
Why throw away your old, but no THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET them to resent their correction, and become, in doing this more in need Romaine of such correction than they were (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
before the original correction was Friends and Countrymen: They Newspaper containing last week administered. Saintly girl read Organ Repairer told me last week that my jottings Jottings to her spar to read. She did this, and took exception to the use RELIABLE BARBER were full of pep. vigor, life, and this as bluf, she knew as well of the word nag She expressed electricity. don understand what did that her sparcould not No 42 desire to know whom this Mr.
any of these thngs are, especially read. You know, the only qualifica Calidonia Road Whittingham is, so she could tell him House 66 23rd Street when they are said to have been tion for a spar is the ability to go to piece of her mind for calling her Chorrillo contained in anything that someone some work, draw Panama City some pay, and mother an old horse, for that was wrote. take it that such a deseripover without subtraction, Some time ago, our young friend what the word nag means. Well, tion is figurative, and is only in. more or less. This readless apar took Mr. Whittingham of Cristobal wrote am glad this girl did not discover tended as a compliment. In this case, the paper, turned it up side dowa, something in the press about the way Whittingham, and it he had seen the such compliment is to the things and was reading like mischief. The parents should conduct themselves attitude of this girl when she took written, and the writer was Birl observed that others in the com and the attairs of their homes is exception to this word, he would be of contemplation, consideration, thought. He was e negligent quanti pany had noticed how the paper connection with the training of their sind himself. Judging by appearEnees, am sure he would have been tative, as Rastus would say, what. a, 30 she called out to spar my children. In course of his paragraphe given what all and sundry get in ever that means.
ing. the paper is upside down. Ing, he used the word nag.
these parts for doing a good thing a Oh. said the spar, that nothing He explained that some parent: Kicki doubt interesting books, when you nagged their children, and cause One of the girls lent a Workman to competent reader.
But kick or no kick, know that can have them neatly boundat Whittingham is going to continue to ray what he wants to say, in the way he wants to say it, when he wanis to say it. He is like all the AT THE and do as they please, as long as good people who say as they pleare, There are others AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL basket. They know the customs, proclivities and idiosyncracies of the populace, and they with you. Be that as it may, am don give single continental for going to pinch you and tell you what grabby girls choose to say, or little secret. Don tell anybody else.
how they feel concerning the use of is this. Her you heard about the such words as nag or any other WEST INDIAN FOUNDATION. word, carabul AND DO YOU UNDERSTAND Fabrica de The Wise Man ways that life is WHAT IT IS! Whether you under Cigarros stage, and the people are the actors. stand what it is or no and am sure his substantially true. All you do. am repeating that it is a Calldonia No 44 through life we see it exemplified in plan to provide higher education for a multiplicity of ways. No one but our boys and girls, to put them on Garcia he who is lacking in the power of equal terms with all those who have observation can fail to acknowledge this higher education. Give it the truth of saying like this. The thought couple of thougts would thiet acts his part in depriving be much better. know you won rethers of what he has not earned, fuse to do this. You are civilised and Kirton and of what is justly theirs. The sensible. You know good sumting.
liar acts his part in using his tongue to torment those with whom he Next week, will tell you what will Modern Tailor comes in contact by spreading false happen if you don come across news, intended to disrupt the tranNo 57 quility of the place, and the peacefulRent Receipt Books in Spanish Calidonia Road ness of mind of the population. The and English for sale at the Workbase, vulgar, and incorrigible act BAR Printers.
their part their chosen part in disseminating evil, rancor, and conin the Samol LA MASCOTA BORINQUEN fine selection of is Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs in TAILORS TRIMMINGS funioncorrupt, debase, and depre. What Kind of Civilization are we Building up?
37 Central Avenue.
The British Pharmacy COLON ciate the standard of society, and embarrass the progress that mortal man should make in civilized world. All these are actors upon (By Morgan, Cristobal, life stage, and verily, they are The world has advanced so rapid tion in their young minds. The kind playing their part in life drama ly within the past century, that the of education we give them determine various inventions and discoveries the kind of civilization we are buildThe new boy is an actor too. We results of civilization, have surprised ing up.
see them acting every day. So is the us beyond expression. How much of If we give our children third Chinaman behind his counter, and this marvellous advancement can the grade education, we are building up you can well leave it to him to act Colored Race claim? There is no a third grade civilization. If we give his part well. In fact, there is rival rule without its exceptions, and while them an eighth grade education, we ry between him and the news boy. la few colored men and women have are building up an eighth grade John does not fail to soak the salt contributed to it, this contribution is civilization, and one that is much fish in water to increase its weight, so meagre that it does us more harm higher than that of the third grade.
nor did he ever forget to put some than good to mention it. As a matter But is an eighth grade education sufdough nicely in the bottom of the of fact, we have nothing to boast officient to enable them to contribute measure in which he measures rice, rather, we have much to be ashamed largely to the world civilization. flour and things of that sort. The of news boy does his stuff by making wiel. Does it bring in the united faculties Colored people are scattered all of thinking and reasoning the powas much noise and hideous sounds as his physical strength will allow him over the world, and an attempt to ens that have conquered gravitation to, in order to sell his papers. Au speak to those non resident on the and given us the aeroplane? Indeed this is acting. Here, the other day. Isthmus of Panama is not only im it does not, and for this reason there was some of the rivalry men practicable, but it is a share waste higher education has become a necestioned before between these two, John of time. My question, therefore, iaity.
and the news boy. The latter was to confined to West Indians domiciled secondary education is as suing down the street with a bundle here, and who forma part of this perior to a primary education, just of papers under his arm, He screamas a university education is superior ed out. l e a e M What kind of civilization are we to a secondary education. By this (Black Man)
building up? Many of us have reach axiom, it is obvious that, if we want John came at once from behinded the limit beyond which we cannot our children to be civilized, we must the counter and enquired. Vat boy build; but the race has not become give the higher education. It we call. Someone standing at the spot extinct at this limitit is perpetunteive them a primary education, we informed him, Black Man. Where ed through our children. They mustare building up a poor civilization; children children bat if we give them secondary eduupon, John said, Boy foo foo. Too live, and their mas lack man dey Colon. Ebrybody must also live, antil eternity decides cation, we are not only building up see. Ves matter boy call lack man, their fate. Since this is so, they must high civilization, but we are also Iack man (Interpretation: The contribute to, as well. enjoy the establishing precedence. That is to boy is a fool. There are so many prosperity of this world. We must say, the doctor son will walk in black men in Colon that everybody remember, that we are to give them his father footsteps: the lawyer must see them, so, there is no need the materials with which they willson will seek no profession interior for this boy to call out, Black Man. construct their foundation, if they to his father s, and so on. This being Se Senor, these two birds are actors. have to contribute to the world pro the case, the standard set up will be They entertained me, and they play press.
ed their part very well indeed! What materials should we give After agreeing with this, you may them? We should give them educa ask: How can we give our children Now, have interested you a plen tion; we should give them inspira higher education? Where are the ty. that is not so, It is not my tion; we should give them encour high schools. Then you satisfy fault, and something must be wrong agement, and we should plant ambi your interrogations by saying that 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposito CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY


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