
The Royal Bank of Canada. 20 comTROTT The Cleaner PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1929.
YES; WE VE BANANAS 11 demand is really stimulated by THE WORKMAN supply, we should find ourselves oating more bananas than are good for us before long says the Nother Evening Despatch.
Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 The banana has won its place CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 among the popular fruits, in spite of Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon the fact that methods of putting it RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
Head Office: in the English market have been Montreal, Canada rather primitive, but now they are SIX MONTHS coming suddenly to be thoroughly THREE. 60 modernised.
ONE MONTH. 50 PANAMA COLON week ago ships in the London Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matSanta Ana Plana Corner 11th And Bolivar Streets ters of public interest invited.
dueks were having crates of fruit lifted over their sides at the rate of We do not undertake to retum rejected correspondence.
6ád bunches an hour. new system has been introduced by which endless The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Total Assets in Excess of 946. 000. 000. 00 bands carry the bananas uncrated in poekets, and place them on conveyors THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1929.
which keep them dry and clean so that 5, 000 bunches an hour can be UNTIL THEY WAKE With 900 Branches throughout the world, including landed in excellent condition. The new system promises increased the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank prosperity for Jamaica, no doubt, In dealing with public questions we have often had the pleasant experience of finding ourselves in agreeis in a position to render the best possible service.
but it probably means more banana skins on our pavements!
ment with minds that are recognized to be above the ordinary in intelligence. This may or may not be beAntigua Dominica Montserrat cause we ourselves are above the average it may be BARBADOS SOCIETY that these coincidences have merely happened; but the Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts MEETING TUESDAY fact remains that they have occurred. For instance, we Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia have repeatedly stated that the remedy for the unThe regular meeting of the PanTrinidad (2)
Martinique Tavorable conditions (social, educational, and economic)
British Honduras ama Barbados Society will be held under which we are nving, is largely in our own hands; Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
next Tuesday evening at the usual and up to two weeks ago we endeavored to press home place and time. Members are requestthis point by showing that there was one and an only ed to be punctual. full turn out of reemay the remedy of SELF HELP, and that it was to members is anticipated.
be appued by the new method of ORGANIZATION of CO OPERATION.
THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST side, again, aviation would bring with it many benefits, one of the In this way we have laid stress upon the group inPAID ON DEPOSITS most patent of which would be the stead of the individual, because of the fact that indifacilities it would afford to Vidualism is a sort of isolation, and isolation is not conmereial travellers for covering the ducive to progress and because of the further fact that, General Barking Business Transacted.
Caribbean ares more speedily than wy going from the individual to the group, we go prothey are able to do under existing gressively from the simple to the complex. Our ability conditions where they sometimes 10 list the names of several individuals in our group may have to remain in an island for who have made commendable progress in certain aften days or more, where one would fairs, is affirmatively evident of our ability to get betsuffice. We are glad, therefore, to ter results out of these individuals co operatively. Our objective is a general awakening.
PHONE 250 COLON learn that there is. prospect of DRY CLEANING concrete proposals for air transport Of course, we do not agree with those who say that PHONE453 PANAMA services being submitted to the BritSTEAM PRESSING we do not need to be led; nor do we agree with those T8 STREET ish West Indies and British Guiana who, possibly and probably, for personal and selfish in the not distant future.
PANAMA reasons, try to place the responsibility on the shoulders We Dye To Live In the matter of broadcasting, of the few who attempt to lead. We hold that leader there is also room for enterprise. As ship (of the right sort) is indispensable to the progress for back as 1923, Mr. Partridge, of any group; and it a group fails to find the right kind the late Editor of the Trinidad Guar of leadership in a reasonable number of years, that that Two Fields for dian. set up in his office listeninggroup is intellectually bankrupt. But we also hold that in equipment which enabled him to side by side with good leadership there must be followThe Diadem Jewelry Store Exploitation present to his readers radio news ing that is equally measurable. In regions where the 79 Central Avenue from the outside world; but as far swallow is regarded as an indicator of the approach of It has to be admitted that in two as we are aware he has had no imisummer, one swallow would never be accepted as such. Only Good Quality for widely different spheres the British tutors. Receiving sets are becoming few men awake and bestirring themselves in the inYour Money West Indies are sadly behind the more numerous in the islands, but terests of a group, cannot be expected to bring adequate protection to thousands who may be sleeping. The OTTO HAACK. Pr times. We refer to aviation and only the more powerful units are of broadcasting. Though travel by air any use and none but comparatively trumpeters and buglers will be blowing in vain, if the has become almost a commonplace costly apparatus is capable of picksleepers sleep on.
in this country and in America, it is ing up Europe. The result is that We are persuaded that this is the condition of our still an unknown luxury in the Cuba and Florida and Pittsburgh, group here. Until we wake in a body, and as it were get only the few had any smattering of knowledge or knew Caribbean area where a great major. and other American stalife into the dry bones, our newspapers are going to the taste of luxury.
ity of the people can never have eventions hold the field and listening in appeal in vain. In this we are fully borne out by the sub Were these few conscious of injustice to their fel seen an aeroplane. Periodically ru is a pleasure beyond the reach of the joined article taken from The Washington Post of low men? No; they lived among their own kind, enjoy mours are current of the pending ex masses. It has been represented to a recent date. We take it as more applicable to local ing their advantages with a clear conscience, taking ploitation of this field by American us, with what degree of truth we are conditions than most other things that we have met or what they could get and hold as men do now. interests, and in the case of British unable to say, that purely West Inproduced, and we heartily commend it to the serious dian programmes would not appeal If made. Honduras they have been translated consideration and honest application to which it is just educate the low, their reward would have been suspi into fact. by Colonel Lindbergh, who the West Indian wanteners. If this is no ly entitled. We sincerely hope that it will serve to awaken us at once.
blazed estab remedy would appear to lie in cion and sullen resentment.
the establishment in the Caribbean The low never are lifted up; they climb up.
lished at Belize a landing place for Chains Are for Men Not Yet Qualified for Freedom The nobles began as unwashed pirates who lifted aeroplanes, which are to conduct a which could pick up London and sres of a powerful relay station People waste too much sympathy on the down themselves up by means of sword and torch and conregular service from New York trodden in history.
solidated their advantage by a judicious use of the gal through Central America to Colon. Daventry and pass on to the islands Let us assume that you are a middle class Ameri lows.
Consequently we are glad to be able with such force as would enable them the programmes of those stations can; that you have some knowledge of your fellow to inform our readers that an Eng. to be picked up by even cheap crystal Men remain low and are trodden under foot until citizens; that you are not a snob.
they develop a capacity and a yearning for higher the question of providing the West rule out West Indian programmes allish group is now actively exploring sets. Such an arrangement would not You are not the perfect flower of your civilization, things, and then they climb. It is the history of human Indies with an air service on all for you know people who are superior to you in wit, progress.
British lines. Experience has shown down at p, West Indian time. together. The English stations close education, intelligence and culture; yet you know peo If we blame the high for the condition of the low, that a more economical service can and from that our local items might ple so far beneath you unwashed, stupid, ignorant, vile then we must with equal justice praise them for the be conducted than the one suggest. be broadcast, such as weather and people so repulsive that you could not tolerate them at tyranny that prompts the low to revolt and gain a ed by the Aviation Committee, set crop forecasts, addresses by Goveryour dinner table.
higher status.
up by the Air Ministry in 1926, nors and other important persons, These are among the down trodden. These are The truth is, a class or people occupies the place in which was perhaps in the light of health talks the wronged unfortunates. which alone would civilization to which its abilities entitle it; and, as more recent experience conceived on justify large expenditure. news Can you be blamed for their state? Are you at fault though by natural law, it pulls itself up when it is ready to grandiose scale. The advant bulletins and dance music. Au Brit if you can not enjoy their company?
for promotion.
a ages which the West Indies wouldish brondeasting for the West Indies You do not tread on them. You merely flock with derive from aviation are numerous is indeed full of possibilities, and we You can keep a good man down nor can you your own kind and avoid them.
keep him up until he develops the ability to pull himself and almost too obvious to require would be glad to hear of some en emphasis, not the least of them be thusiastic individual or firm being Is it your duty to lift them up? Try it. Try to in up.
spire them with ambition; try to make them understand The down trodden are not kept down by the evil cheapening of administration which ing upon it. We are always having ing the increased efficiency and the willing to consider seriously embarkand intelligently obey some simple instruction; try to intent of the high; they are trodden because they are they would bring in their train. In drummed into our ears the alleged teach them a sense of responsibility. Disgust and re too shiftless, stupid and ignorant to get out from un this connection we would indeed go Americanisation of the West Indies.
sentment will be your reward.
sudaro so far as to assert that until effec Nothing would tend to counter it Now go back to the time when the majority of men Men are not given freedom; they take it.
tive air communications are avail. more effectively were serfs or virtual slaves, when the rabble was Men endure slavery while they have the spirit of able, the complete federation of the syątems of aviation and broadcastthan All British whipped to its kennels; when lousy caps were jerked slaves; but when they develop manhood, woe to their West Indies must remain dreaming. West Indian Committee Clr.
from matted heads as the master approached; when masters who stand in the way.
of the future. On the commercial cular. DYEING


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