
PAGE SEVEN The Blue Riband of the Atlantic PANAMA HARDWARE Paint Headquarters THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1929.
The Duties of La NO COLOUR BAR IN BRITAIN bour African to Contipete in Open Championship (Continued from Page Concerning a statement made by classes socially above them? Do Ramnath Bambata an Indian golfer they not know that dress reveals the character of the wearer? That a wo bar in South Africa had really drivfrom South Africa that the colour man clothed above her state of life (M. CARDOZE Jr. betrays, in the very colour and tex. en him to Europe in order to take CATHEDRAL PLAZA ture of her dress, in her bearing, her part in first class golf, Mr. Henry wok, and every movement, all the Gullen, secretary of the Amateur and worst frailties of human niture: Open Championships Committee, pride and a love of show, vulgarity said: and Inck of taste, mind uncultured There is no colour bar to the and untrained, and a soul that is the open and amateur golf champion mirror of her mind? Do they not ships. These championships are not know that dress has moral effect British championships but are as JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY on conduct; that fine clothes breed championships open to the world.
vanity, that vanity is not only the They are open to all nations and to most ridiculous of follies, but the al men of any climate or colour OFdestroyer of self respect, the dese who are qualified to compete under crater of all virtue, and the thief the conditions made by the Royal who would rob woman of the price and Ancient Club. Bambata entry less jewel of innocense. Is that the has not arrived at St. Andrews, risk they wish to run. it is coming, along and it would be Labour girls and women! have accepted.
more pride, pride in your womanhood, pride in your class and station of life! It was that in which the Samuel Russell Come in and Inspect the Stock before King of Heaven and Earth chose to be born, to live and to die, Think Purchasing Elsewhere.
you that God would have placed His The Tailor Son and His Immaculate Mother in he working class, unless that class 24th STREET BRANCH STORE were most dear to His Heart. The Guachapali 125 Central Avenue divine Carpenter of Nazareth is the Panama RP type for all working men, as Mary is for all working women. Can you imagine the most perfect of all women, clad in silk stockings, short know there are girls and women dress of rainbow hue, and hat in who in business must dress as their fashion. No, nor can I, the thought employers wish. But let it end with Is desecration. Then save your mon business hours, and when you are ey and dress as you know she would free, become again simple, modest have dressed were she among us, members of the working class. Far and we shall hear no more: The better were it if owners of large esbecoming poor are poor, because they spend tablishments provided a IT WILL PAY YOU too much on dress.
uniform for business hours Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
Will the transatlantie speed record be Wrested froth Britate by Germany the spring, whose two new liners, the Bremen and Europa. wil then commence service, and are advertised to cross the Atlantie in five days?
For very many years the Atlantic honours have been held by the Cunarder Mauretanis. whose fastest trip of days minutes was accomplished in September last, between New York and Plymouth, and it is evident that her British owners intend her to retain her preeminence from the fact that she was with drawn from passenger service earlier than usual this season, and placed in the hands of John Thornyeroft Co. Ltd. of Southampton, for complete overhaul.
All the big Cunarders are regularly overhauled by Thornyeroft RePrir Department at the end of their Atlantie season sufficiently to put them into thorough renovation for the spring, but the last time the Mauretania was completely over.
hauled by them was in 1924, when she subsequently created a sequence ol news records culminating in the one above referred to The forthcoming rivalry between the British and German liners is being awaited with great interest, and, in spite of the Mauretania. 22 years service, many of her adm. rers confidently expect the will continue to justify her reputation as the. World Wonder Ship. in defiance of the New German challenge.
ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN Rent Recelpt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Work મ પણ Boda goods VW LUCKY STRIKE 16 for 10c.
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