
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 1ST, 1929, PAGE THREE Tricksters Sent to Jail Trinidad Protective Association Hoids Social New York Broker Fooled By wo Confidence Men in London PANAM HARDWARE MAGISTRATE AMUSED CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA dollars Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY London, May Sir Chartres condition that he give 300, 000 dollara Biron London magistrate, laughed to the deserving poor.
incredulously today when he was Melaney offered to Mr. Phillips told that two men appearing in 10, 000 dollars to distribute in New Court before him had taken 10, 000 York. Mr. Phillips, the detective dollars by the oldest confidence added to show he was a man of subtrick in the world from a Wall stance handed over 10, 000 Street Stock Broker The stock whereupon the detective intervened.
broker was Charles Swayne Phillips The magistrate said: Surely Mr.
of New York. Sir Chartres said the Phillips is not a stock broker on experience should be a warning to Wall Street?
American visitors, for whom the Defending counsel replied: You trick seemed to have a peculiar can scarcely believe it. The Iascination, defense is that they were tempted The detective who had been watch to play a trick on this strikingly ing the movement of Samuel Mel dressed man who was telling every aney, a commercial traveller, and body how much money he had got.
Harry Baker, railroad constructor, Sir Chartres sentenced both men in a West End hotel said the men told Mr. Phillips that to Melaney to three months in jail and said Mr.
had been left a fortune of 3, 000, 000 Phillips was lucky to have got his dollars under his uncle will on money back.
The first Social of the Trinidadan Protective Association took place in their Hall on Thursday 23rd uito, when, in spite of the inclement weather, a fair gathering turned out to enjus the proceedings of the eve.
After the preliminaries were got through, President Preau, intro daced the Vice President Ward to take care of the remainder of the programme. Many addresses were delivered by the members of the Society on the welfare of the Organization; the sounding of the chairman savel completed the first section of the entertainment.
The latter section was continued with a reading by York and songs from other members after which refreshments were served; the singing of the Doxology brought the fune.
tion to a happy close OFmen Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue NEWS BOY CHARGED FOR, taken money to purchase a hat LOITERING brought him within the clutches of the law: a fine of 20. 00 was imposLeonard Humphrey, an 18 year olded on him after a charge was made lad was arrested on Tuesday of this against him in the court, and being week by Zone Policeman unable to produce same, he was lodgGreenwood and taken to the Balboa od in goal.
Police Station where he was charged for loitering The officer stated that Humphrey loitered near the oil handling plant in order to get aboard the ships at The Tailor Balbos to peddle papers, magazines, and other things to the passengers 24th STREET and also offered to go ashore to make purchases for them.
Guachapali His failing to return after having Panama RP Arrangements are under way for the celebration of the Fourth of July according to recent information from the Treasurer of the Committee and the sum of 357. 79 was collected up to last Monday, but 907, 21 is yet needed to complete the required amount for the budget.
Samuel W, Russell ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service.
LUCKY STRIKE San Sebastia 00 to get to exoo SVD JUSTO OS 22 16 for 10c.
SAU an a si UOVO VAI civo had got a Tutoria ISHT be guidt op tibi ad SOUVISS as diwarisan artis 3D stes batean host 03 Film Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable 035 Wor Toy es trouby 151893 TTTOST USE or svinger in die ben is bei langt bortis en Ei ottimo com toivo HASTU MOITAVU


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