
PAGE FIVE Interesting Jottings Atlantic Side Notes IDOZAN (Contiued from Page BY THE STRAGGLER)
pain one of them was plumb to the knee, just there, and not an inch elsewhere. That pleased me iminensely, and occupied a position of Last week, gave you an account organization, let us have the greatof the doings of the Alliance Liter. est confidence in it, and hold the best Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern vantage, so that lost Dothing, ab ary and Debating Society at their respect for it.
principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without solutely nothing. She had an angelie face, and eyes like magnets.
Her Ladies Night function, and the adcausing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains dress delivered by our Mn. Morri. The Isthmian Airways Incorporatteeth were pearly white, her figure per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in sample of physical perfection, and son. had promised to give you the led seem to be doing good business.
excess of that contained in the more generally pres.
her address which was delivered Flying is not anymore confined to ber beauty generally was such as cribed iron compounds.
bountiful nature only would ever by Mrs. Roderiques who acted as birds and winged creatures, in the dream of giving to sinful man. Oh!
presiding officer for the evening. olden days. Men have become a The most recent medical investigations have fully that could see all nature in ber as want to show you here that even a scientific that Goodness knows the proved that iron should be administered in much larger quisite beauty www this girl that atraggler can keep his word if he next thing they will do. What a vast wishes to. So, here is that address: change has come over the land in doses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poulnight! And too, she was a good se THE ADDRESS many respecta. In the days gone by, sen, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmator. She played her part with a per (By Mrs. Roderiques) only those who could afford to buy cology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in fection that was equal to her per.
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is with a Railroad ticket and who lived in until the doses of iron applied are so large as to apsonal beauty, and to the pain that unlimited pleasure that rise to say Colon could hope to see Panama she gave me not physical pain; but parently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, just a few words; and during the city. Now, anyone having the sum endured mental agony that was Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his course of my talk, let find out if of 15. 00 can fly to Panams and unapeakable because of the distance treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. we lack any good thing in this so back Just a short time. Wonder between us, and because feared ciety.
that someone else was sharing in her In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no What lack we yet? We lack Grit: In connection with this flying busi.
admiration besides me. Sharing with constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when that state that embodies Resolution, ness, heard an amusing conversaother, do not like, especially in taken before meals.
Perseverance, and Optimism. Intion little after five o clock last some things. This thing called adovery phase of life, there is that evening, when the Plane landed at miration in particular. In all seriou IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmtendency to go forward or backward. its hangar at Folks River, and deness, hate to share with other. If ful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration obThe good seeds that are being sown posited its passengers with their nothing more will be added to the in this society from time to time, barrage. Among the lookers on was served after taking a dose, disappears at once if the span of a man yean, then fear should be made to grow, and blos man who said to his friend. Gee!
dose is followed by a draught water.
that must give take all som, and bear. That is to my, every Isn that fine? How would you like admiration which comes my way IDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated motion we make should spell suc to take a fly to Panama in that now, before love the rolden opporceas morally, inellectually, and so thing. Yes. said the other, It is are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
tunity of admiring all the girls cially, fine. And would Hke to take a fly should admire. dread to think of Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN In fact, we should aim towards in. Ito Panama; but am concerned the possibllity of passing onward, dividual progress. This is the time more about the 15. 00 than about yields results in a short time, comparable to many leaving undone the things should and place to exhibit that which is the flying. If could fly to Panama months treatment with preparations, the iron content have done, namely, to inflict upon within us, be it small or great. By without allowing the 16. 00 dollars of which is much smaller.
modern girl the privation of my. NO doing, we will help, individually, to fly away from me, that would be lustrious admiration!
10 bring about and establish success a different matter. As it is, the big FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS So, after the function, struggled in this society.
Master knows that don need an home, looking behind and around me Although barriers may arise toweroplane to let my dollars fly. all the way, trying to see could impede our progress, let us be no have a wife and seven children there get one last glimpse of her who solute, firm, and determined, and that are more than a match to any had completely captivated me. Of have faith in what we do, and way Aeroplane, so far as letting dollars this was deprived because she went like Florence Prince, when we are fly po.
in another direction. Where one lo hard beset by failure and defeat, we This is amusing; but think it is bound be muat obey to the ancient fall to rise we climb to grow and as much true. Many would like to atiom, therefore kept on my way.
soon shall victory meet.
Reaching home, went to roost with fly providing the money wouldn ac.
Who knows what there in the out any delay. Then dreamt sweet company them.
hidden future for this society to dreams, and saw lovely visions too Sam Manning, Comedian, Travelachieve? Shall we throw up our precious to share with you. The arms in disgust and fatigue? sug ler, Entertainer ete ete, along with modern girl appeared to me in my gest that the answer is NO, and his associates jammed the Cristobal skep, and told me that she had seen invite you to let us go forward with Silver Clubhouse on Tuesday night my anxious look for her among the renewed vigor and energy, and like witth a heart breaking crowd. There seething crowd after she had left Bruce of Scotland, be inspired and was not standing room, nor sitting the stage, and that she had come to re invigorated by even a Spider el room either, long before it was time banish that anxiety to drive away forts.
to start the thing. It seemed that that longing of disappointment and Let us persevere and beat upon the whole population would have to soothe me with the halm of her the barriers. the chief of which are cone mad for something to attend it comely presence. Then she bowed, selfishness and ignorance. and de this affair did not come off. stragend like a phantom she vanished molish them. We know not what lies kled into the Clubhouse at ten min.
THERE IS EVERY EVIDENCE to show that many children grow and from my view. feeling of relief beyond the horizon. There may be a uten of eight, and then, nobody else apparently thrive on indifferent sourishment. baby can look well and even grow fat, but yet not be theroughly and properly nourished and satisfaction enveloped me, and sced in some secret corner of this would go up the steps, It was a good Mother milk gives complete nourishment to a baby because it contains curtain woke up singing: substances which give warmth, weight. muscle energy and growth. society awaiting its chance of oppor thing that everyone were not of my substitute for mother milk might give a baby the appearance of good health The mem ries of that girl of bliss, and yet fail to nourish particular important systems of the body, or the dort tunity to grow, and in due time, size, or our good friend Mr. Waller Will never from me part; te digest such a food may lessen much of the benefit the food might contain may do so bringing forth as the re would surely have had to consult the LACTOGEN bring compuedo pure cow milk, which has been altered that the For she sang a song of Home sweet quantity und quality Weach part emble cloudly thou contained in Luana u sulta Poet, Philosopher, Scholar, or Constructing Quartermaster with a hereuph Nurdimentum maha LACTOGENI. pero to ediye to system in the same the completed Home, some one of fame!
view to having him alip in a few powders, because LACTOCEN centaine nothing which is not found in a And that song reached my heart!
bel mill ONLY the form which is natural to babice from day ish Le us then be up and doing, braces here and there in the ClubMy wife woke up, slapped me on With a heart for any fate; house anatomy. Its a good thing Give your Baby the benefit of my cabeza and told me that such still achieving, stin pursuing, when a man is acquainted with redreams were prohibited!
Learn to labor and to wait. gulations Mr. Waller was in posMay we use Optimism, that great session of this thing. So, he knew DANE MATURES Double joy was arrested as the man who had power to look ahead, and whlle we exactly when and where to say pawned it under an assumed name.
continue as members of the grand No More.
The prosecution will be represented by Judge Bill Bailey, and the defense by Judge King Cole. There are to be star witnesses in Mrs. McDuft and Miss Meek and in the old pawbVon NESTLE Milk Food for the weaning time broker Mr. Solovey, who the latter LA BOCA happens to be a litle dest. police inspector in full unifocal will be in attendance to lend color to the scene.
AT ST. PETER BY THE SEA, Baptized persons of any age may This is going to be a ring down good LA BOCA be subjects for Confirmation. In the show, and there should be good East infants are confirmed imme. on of hands. The effect of Confir La Boca Clubhouse on the 18th of Mathematics at the La Boca Uni Towd to take it in. Tickets are on Commencing Sunday next, the 2nd diately after baptism. In the Westmation, then, it is to convey grace this month (Thursday night) is go versity, at costume ball given at sale at 26 centa flat. June 18, 1929.
inst. enrollment for Holy Confirma the age has come to be about twelve und character. In Confirmation we ing to be a pleasant and interesting the La Boca Hotel, and pewned THURSDAY.
tion or the Laying on of hands will years. At this age children pase from receive something; we come to be affair. It will be under the auspices the La Boca Bargain House to Moon begin at St. Peter By The Sea. La childhood into manhood and woman confirmed not to confirm something of the Excelsior Lodge of the Man Solovey, proprietor, by men who Boca. And through this medium the hood, and go more into the world, Some people who do not understand chester Unity, and the caste will con gave his name as Ralph Royster in Rector offers his service to all who and need the grace and strength of what Confirmation is, object to being sist largely of members of the lodge. pledge for the loan of 200. 00. This would like to be instructed to receive Confirmation.
confirmed by a bishop if they have Mr. Attorney Carrington has lring was later bought by one Thomas the Apostolic rite before the end of The title Confirmation in derived already made a publie profession of, kindly consented to preside, and op. Lipton and presented. u enpage.
the current year.
from its effect in strengthing the faith; but when they understand, posing counsel will be Bill Jump and Rent token to Application Blanks will be avail soul by the gifts of the Holy Ghost. they say, not must but May Sam Whyte. The case is to be one of one Miss Marjorie Fabrica de able before or after service on Sun. In Holy Scripture it is also called be confirmed. Grand Larceny by Finding. The Meek, Directoress at the Amador Cigarros days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri the Zeal of the Lord. from the days. They will also be available at fact that it conveyo a special charac MOCK TRIAL AT LA BOCA property involved is a diamond ring School of Economics, and recovered Calldonia No 44 the Rectory at any time.
ter; and it is described as one of the valued at 2, 000. 00. heirloom of from her by Inspector Mike Flane CLUBHOUSE about four generations, lost by one can of the La Boca Detective DuC. Garcia Just few words on the subject four principles of the doctrine of for the benefit of all concerned: Christ under the name of the laying the staging of a mock trial at the Mr. Charles McDuff, Professor of reau. As a result one William LoveGive you enefit ACTOGEN RANDO Narut Canal Zone Notes You better tables acrocen BORINQUEN


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