal cultivation is conducted on the (FROM THE CHAMBER OF COMAs regards work here, we under year this should exceed 800, 000. One councillor did not vote. The fund has been organised at the local farm which was leased from stand the power plant is now com. There is every indication of a fur Mayor then voted against and as a MERCE JOURNAL. headquarters of the company with kovernment by the Hon. Harplete and street wiring is already unther increase in value for the contie resulted threw the motion out rison, Custom of the parish. The which Mr. Pinzi is associated. It is fibre la decorticated at the Letita The Jamaica pimento, otherwise, der way. An expected shipment of ing crop.
with his casting vote.
deserving of the support of every Factory; and, therefore, the nucleus known to the trade as allspice, is additional supplies has not yet turnIndividual who can assist in relieving the necessities of district commuof a bag making industry is at hand. oue of the principal spices produceded up, so the progress of the work nities whose members have year in Bags for the reception of coffee, co in the Empire. The pimento tree is here must of necessity be somewhat coa, pimento, etc. are imported into peculiarly indigenous to Jamaica, delayed. Issue April 26. BAPTISTE HOYTE and year out borne their hardshipa Jamaica in abnormal quantities. We and attempts to produce the plant with fortitude. We commend Mr.
THE ARTISTIC The People Finzi appeal to the consideration are of opinion, however, that sisal in other countries have so far prov. the United States of America, in the preparation of certain foods. In tibre could be employed in the man eu futile. Pimento is little known in of all who are in a position to assist ufacture of thebe very necessary re this country except to those countries where one of the the manTAILOR Tailor worthy caus eptacles; and once bag making ufacturing trade, its use being main staple foods of the people is sausSt. Elizabeth stands in need of. In industry is brought within the range is that of an ingredient in pickles ages it is regarded as indispensable Building 32 to The average annual exports for the House dustries that will enable many of her of practicability in St. Elizabeth, or and sauces of all descriptions, Street 12th October St.
inhabitants to turn aside from for that matter in any other section which it gives a flavour unobtainable, past twenty five years have been Panama, Panama penury and take their places in the of the island, it would mean a steady by any other spice. Large quantities about 5, 000 tons, and the value of runks of men and women who are development of sisal growing in the are, however, used in Germany and the crops to the island of Jamaica contributing their quota to that del colony. In Colombia and Venezuelal other European countries, also in up to 1914 was about 275, 000 annually.
DENTIST HOWELL In recent years, however, the production has fallen a great deal, due House No. 912 La Boca Joseph Mason to neglect of the plantations as a reCanal Zone Mattro Pucnlehed sult of the very low prices that has OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Lepaired always been fixed by the consuming markets, and which made it unproPHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Guaranteed fitable to reap the crops. In recent Specialises in all Branches of years, notably, the last three years, Dentistry Bet ret Quachapell The sensible man saves consistently. Though the production has fallen to about ALL WORK GUARANTEED Home No 10 4, 000 tons, and the last crop, 1928 RESIDENCE588 his deposits may be small, his is the satisfacis calculated at about 000 tion of knowing that he has a constantly grow only. The decrease in production has, however, been counter balanced ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings by an enormous increase in the Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at value as the price in 1927 rose to nearly 80 per ton, and in 1928 up POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM to 2116 per ton. Since then further advances have takeen place for ut to the money you already have on deposit.
TAILORS the balance of the 1928 crop not yet shipped from the island, and 125 House 77 Room to 180 per ton has been paid for what is left to come forward; whilst 23rd Street Chorrillo Start saving now. Open an account with this the London spot price is 1s. 8d. per Ib. the equivalent of 140 per ton.
cous Bank which, together with its predecessor, The The German markets fearing a continuance of the shortage, are anxlous to make sure of their future refully served its West Indian friends on the quirements, and have contracted in advance for quantities of new crop PHYSICIAN at prices ranging from 125 to 2180 START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE tons Benjamin Barnett Son per annum is paid twice a year and added International Banking Corporation, has faithDr. Fairweather per ton.
Isthmus for a quarter of a century.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK The world consumption of this spice is estimated at 4, 000 tons, and as the pimento is a very slowgrowing plant, taking at least filteen years from the time of planting HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY PANAMA COLON


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