
The Duties of Labour COOK WITH GAS We Have More Than (Concluded from last issue)
5, 000 Contains pa Satisfied Customers Are You One Of Them?
the de PAGE THREE pends, it hardens and damages the liver, it vitiates the blood, and so af. Smah fects the nervous tissues as to seri ously reduce mental and muscular DENTIST power. Socially, drinking is of all MASONIC TEMPLE muses the most frequent source of Other Hours: am to 19 pm poverty, domestie unhappiness, di 30 pm to 30 pm serce, immorality, crime, insanity, Sundays, by Special Appointment suicide, and premature death.
Masonic Temple ilth St, Now the very class whose welfare msinly depends on good health, bodiP. 0, Box 787 CRISTOBAL y strength, sobriety and economy PHONE: Orice 1684 proved by statistics to be in this istand the class most addicted to al.
cohol. So long as this deplorable fact continues, how can Labour exDr. JOHN THOMPSON peet that people will cease to say: The working classes are poor and Mechano Therapis in misery because they spend too No. 36. ANCON AVE.
much on drink and 686 retailer UPSTAIRS licences issued in the colony tast Panama City year give lurid colour to the charge. Smart Clothes What do the Labour girls and women who indulge in this folly think they gain by aping the dress of (Continued on Page 7)
BERNARD ANDERSON Gramophone Repairer HOUSE 430 LA BOCA, Rent Receipt Books in Spania AIAL ZONE and English for sale at the Efflolont Wortmanship Gunstood Workman Printery, color SEE US TODAY Orange Crush Satisfied Customer Accept the Knit Bottle GEO. BISHOP WI: STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required Bottled Ditto PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH COMPANY SOLD IN DRUG STORES PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY The advantages of union by these Associations on which hope to write in more detail. are these: You will speak to the public with one voice, guided by wise and honest leaders you will be freed from delusions, your demands will be reasonable, and your methods just and constitutional; and with your weight of numbers, the personal integrity of your leaders, and the support of the IF NOT Church, you will have all the elements of assured success.
Labour Individualised Now having spoken of the duty of Labour en masse towards society, WE WILL INSTALL GAS STOVE FOR YOU should fulfil but half my task did IMMEDIATELY, SO THAT YOU omiti Labour individual duties to WILL BE ANOTHER the community of which it is a member. In these days of lax morality any a family has what is termed a prodigal son, and it would be a strange, though welcome, thing, it Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz in the great Labour family there SANTA ANA PLAZA FRONT STREET were not also prodigals, among PANAMA AT YOUR COLON whose failings, am told is: SERVICE Concubinage This is no new and passing evil An authority in 1870 (Les Dominicains Francais a ile de la Trinidad 215) cites evidence of concubinage on so vast a scale that for many marriage was a dead letter. Sixty years of concubinage! Eight thoupand two hundred and sixty six ilMODERN TAILOR legitimate births during 1928, 4, 299 House 40 of the general population and 3, 967 of East Indian parents! Divide the 3rd November Street responsibility how you will, is that a Guachapali. Panama City state of things of which Labour can be proud? Is that a condition in which civilised, not to say Christian, men and women should live?
It is immaterial whether the par.
ties do or do not dwell together, for the repetition or continuance of illicit relations between the same persons is the essential element of conLast week, we considered ATMOS springs. Morass and springs over cubinage. Now, no one in this island PHERe, EVAPORATION, CON flow into brooks and rivers. Brooks can plead ignorance of the immoralDENSATION. This week, we will and rivers carry the moisture to the ity of this evil, for there is not a take a look into RAIN, HAIL, SNOW rea, whence it came, and thus the Church nor a religious sect in TrinBRROKS, RIVERS.
system of water circulation is comidad which does not openly condemn this vice as a grievous sin in man RAIN, HAIL, SNOW, etc. When pleted.
the condensation continues, the min few rivers flow in a scooped out and woman.
ute particles run together, and hollow called a bed or channel. The How, then; can those Labour men form drops, which can no longer he sides of this channel between which and women who live in flagrant sin swpended in the air, tu: tali to the the river flows, are called its banks. expect Heaven blessing on their earth by their own weight This is Follow the stream downwards, and life? The hand of God is in their rain. When rain drops are frozen in the bank on your right hand is call poverty. Their misery is Heaven their descent, they form ball. When ed the right; that on your left is the protest against the life they lead.
the minute particles are frozen left bank. Probably you come to a For them, social betterment is imwithout assuming the form of drops, place where it meets another stream possible. For where degradation in they fall to the earth in snow. Rain, that is their Confluence. Of two the persistent choice of free will, no hail, and snow are thus different meeting streams, the smaller is said power on earth can raise men or wofcms in which the clouds shed their to be Tributary of the larger. In men from the mire in which by moisture upon the earth the case of two streams of nearly choice they wallow. Intervention is he two other forma in which the equal size, that is considered the useless for they themselves strike main stream whose direction is un the weapon from the hands of those vapour of the atm: sphere is conder. sed are dew and misc.
changed, and that the tributary who would do all to help and defend whose course is altered. If you fol them. Who can plead successfully DEW is vapour deposited on grass, low the river as far as it goes, you with anciety and its government for the leaves of trees, stones, and other will come to where it enters the sea; those who threaten to destroy the objects, when they are colder than that is its mouth. steep descent, very foundation of Christian society the overlying air. Take a glass of or precipice, in the bed of a river, and Christian government?
cold water into a hot room, and the causes Water Fall. great water Concubinage is a blot on the fair outside of the glass will immediately call like Niagara, is called a Catar name of Labour, and Labour must he covered with a film of minute act. Smaller ones are called Cas remove it. It can, it it will, for next water drops. The glass is really cades.
to religion no deterrent to vice is covered with dew, formed in precisely the same way as the dew on order to find whence it has come. tion of public opinion. And until Turn now, and go up the stream, in more powerful than the condemnathe grass.
MIST is cloud formed, not in the You pass where one tributary after this evil is eradicated the cynics will assist those upper air, but close to the surface another joins it. Each tributary say: Why should we swells it. Above each Confluence, who will not help themselves? They of the ground, and it differs from dew in being formed, not on the the stream is smaller. At last, you are Christiansand live as brute ground, but in the air immediately come to mere threads or rills of beasts? When we give, it shall be to above it. It frequently occurs in the water trickling from a mountain those who deserve our aid. Drink midst of mountains, which cools the side. You have reached the source of the stream, will not speak of drunkenness.
air that surrounds them, so that the moint vapours rising from the val All streams cannot be traced up The Police look after that and the lwys are condensed as soon as they to such small rills. Some come in crimes which frequently follow. Sufreach the higher regions, Mist is greater body from springs; others fice it to say that, to those interested in Labour the annual Reports of the partly deposited in moisture on the issue from the glacier ice of great carth, and partly re evaporated and mountains; others from broad marsh Police are no pleasant reading. What refer to here is what hard drinkdispersed by the heat of the sun.
es in a flat country. But all these BROOKS AND RIVERS: Such sources derive their supplies of water term moderate drinking. the are the various forms in which the ter in the first instance from the habitual inbibing of spirits in smallearth derives its moisture from the moisture in the atmosphere. An er doses. Doctors know, and it is air. Let us now see what physical streama begin in some kind of rain. well that working men and women should know the injury, this practice etfecta result from it. The moisture does to the nervous system, the ineither saturates the surface sonl, Next week RIVER BASINS and tellect, and the will. It irritates the forming morasses or fene; or it WATER SHEDS USES AND EF stomach, contracts and impairs the saturates the sub soil, forming FECTS OF RIVERS.
working cells on which nutrition deFOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good. See REID No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.

    Working Class

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