
on FULLER RETRENCHMENT IN Brighton; Rev. Simpson, vicar BRITISH GUIANA Jamaica to Have Lawyer Acquittal Woman Drops of St. Bartolomew Dublin; and the Dead Hon. and Rev. Stephen Phillimore, GEORGETOWN. In connection Mechanical Fruit Moves Crowd to rector of Stepney, then in with the recent announcement that Loaders as part of the retrenchment policy of Applause After Breaking the Third Command Liverpool. And St. Martin Brighton, sent Canon Burton back to Barbados his Excelleney the Governor ment pust offices were to be closed and CO. Importing Machines, Prominent Barristers Figure in the following year on a three year postal work conducted through agenBut Will Use Them Only In Alleged Indecent Assault Charge God me won pay the fine diocesan mission.
cies, it is understood that the. of. Case of Labour Shortage for him. screamed Florette Weeks There is, throughout the British fices which the Government contemSAV LA MAR, Jamaica. After a 41 years of Cane Garden, St. An West Indies, great imperial probpiates closing are those situated at We understand, says the Jamaica trial lasting two days dr.
drew last Thursday on her way lem unmorality among the black peoKitty, Enmore, Ann Grove, Wel Gleaner, that the United Fruit Com Wesley gammon was acquitted down Station Hill after her son had ple, a vast population, more or less SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY land and Fort Wellington. In all pony are bringing out banana. load the charge of indecently assaulting been convicted and fined by Mr. educated, intelligent and progressive these districts the work will be caring machines for Jamaica, and that Mrs. Ada Ottey on the night of the STUDY OR DESK Frank Reece, Police Magistrate of in many ways; a baptized confirmed, District on a minor offence. Then hymn singing, and communicant peo There is an air of grace and alo ried on at the railway stations by they will be in the island probably ſanca April.
The case for the prosecution was she seized her erring offspring cuf. ple. And in Barbados, an unbeliev. Jeance reminiscent of Colonial Days postal clerks under the supervision some time during the coming week, of the stationmasters, and it is un. It is not however the intention of eanducted by Mr. Simpson fed him soundly and walking a few able proportion of illegitimate chile about Willard Type Banjo Clocks derstood that it is the intention of the Company to use the machines Jo. E, while the Hon.
teps dropped dead in her tracks!
dren are brought for Holy Baptism, that appeale to people of culture. Government to displace the telegraph except in the event of any shortage Smith, instructed by Mr.
An inquest was held at once and amounting to an almost seventy five These clocks are high grade and service by telephonic communications labour which would affect the Brown defended. At the close of the Dr. Grannus said the woman per cent prostitution of womanhood.
case for the prosecution which was had died from valvular disease of The Church, which is still estab reliable, while the cases are of the at these agencies. Structural altera loading of their ships.
tions have begun at Kitty and some These machines are in use already that the defendantsssaulted the the heart. The excitement in the lished and endowed, is slowly but best craftsmanship.
neighbourhood was of course, tre surely coming out of Puritan tyran Also new assortment of other of the other places where the ae in all other banana growing coun complainant along a public thoroughcommodation at the railway stations tries, all the Companies doing their fare Mr. Smith in lengthy address mendous, many loudly declaring thatny and Early Victorian prejudice, fine clocks that will surely meet is not sufficient to allow of the loading entirely by machinery at Weeks had received Divine wrath and awakening to the need of your every requirement in the home schene being carried out the build ther ports, and Jamaica is the only die ground that the evidence tenderirged the acquittal of his client on for her blaspheming, and for a time moral reformation. Bishop Bentley or office at ings now used as post offices, where country remaining which employs ed was unreliable and not of a quality it is certain there will be more re well known in England as a worker owned by Government, as at En land labour alone it always having which a jury would conviet.
straint and decorum round about. among men in East London was more, to be rented. The scheme comes been the policy of the United Fruit The religious teachers in the viei ietched to this See from Jamaica His Honour indicated. wish into operation on July 1, instead of and other companies here, to employ Lear the defence and after the de.
to nity haye not been slow to point the two years ago by unanimous vote of 122 CENTRAL AVE. a. the end of December, as previous hand labour in preference to ma endant and a witness named Emma morat. Meanwhile the family of the the Synod. He was exceedingly is announced. In the further execu chinery in consideration of the fact Thompson had given evidence denydeceased woman are stunned at the troubled by the diocesan illegitimacy appalling suddenness of the visita returns, and at once arranged for, are many more marriages, a growtion of this policy, the postal ork at that it gives employment to a large ing the allegations of assault the tion which has descended upon them. the missioner to conduct a year ng desire for holy homes, and a new Mahaicony and Mahaica is to be car number of labourers who would in masterly summing up otherwise be without occupation, purity campaign throughout the spirit of friendship and co operation ried on at the police stations.
found defendant not guilty and disbetween the poor and the rich.
diocese, himself leading the mission harged him. There was a loud clapThose who study the colour proba DRILLING FOR WATER The Church in and preaching in many centres. Men, TRINIDAD DISCOVERS OIL ping of hands and cheering by the women, and girls were addressed tem of the Empire realize more and erectators when the verdict was an.
Barbados TRINIDAD TO HAVE separately; assistance being given by more that it is largely a question of trunced.
His Excellency the Governor of LADY DOCTOR several mission preachers among the prejudice, which can only be broken Earnest and Sucessful Purity clergy, and by the four Clewer Sis down in the light of the knowledge British Guiana, Sir Gordon GuggisCampaign Trinidad is to have its first lady ters, who live in Community in that God has made of one blood all the berg has announced that during the Bridgetown, and whose expert wations of the earth, that our Lord course of a Filios Artesian Holinear Portor in pri Edith Wharton, Amphrey Auto Supply (In the Church Times from kruowledge of rescue work is enor. received the representative of the Berbice the Government Engineer Lond)
mously valuable to the diocese, black peoples at his Epiphany, and had struck oil at a depth of 1, 626 and II. Lord) niece of Mr. Repair Shop Barbados, a coral island the The result has been the firm es. that He allowed an African to helpfuet. The Governor was of opinion Wharton, Mayor of San Fernando, that something valuable would ac according to the Port of Spain GazMuller Building size of the Isle of Wright, lies low tablishment of a League of Faithful Him carry the Cross.
CALIDONIA PANAMA on the eastern Caribbean, its wind Witness on a communicant basis. His work done here, Canon Bure though he warned the people ette. Miss Wharton intends to praca ward coast washed by the invigorat The Mothers Union has usual, ton, at the invitation of the Bishop not to be too sanguine. The Govern. tice in Trinidad and has secured of! Telephone 280 ing Atlantie. It boasts a tempera risen to the occasion, and given the of Jamaica, proceeded this Lent to ment had given instructions to cease fices opposite Woodford Square.
boring to prevent any possible burst!
ture which varies from 75 degrees Bishop loyal and devoted service. preach a six week mission in the of oil resulting in the destruction of to 83 degrees Fahr, and for more One of the Mothers Union extension beautiful island which is called The the surrounding district.
than half the year it is refreshed by workers from home has worked hard Queen of the Caribbean. The misJ. BAPTISTE HOYTE the trade winds. Mereifully for three years and addressed women sion is again to be called a purity GRENADA protected from recent hurricanes, it and girls in almost every district. It compaign. The population is of the THE ARTISTIC The People lies like a pearl in a turquoise and was felt by the missioners in 1926 same origin as in Barbados slaves emerald sen, shadowed with sapphir. that the best hope for the island from West Africa, not enfranchised RECENT ATTACKS ON TAILOR Tailor ex and amethysts.
was to band the women together to quite a hundred years simpler It was here, at the request of the uphold their honour. The Mothers people because more scattered, but Building 32 GRENADA Alleged unwarranted present Bishop of the Windwards, Union then decided to extend their equally in need of help from home, House M Street 12th October St.
that Fr. David Jenks, sent society to the country districts, with and at this time, asking for prayer) and scurrilous attacks on the Hon.
Panama, Panama three priests to preach the Centenary the result that there has followed an that these islands may become the Herbert Ferguson, Colonial mission in 1926 Canon Burton, o. enrolment of over a thousand faith Kingdom of our Lord and of His Secretary of Grenada, have caused then vicar of St. Martin Pul married women. Already thers Christ, the English Dominican Fathers in the island to address memorial of DENTIST HOWELL protest to Mr. Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies. says the House No. 912 La Boca Joseph Mason Trinidad Guardian. Mattres Canal Zone Yarnlehed Father Raymond Devas, OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Repatred P. Vicar Provincial of Grenada, and eleven other Dominican Fathers, PHONE 1941. BALBOA Good Service Guaranteed have signed the petition. Mr. Fergu Specialises in all Branches of son is a Presbyterian and the meDentistry Plat Street Geschepali The sensible man saves consistently. Though morial is regarded in the island as ALL WORK GUARANTEED No No 10 an impartial witness to his justice, RESIDENCE588 his deposits may be small, his is the satisfac.
capability and integrity.
tion of knowing that he has a constantly growа Mr. Herbert Ferguson joined the Grenada Government in 1909 as Coling fund to rely on in days to come. Savings onial Treasurer. He acted as ColAccount in this Bank works for you. Interest at onial Secretary and Administrator from April to July 1914 and was ap4 per annum is paid twice a year and added POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM pointed Colonial Secretary in 1916.
Isto the money you already have on deposit. He represented the Windward TAILORS Isnds at the Canada West Indies Conference in June 1920, and he has House 77 Room been Acting as Administrator of Grenada during the absence on tour 23rd Street Chorrillo Start saving now. Open an account with this of Sir Frederick Seton James, the Governor.
Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithfully served its West Indian friends on the Isthmus for a quarter of a Century.


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