p. 8


ml bour NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any NEURILGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and NEURALGINA of oxygen, no Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
HOLD ANNUAL BALL (contributed)
Court St. Vincent No. of the am today reminded of Oliver DEFINITION Physical Geography describes the Order of Leabonnon Foresters Goldsmith troubles as an author.
natural features of the earth sur making arangements for their Write how you will, said lie, the face, and the natural forces by which nua) Bal which takes place at Liber critic shall show the world you could changes thereon are produced; sir ty Mall 20 Street on Saturday have written better. For a friendly and water, continents and oceans, July 18th.
eritie tells me that, in writing on varieties of climate, and the vegetThis entertainment will be under the duty of the community and gov.
oble and animal life of the globe.
the direction of Messrs. Irving Comernment to the working classes. neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, ATMOSPHERE rie, Small and Springer who had done better had also included aeceded to the request of the many that of Labour to society and its ITS NATURE AND COMPOSIpatrons who attend this function re rulers, and that would do well to TION: The globe is surrounded by gularly repair my error without delay.
Mocean of air, called the atmosMusie for the occasion will be dis. That my critic may not think phere. It becomes rares and rarer pensed by Woods Tathmian Synco am like the party politician who has the further it recedes from the earth; paters who will delight the invitees nothing but white wash for his poAnd beyond a height of fifty miles with their latest selections. litical friends and only tar for his above the level of the sea, ita preparty foes, will comply with his reduce the fever of children.
sence, as tested by its power to reETUDE CLUB TO MEET desire and frankly say what am fleet the sun rays, becomes in told are the failings of Labour in Appreciable. It appears, however, to Aspecial meeting of the Etude their duty to the public.
affect bodies called meteors more Club will be convened tonight at conceive the first duty of every than 100 miles from the earth.
their hall when matters of vital im citizen to be self improvement. For Every hundred parts of atmos ortance will be dealt with.
the man who will do nothing for therie air contain twenty one parta ais own betterment is no man at Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, gas, and seventy nine Monday Young Peoples Meeting. but, Shakespeare says, parts of nitrogen gas, nearly; for 30 counterfeit who doth not lead the the air contains also a small and Tuesday Band Practice pm life of man.
variable proportion of watery VRTuesday Soldiers Counsels 80 Now, am told that the working pour, and still smaller proportion classes in Trinidad do little to imof carbonic acid gas. The ingredients For sale both Wholesale and Retail Wed. Corps Cadet Class at p. prove themselves, and 30 neglecting la the atmosphere form the essenWed. Home League at p. an obligation, human and divine tial food, both of animals and of Thursday Holinese Meeting 80 gravely fail in their duty to society AT THE vegetables. that which goes to form Songsters Practice at 30 and good government.
their substance. Oxygen is becer. Friday Labour As, Body sary to the support of animal life.
AMERICAN PHARMACY Adjutant NORBERG. Let me first consider how the The material of which the solid AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH working classes as a body fail in a parts of plants are formed is deriv.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor St. Paul Church, Panama, duty to themselves and to society.
ed mainly from the earbonle acid in FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY They fail by want of union among the air. Now, animals live either anama. Rev. Nightesgale, themselves. For how is society to upon vegetable, or upon animal food, Rector)
know what labour wants, why it or upon both combined. The air6. 80 am. Holy Communion. The wants it, and why is considers that orean is thus the great storehouse Rector.
it is entitled to it, unless Labour is whence the life of the globe primari10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. At united and has competent represenly draw its supplies. The atmosphere well. Lay Reader tatives to speak for it?
also the medium by which sound 10. 80 am. Holy Eucharist and You ask me: Where are we to to conveyed from place to place. One Here and There Sermon. The Rector rind such men? We know there is of the most important functions of Prelude Andante. Lanten. Labour Party in Port of Spain, do the atmosphere, however, la dis. Contiued from Page 1)
Introit. Paalms 119. Part you wish u all to join it? No, do charged to carrying from sea to labor on the Zone and presented the Hymns (A. and 478, 210, 298. nut, and have already on previous earth that vapour of water which, photographs of their fellow citizens Hall Communion Service in occasion given my reasons. That though comparatively small in here, who were prominent in labor TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Postlude Air. Mozart.
Party appears to be engaged in a gredient in the air, forms one of the circles and otherwise. Can we do any.
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Shareholders 00 pm. Church School. Mr. political campaign, and, until there greatest forces of nature. It makes thing after that sort. It was nothing is more knowledge of politics among Meeting of the above company which will be held on Monday, June the dew, and the mat, and the in the mad May Day spirit of comclouds, which supply the earth with raunism. Let us make a Labor Sup3rd, 1929, at o clock In the Offices of the Company, No. 12, 30 Choral Evensong and the workers, such experiments had Sermon. Preacher, The Very Rev.
best be left alone. Moreover, the He moisture, and feeds its spring plement to the Workman for SaturHiginio Duran Street, San Miguel, Labour party in Port of Spain has Dean Werlein and brooks, its lakes and rivers, By Order The Board of Directors.
not yet declared that its policy is, day August 31. 1929, and carry out Prelude The Shepherd Boy.
EVAPORATION AND CONDENgood programme on Monday Sept.
and will be, in accordance with that SATION. Before we examine some 2nd. Dead or alive, let hear from Marks.
of the Church. Until that is anof the changes which this water Hymns (A. and 216, 267, 31. fnounced, personally judge it pruyou!
power works on the face of nature, Psalms 2, 3, dent to stand aloof and express the let us enquire whence it comes, and have been asked to remind the Magnificat. Boyce.
views which hold to be most conhow it is diffused. Water sprinkled West Indian employees of the PanNunc Dimittis. Robinson, dueive to the welfare of the working.
on the pavements of our streets on ama Canal and Railroad that the new ren of Trinidad. summer day soon disappears, and scheme Wire for us and we ll Wire for You Offertory. Anthem: Lord Of All of collecting 60 cents a There are other Labour organisa.
leaves the Being. Brachett.
stones hard and dry.
month, for paying sickness and NIMBLEY Co.
tions working on methods approved Where has the water Polude The Royal Pageant gone? Not death grants, goes into effect today, by the Church and with leaders into the stone, certainly. It has been and to state that Electricians and Dealers Marks As soon as the Hicked up by the dry air, and chang number of payments may warrant, whom society and government must ed into invisible vapour. It requires new contribution cards will be ready respect and trust. Listen to Pope ST. ALBAN CHURCH, heat to make this change; and the for insue. As far as can see, there Telephone 1059 PARAISO, ZITO Leon XIII (Eneyel. 15 May, 1891. hotter the air, the more vapour it At the time being, he says, the jis no good reason why there should and hold. Box 747 Ancon Oslo condition of the working classes is not be a rush to the ranks of the (The Rector of St. Paul in charge the pressing question of the hour; Now the same process is constant.
Association now. Then it is well No Street by going on in nature on a large known that there are Panama 11. 00. Matins and Address and nothing can be of higher interother good scale. It takes place most extensive ining in the way, the employeon 00 Church School and Con est to all classes of the State than fin mation Instruction. 30 Evensong and Addressably adjusted. But it will be emay that it should be rightly and reasonpecially in tropical regions, where the sun heat is greatest. It has CHURCH SERVICES Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
for Christian workingmen to decide been estimated that the ocean im PEOPLE SEVERELY REBUKExel set to lit a right if they will form Associaparts its moisture to the atmosphere ED BY POLICE COURT St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ST. MATTHIAS MISSION. tions, choose wise guides, and folat the rate of one billion of tons of MAGISTRATE Holy Communion, a. The Rec Wesley Church, Panama City LAS BABANAS low on the path which, with so much water per day. The turning of water tor. The Rector of St. Paul in charge) advantage to themselves and 5:a. Holy Communion.
the (Continued from page 1)
Into vapour is called evaporation. 00 Church School and Con commonwealh, was troddwen by their Choral Litany, followed by Choral 11 a. Rev. Wade.
The reverse process, by which va ground. Yes, they are to be encountfirmation Instruction.
celebration of the Holy Eucharist 12. 80 Holy Communion. uthers before them. Prejudice, it is pour is again turned into water, is ered on every tenement building, as 30 Rev. Wade. 30 Evensong and Addres. true, is mighty, and so is the greed called, condensation; and as evaporait were on every street in many with sermon, 10. 45, a. The Rector.
Church School, p. The Rector, Subject: The Man Nobody Knows.
Mr. Richards, Catechist.
of money; but if the sense of what tion is the effect of heat, so conden place of commercial activities In the assisted by Mr. Palmer, Lay is just and rightful be not debased sation is the effect of cold. Real market places they Trinity Church, Colon SOUTHERN BAPTIST CON11 Rev. Cousins.
through depravity of heart, their VENTION steam or vapour is invisible. On rogular contributors to the funds Reader.
Choral Evensong, 80 The fellow citizens are sure to be won from which they seem anxious to present 30 Rev. Cousins.
watching the steam Issuing Colon 11 Pastor Witt.
over to a kindly feeling towards men La Boca, Canal Zone the mouth of a kettle, or the safety to the Government, instead of using Rector will be the preacher.
Lurd Supper service. co whom they see to be in eamest as valve of boiler, you do not see it it for their own improvement, or for Cordial invitation to all.
11 a. Mr. Frank Reed. 15 Teacher Drummond. MULCARE, 80 Mr. Perey Hinds.
at the mouth, but a little way from the good of humanity. In the worde Calidonia 11 a. Leader Clark. regards their work and who prefer Rector.
50 unmistakably right dealing to it. If you put a glass tube to kettle of this Judge, think of that. and Paraiso, Canal Zone Smith.
mere luere, and the sacredness of ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, LAS 11 a. Mr. Kinnimouth, 15 nuouth, you do not see the steam in draw your own conclusions Pastor Witt, Lord CASCADAS duty to every other consideration.
the tube, but only after leaving it 30 Mr. Theo. Faller. Supper service. Continued in next issue)
Why is this? It is because as soon Rent Receipe Del Spanish ST. SIMON S, GAMBOA New Providence Calidonia 11 a. Leader Slark.
as the hot steam mixes with the cold and Eaglial for me at the Work Morning Prayer and address, 11 a. Mr. Peart. 16 Rev. Yearwood. Printer air, it gives away some of its heat, If you have Prescription to Church School and Confirmation Paeblo Nuevo 11 Rev. Year be made up take it to the And becomes cooled. Being cooled, it so much cooled that it cannot keep Class, at the usual time, by the Lay SALVATION ARMY wood.
BIT National Pharmacy, Santa Ana turns to water again, it is Panama City Corps Red Tank Mission 30 con all its vapour in the state of vapour, Readers.
Plaza, where you will get cour densed; and the fine light particles some of it condensed into tine par MULCARE, Sunday Knee Drill at a Leader Clark.
teous and obliging service.
which we see floating about in the tieles, and becomes visible as a Rector. Directory Class 10 Gatun 11 Supplied.
air like dust, form small cloud cloud.
WESLBYAN METHODIST Holiness Meeting 11 a.
Rent Receipt Books In Spanish 16 Teacher Ellis.
which we call steam. In like manCHURCH Next week. RAIN, HAIL, SNOW Company Meeting p.
New Providence 11 Do con and Enge for sale at the ork ner, when air having vapouring It isete. BROOKS AND RIVERS. British Conference)
Salvation Meeting 80 Brome ARAKAT STA19 mar Pratecy.
10 Cragwell, Sup. al Wire Wiring, Supplies and Repairs can take the masse are

    SpainWorking Class

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