
PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side Notes What kind of Civilization are we Building up IDOZAN (BY THE STRAGGLER)
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSURTOWDOOOO On Tuesday evening last, strag himself. Salesman refused to sell pled to my usual perch. The Alliance me, saying did not look like a CaLiterary and Debating Society are nal employee. Merey! had never still on the move. heard them mak known that Canal Employees had a ing feverish arrangements to stage particular look. told the goose an elocution contest on a date to be that was, although it didn look so named. They are to meet next Tues to him. Still he would not sell to me day evening to select contestants and until took the following note from the items they are to use in the the man in charge to him. Sell eentest. If they carry on as hotly as this man what he wants at once.
they have begun, it will be safe to Then his hand trembled, and he prophesy that a treat is in store for sweated. Then he robbed himself by those who have taste for literary deducting fifteen cents less than he things, and even for those who are should have collected. told him to merely curious about everything, tear out fifteen cents more, then Watch them grow, walked away. This shows what smart Salesman he was. My purThe rains came with a vengeance chase was only a litle over a dollar, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, yet he was too dumb to collect corMonday morning was bright and rectly; but he was very smart to fair, and all the days til today discover that did not look like a (Wednesday) have been fair, bright, Canal Employee, and to hold me up and warm. The Isthmian Airways is for althost an hour in that hellish still on the fly, and even those who crowd, after a hard day work. used to say they were afraid to go up hope will not have the misfortune 30 high are now saying that since to meet that animal again when these planes are not like the Com. wish to purchase something in the missary, they will take a fly at the Cristobal Commissary, and hope earliest convenient season that is to that none of you will have a like say, when they are able to let go experience. If had the opportunity. 15. 00 in consideration of a trip would make an exchange between through the air from Colon to Pan. this Salesman and the Cold Storage ama and back Billy Goat. am sure Billy would do better in that cage.
The students of the Zone School TRINIDADIAN PROT.
eighth grade are looking forward to ASSOCIATION MEETS their graduation. On a date to be notified in the present month, this Members of the Trinidadian Proaffair will take place at the Cristotective Association are reminded of bal Clubhouse. All those interested the regular meeting of the Associaare preparing to witness the graduation to be held Thursday evening 18 tion.
inst. full attendance is anticipated.
Say, have you seen the new circalar about how to buy in the Com ETUDE CLUB PROGRAM missaries? Well, have seen one too.
PROMISES GOOD TIME They are quite plain and easily understood, only that some persons Members of the Etude Club cannot understand the simpliest thing. For instance, straggled into arranging an excellent program of the Cristobal Commissary on Tues muse and songs for their next meetday evening to make purchase. ing which will be held Saturday eveThe thing in the booth who calls ning, June 16.
Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in excess of that contained in the more generally prescribed iron compounds.
The most recent medical investigations have fully proved that iron should be administered in much larger doses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poulsen, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmacology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in until the doses of iron applied are so large as to apparently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when taken before meals.
IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration observed after taking a dose, disappears at once if the dose is followed by a draught of water.
IDOŽAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN yields results in a short time, comparable to many months treatment with preparations, the iron content of which is much smaller.
no high schools are here, and your salaries cannot make it possible for you to send them to the West Indies or elsewhere, and right there you decide that the elementary education is sufficient for them, and you let the matter rest there. This, say, is absurd. It is absurd from two points of view. Firstly, we have been residing here long enough to have founded centres for higher education; and secondly, as a race, we like two much help, instead of trying to help ourselves In making the foregoing statement, am not introducing anything new; rather, am voicing the sentiments expressed in the local papers from time to time. The Editorial of the West Ind an Page of the Star Herald is always dealing with it. The beautiful Editorial in this paper of last Saturday issue. What of the Future. by Mr. Elijah Hunter, is another evidence. Let us think for a moment, fellow West Indians, and see whether we are justiried in this culpable negligence. Shouldn we have at least two secondary schools here for our children? Shouldn we build these ourselves, if no other means of getting them is possible. Those of us who live in the Canal Zone expect that the government of that state will build high schools for us; but the government is doing ita best to provide sufficient elementary schools for the rapidly growing population. It may consider to give us one or two high school in the fut ure, but suppose it doesn t, will our children ret no more than a primary education? They can get more. We can give them. We can build at least one high school if we would but make the effort. high school means a higher education. higher education means. greater standard of civilization, and a greater standard of civilization means a more progressive world world that the Colored Race can play a great part in making.
The streets of Colon and Panama, as well as the villages of the Canal Zone, are crowded with youngsters youngsters whose education is not on the average, one hundred per cent elementary. Some are fairly intelligent; some are just above the grade of Illiteracy, and others cannot even sign their names. What will be come of these when we rot win they be able to fill our places saccesfully? Will their standard of civilization be higher than ours? What ever standard they attain, it is the standard that we are now building.
Let us examine the situation carefully and see whether their civilization will be higher or lower than ours.
The opportunity to build up good standard of civilisation is visible to all of us. We can make amends now for our past negligences. Let us give them a start. Let us make their opportunity grander; their civilization richer, and their lives happier than ours. Let us realize that our lives are not the reality wo wished for, and plan to make the real. Their future rests in our bands; their aspirations and success are hinged on our shoulders. Let us build up a civilization worthy of attention let us give our boys and girls a secondary education, are Tou ll need less butter Labour Unrest Is Increasing In Jamaica That right If you wse St. Charles Evaporated Milk. Its creamy richness, distributed in every drop, gives the foods cooked with it, a luscious, creamy smooth ness delightful to the taste.
AI (Continued from Page 1)
station, went to Edelweis Park. the Blackman in a leading editorial There the strikers were addressed yesterday, in reference to the threatby Mr. Marcus Garvey, President ined riot at No. Pier on Friday General of the Universal Negro Im night. In the absence of legislation provement Association, who, it is un to secure a minimum wage for these derstood, advised them to return to poor labourers of ours, we hope that their work.
they will get together and organize Lock Out themselves into Union so that On reaching the No. pler, how. When they attempt to strike against ever, they were greeted with a situa bad conditions, their strike will be tion which they did not expect. On effective, the retur journey to Kingston they We want our contemporary to be had continued to sing We are fair and not try to excite or incite marching on to victory, etc. but the Government or the public in the events proved that they had march interest of their company by sug ed to defeat, orders having been is gesting that there was a riot when sued by officials of the United Fruit there was none.
Co. that they were not to be allowed We admit that we are the Daily to enter the fruit shed.
paper referred to by our contempo The disappointed band of men andrary the Tri Weekly, in which news women had no other alternative than and editorial matter appeared bearto leave the premises, and congregating on the Labour Question. Let us ed in little groups in the street. shy to our contemporary that we are Some of those who had not gone on not ashamed or afraid of any thing the march to Edelweis Park rewe say in our columns on behalf of sumed work before the demonstra the black race. We accept full respontors returned to the pier.
sibility for all we say and do. We If this state of affairs continues would advise our labourers to orto prevail on the waterfront, it ganize intelligently and to strike, if understood that the United and other they must, peacefully, and lawfully, Fruit companies will seriously con and to hold their places as men. We sider the question of loading their shall see that no wrong is done to ships at other ports of the island them so long as they behave themsuch as Port Morant, Port Antonio, selves as law abiding citizens, notOracabessa, and Montego Bay, etc. withstanding the desire of others to and will merely land such passengers be unfair to them by trying to get As they may carry at Kingston, the Government and Police to hold Blackman Comments them down while others rob them.
There was no riot; it was a con As British subjects and citizens, we stitutional strike of the poor and un shall see that no advantage is taken fortunate men who did not know how even if we have to appeal to the to go about it, but who will learn Throne and bring the matter before as time goes on. sald the Editor of all civilization.
SOON as milk is allowed to stand, the large butterfat globules start rising to the top to form the cream. In making St. Charles Evaporated Milk, about 61 of water is removed and all the cream is retained. By a special process, the fat glo bules are broken up into small parts which remain evenly distributed in the milk so that there is cream in every drop.
Right through the meal, from the ap.
petizing soup to the ice cream, coffee and cake, you can delight your family and your guests with a new, smooth, cooked with butter. creamy flavorif you use St. Charles Evaporated Milk.
Write to NESTLÉ S, Box 803, Panama City or Box 300 Colon for the booklet Delicious Dishes Using Evaporated Milk which will be gladly sent to you.
EVAPORATE CHARLE EVAPORATED POE FIRST EDITION FOUND MILK There Cream in every Drop There has been found in a pile of old books which a New York firm of second hand book dealers bought for trifle one of the greatest rarities in American literatue the first edition of Edgar Allan Poe The Murders of the Rue Morgue. Only two other copies are known to exist. Before the news of the discovery leaked out the rare volume had already been bought for 5, 000 by a New York collector, said to be Mr. Young, ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN AND GET GOOD RESULTS


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