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PRICE CENTS MUSICAL CONCERT AT SILVER EMPLOYEES MEET PAKAISU TOMORROW IN PANAMA TOMUKKUw CONFERENCE Labour Inrest is Increasing At Kingston, Jamaica Atlantic side Correspondent All Active Organizations to AtMrs. Olga King and Other Pop All Empoyees of Panama Canal sees wisdom in Watson Igtend Unification of West Inular Artists Contribute to Pro Should Attend Sickness and norance. Community has dians Necessity.
gram of Music and Song. Death Benefit Scheme Effect been benefited Demand More Pay. Per Hundred Stems od.
The meeting of delegates from Music lovers of Paraiso, the surthe fact that man is ignorant various organizations operating in Marcus Garvey Addresses Strikers.
Puunding districts and Panama will The Panama Canal West Indian zl do not consider it improper to Colon who have been circularized by From Kingston, Jamaica comes 15 sixteen thousand stems of good enjoy an afternoon of rich music it Employees Association La Boca say few words in connection with the Central Board of Colon, will the news of labour unrest among iruit on the pier for the English they attend the concert of the Panama district will hold a very im.
above entitled matter because, inas meet at Hall, eigth banana earriers, employed by the market, but the banana carriers re Wesleyan Church, Paraiso, to be portant business meeting in Panama much as the recent airing of the af street and Hudson Lane, this Sunday United Fruit Co. the trouble started used to touch them.
neld tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. on Friday night the 14th inst. at fair centered upon the man Watson, evening at oeloek precisely as pre on the night of May 24 when the Mr. Kieffer on Scene At this concert opportunity will be the Baptist church school room. The and was evidently done to hold him viously announced.
carriers struck and demanded more Mr. Kiefer, General Manager viven of hearing the full volume of meeting promises to be very interup to public ridicule, yet, if it were Members from any lodge or society money. That strike was, however, set of the Jamaica Division of the the Organ recently imported from sting, and members residing in the possible to leave Watson the indi who did not receive a circular are tod, but the following Monday they and Mr. Hislop, Assistant the old music house of Estey Co. eaty of Panama can offer no excuse vidual aside for a while, and take a pordially invited to attend and take again refused to work and this time Manager, went to the No. pier and Phat the concert will be of a high but make special effort to be prebroad and impartial view of the part in the discussions, which will be here was a public demonstration attempted to persuade the strikers sandard is assured by the fact that sont.
situation, it would be quite easily ob immediately after the Benefit Show and Mr. Marcus Garvey addressed to begin work, but they remained Mrs. Olga King is among the con This notice is considered early served that although Watson is the at the America Theatre in aid of the the demonstrators, adamant.
tributors to the program as also enough, so that al workers who are hinge, the matter which turns upon Cambridge Local Examination We publish here details of the or The company was faced with Mrs. Doris Reece. Mr. Dottin, or interested in their own welfare and around him is fundamentally a fund, sponsored by Mrs. Linda rurernce as reported by the Jamaica problem, but it was very soon solved.
ganist at the Panama Wesley should be present.
Community affair.
Chubb, local secretary, at which the Mail of May 28: They employ several gangs of men Church, and Master Carlos Grant.
Members who have not yet paid In the first place, am not among celebrated comedians Messrs. Sam those who think that Mr. Watson is Manning and Syd Perrins will stage membered, banana carriers at No. handle cargo other than bananas, mouth, Walters and Mrs. Me ther delay, and the BOB memben On Friday night last, it will be rewho are paid at od. per hour to The choir of the church will render their annual dues for the year 1920 solos and choruses. B. Kenni are expected to do so without furthe most wonderful man who ever their farewell performance featuring Railway Pier struck work and denet foot upon this Isthmus that he the Temple of Jazz. which is ex manded more money per hundred and these gangs were soon put on Yarquhar of Paraiso will also contri who have been putting off their own the job of loading the Carare with has performed a miracle wonderful pected to be a great success as it is stems of fruit while the Lady fruit, while a few of the women who bute to the program.
valuable opportunity should not her to behold that what he has done, the last time the public will be pri Somers was alongside the dock refused to work stood and looked on o clock when it is expected that the members of the Association, valu The concert will commence at istate now to qualify themselves as never man did before him, or will do vileged to hear them, and, the cause waiting to be loaded with bananas of When the news of the strike reach after him. will not even go as far deserves the patronage of the com the Jamaica Producer Association.
el the Central Police Station, Inspec. fchurch will be crowded to capacity able opportunities are swiftly pais.
as to disagree with any who say that mannity.
That strike, however, was eventually tor Connor, Acting Inspector, in ing by: nd time for doubting our Mr. Watson is an ignorant man.
Mr. Manning and Mr. Perrin wint broken, and peace and quietude eluarge of Kingston, statt Serg. Sunday School to Stage selves: Jet all get down to real Mr. Watson has said himself many also be present at the meeting to reigned once more on the water. Stajor Black, and. Major business like one man. Chances lont times. have heard him in address show their great desire to see our pront.
alumphrey went to the pler, where. Operetta Mid Summer Day will never be regained.
ing audiences in the interest of his people advance in every way and Yesterday morning, shortly after Serg. Major Robert Locke of the work may. have no education, but will speak to the delegates on the the arrival of the Elders Fyffes Water Police was already in charge. Miss Simmonds directing rehear The following Memorandum in if you will give me a chance, think proposed movement for our unifica steamer Carare from Avonmouth, There was, however, nothing for the sals for play at La Boch Club connection with the new sickness and can explain to you the reason why tion. It is also expected that mem the banana carriers on the No. police to do, as the strikers were house death benefit scheme of the Associayou people should support the cause bers from the Central Board of Pan Railway Pier, particularly the wovery orderly but still refused to tion has been issued by the Correspond by giving a helping hand. And here will also be present to address men carriers, refused to work unless work.
Scholars of La Boca Wesleyaning Secretary with the approval of the invariably explained. And if an the meeting. It is believed that the they were paid more money per hunSunday school are earnestly rehears President, under date of June third. ignorant man can speak in public Chairman of the Board, Mr. dred stems of fruit. Demonstration ing the operetta Midsummer Day to the Districts of the Association.
the words have quoted, there is no Walters, of La Boca and Mr. DyettThe price paid by the United Fruit party of the strikere, it is re which is booked to be staged at that a supplement to the Memorandum knowing what such a man might not Skerritt of Panama, who served as Co, for the past few years has been ported, congregated in front of town clubhouse the evening of the informs that so far as the provision have done if he was not ignorant. chairman the committee which met 9 per hundred stems, but the strik. Liberty Hall in for the death grant is concerned, the The fact therefore, that Mr. Watson April 5, are among those who willers, it is understood, demanded to be Street, but were refused admission Midsummer Day composed by practice of collecting the 26 cents is ignorant does not obliterate the be present, paid and 6 per hundred stems. To the premises. They thereupon Miss Beatrice Alderman, music by death levy will be continued until other fact that he has rendered a (Contie sed on Page 8) In some cases, for instance, where marched to Edelweis Park carry the Willis Musie Co. is beautifully the accumulation of the funds by practieal service to the whole comthe fruit is taken from Railway cars ing green branches of trees, waving musical and is represented by fifty the new scheme may afford payment munity by conceiving the idea of es MANNING AND PERRIN TO and then deposited on the pier be pieces of cloth, and singing We are eight characters. With each one of tablishing what he calla. Coreer. ENTERTAIN UNION CLUB fore it is loaded in the ship hold, it marching on to victory, etc.
them doing his or her best under the of a fixed sum to the beneficiary of tional School or Boys Institute. and the fruit companies 86 per The police at Halfway Tree were skillful guidance and direction of ench deceased member: of putting this idea into actual prachundred stems; 19 per hundred be notified of the approach of this Miss Unica Simmons, organist of the The Memorandum tiee.
Comedians Last Performance ing paid to lift it from the railway army of strikers and Inspector church, muste lovers can look for As already been announced, efThose of us who have lived in this Will be at Variedades Theatre, cars to the pier, and a further 19 to Drake, Serg. Major Williams of ward to a very rich musical treat.
fective with the first of this month place for more than a fortnight must Tuesday.
take it from the pier to the ship the Half way Tree Police Station and the Association has brought in a new very well remember the time when hold.
Sergeant Sutton of the Cross Roads every morning, the newspapers were scheme in continuation of its efforts Union Club members will be enterYesterday there were approximate. Continued on Page 5)
British Guiana is Keen on from time to time to advance the sickening to read for news of boys Lained this evening by Sam Manning Canadian Market for Rice best interest of the worker. We rew snatching purses, parcels, parasols ard Syd Perrins, famous colored fer to the scheme for the collection and other valuables from the hande comedians, who have been delighting HERE AND THERE of women, and even men on almost audiences on both sides of the IsthGEORGETOWN, It was of a monthly due of fifty cents and BY JUNIUS announced at the Chamber of Com the resultant payment of slekness every street in Colon. remember must for the past two weeks. They upon a Saturday night, as passed will make their final appearance at merce meeting on Thursday that the benefits and death grant.
up what is now Bolivar Street, in the Variedades theatre next Tuesday LABOR IN POWER a student all his life, starting Government intends to send Profes For many years there was a dethe block between fifth and sixth evening at o clock The Isthmian So the Labor or Worker Party is with a good foundaton, he cansor Dash, Director of Agricul mand from the La Boca Panama Disstreets, number of these bad boys Syncopators will furnish the music fugain to direct the atfairs of the claim, and does seem to claim, dis ture, ons special mission to Canada trict for the institution of such who were afterwards rounded up for the Temple of Jazz. the sketch British Government! This is what tinction as a graduate from the to explore the possibilities there, on scheme; but it was not leted upon and contined to Watson Institute, which made these comedians famous. we have learned to be the result of broad field of human experience. By the market for rice and paddy. The avorably by the Directorate because (Continued on Page 8)
hid themselves in an alley way, after Atlantie siders will have the plea the general elections which took sheer intellectual ability this man, enquiry will coincide with the exhisetting rope with a nicely fixed sure of being once again entertained place in Great Britain on the 30th of associated with such great similar bition to be held in Toronto and St.
Brunswick, in August WESLEYAN CHRISTIAN noose on the side walk. woman by the America Theatre this Sunday inst month. have noticed that there students as Thomas, John Jehn, New so and September.
had gone shopping and was going cvening when they give a farewell is a marked change in the press com. Clines, Arthur Henderson, and ENDEAVOUR ACTIVITIES home with her goods. As she step performance.
mnents on the possibilities of this forth, has attracted to the ranks of ped into the noose, the boys drag As instructed in a cable received party under the leadership of Mr. Their party an increasing number of SOJOURNERS SOCIETY red the end which they held. The last Tuesday, Mr. Manning and his Ramsay McDonald, from what they literary men, within recent years; MEETING MONDAY The regular consecration meeting (Continued on Page 8)
of the Wesleyan Christian Endearoupe will sail for Europe on the were about the party under the same und in this way the party finds itfirst steamer available. Owing to leader about six years ago, when eelt fully competent to accept with The next regular meeting of the your Society was held in Geddes Hall SCOUT MASTERS MEETING hese instructions it has become im they were about to have their first out any difference whatever, the Sojournere Society will be held Mon on Wednesday evening last. Rev.
MONDAY EVENING nerative for them to cancel several try at the game of government. do responsibility of forming a new gov. day evening next at the society han Wade, pastor of the church, us Isthmian engagements. These come not suppose that this change is duernment. The success of the party at the usual hour. full turn out chairman of the meeting gave an inScout Masters of the Baden Powell dians had contemplated staying on in any large measure to the numer can rightly be regarded as the sue of members is requested.
teresting talk on the subject CharBoy Scouts are reminded of the the Isthmus to fulfill their proposed ical growth of the party, but moresocess of the pioneer men, from the Plans for a Smoker to be given by meeting to be held next Monday eve eppearance at the National Theatre to the intellectual prowess of these humbler walks of live, like he society have been perfected and acter, a Growth and not Gift.
ning at the home of Mr. Bolt, and other playhouses on the Zone sturdy people, Ramsay McDonald Thomas, the locomotive engine fire the date has been set for the evening Mr. Stephens read the lesson for District Scout Master, 181 Central and had placed a bond according to cannot boast the distinction of being man and engineer. Today is in of the 29th inst. This funetion pro the evening. The newly organised Avenue, Mr. Bolt hopes that all the Immigration Laws of the coun an alumnus of any of the great of the front rank of public speakers in mises to be a very enjoyable affair, choir, directed by Mrs. Wade, reout masters will make it possible try to CATTY out thely proponed ancient seats of learning in that, England: and that means a great for members of Sojourners know rendered a choruses, and to the roll to be present plans.
great country of great schools, but (Continued on Page 3) how to do things well.
was added a member.
Upper King 20th inst.


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