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VOL 17 No. 46 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, June 15, 1929.
Joe Walcott and Harry Wills Church Crowded to Capacity ordinarily Important Collec Witt at o clock service Meet in 10 Round Bout Four Mrs. King Excelsin My tion Of First Contribution to Operetta at Clubhouse ThursOther Bouts Make up Card Task Rev. Wade CompliSickness And Death Benefit.
Youngster Loses Life in Heroic Fight Fans Enthusiastic. ments Mr. Fuller The regular monthly business The Anniversary services of the Attempt to Save Drowning Sister Promoter Sol has arranged a very Paraiso little Wesleyan Church zeeting of the Cristobal Colon Dis La Boca Wesleyan Sunday School trict of the Panama Canal West In will be held tomorrow (Sunday. at Ethel Cuthbert, Aged 12 Years, the influence and association of such afternoon but the main bout between afternoon when a well rendered mtugood fight program for tomorrow was crowned to capacity last Sunday wan Employees Asociation will be Drowned. Harry Cuthbert, Brother, dice and promising little creature. Jue Walcott, the Oolon Idol, and sical programme instrumental and 11 am, and p.
iud in Court Atlantic Lodge hall, The Rev. Wade will preach Aged Years, Died at Colon How! They were buried on Sunday eve Harry Wils, the Black Panther, vocal was rendered by the Choir and Silver City, Monday night the 17th at 11 a, m, and the special speaker ning. The Boy Scouts to which Har were it the only bout for the auter triends from Panama.
instant, beginning at o clock. This for the o clock service will be the ry belonged, turned out in full force noon, it would suill attract a large Mrs. Olga King rendered My meeting promises to be an extraor. Rev. Witt.
to do honor to their departed com number of lovers of the fistie game, Task in her usual beautiful soprano The straggler regrets to chroniclerade. The members of the St. Vin judging by the interest and enthusiasm voice, Miss Doris Dodney accompe dinarily important one and is being In connection with the Anniver in this column today, the looked forward to with added en sary the charming operetta, On deaths of two youngsters in tragie cent Catholic Society, the juvenile the fight has arroused in the local nied her on the organ. Mr. Carlos thusiasm by the officers of that Dis. Midsummer Day will be staged at treacherous waters of the Cristobal ber, escorted their little departed lowing ut admirers and this figh: companied by Miss Rodney; his in.
the branch of which Ethel was a mem tistic world. Both boys have a big Grant, rendered two violin solos ac trict, it will be the District first the La Boca Clubhouse on Thursday Coaling Station on Saturday after sister to the grave. It was prue one that they long wanted. It is terpretation was session since the new sickness and 20th inst, beginning at p.
indeed very good noon last. There are so many dif some sight to behold two eatffins, certain that the special train leaving »nd he gives promise of being one death benefit scheme went into efThe characters include the follow ferent stories told as to the circum cne behind the other, being taken Colon fect on the first of this month. In ing: stances under which this sad affair from the same home at one and the crowded with Walcott s, followers distant future.
at 30 tomorrow will be of our leading violinists in the no addition to this important feature o Girls Flowers, Boys Flowers, occurred, that will not attempt to same time; but these two children who are certain that their man wila the meeting the receiving of the Fairies, Butterflies, Sunbonnet re state them here. The fact is, that are now absent from this vale of toil be the victor. But Harry is not wor the success of the afternoon enterAmong those who contributed to first month contribution to the Babies, Sunbeams, Brownies, these two children unfortunately lost and sorrow, though under such hor rying over that for he knows that tainment were beside those already scheme from members the Distriet Money bees, Overall boys, Pairy their lives as a result of having ifying circumstances. And we think 2anama is preparing to shout itselt mentioned Mrs. E.
Chairman is scheduled to speak on queen, Child.
gone to this beach for a bath in the that they are now in the presence of nourse for him and he won disap uhar, Mrs. Doris Reece, Mr.
MeFarand explain vital matters arising out Don miss this rare treat.
Him who said: Suffer the Httle point his backers. They are to fight Barnett, Miss Anita Guy, Mr.
of some of the latest activities of the As soon as the occurrence became children to come unto me and forbid ten rounds and it is expected thaMeFarquhar, Mr. Kinnimouth, Association.
BOY SCOUTS ACTIVITIES known, a veritable panie prevailed. them not, for of such is the Kingdom there will be real fighting from the Miss Settis Watkis, Mrs. Ellen KenThe Association on the whole is Seoutmasters responded to Mr. People from all over the village of Heaven. The funeral cortege was first bell untik well, one man takes nedy, Miss Vie Myrie, Miss Winifred making another lively forward step: a respectable percentage of the en Bolt appeal for a good attendanwell as from Colon were to be seen tremendously long. Indeed, it was the count. There are those who be Hinds, and the choir.
hurrying to the scene. Some were the biggest funeral procession that lieve the fight will not go the ten ergy for this progress is being sup at the meeting held last Monday anxious mothers and fathers who ou ever witnessed a Cristobal with rounds while others affirm that both plied by the Cristobal Colon District. evening at his residence, a goodly had not yet learned whom the drown, in living memory. It is well that this men will still be fighting to the end Dottin organist of the Panama Special înention must be made of the two organ selections by Mr.
Indications, therefore, point to a number being present. Mr. ed children were, and were naturally was so, because a hero, and the view of the tenth round.
large attendance of not only mem Harris, District Commissioner pre curious to find out their identity, Al tim whom he had tried to save were Wesleyan Church bers of the District but other silver sided. Interesting matters in connec ter identity had been established, the being carried to their last resting Others on the card are: Troncoso The chair was taken by Rev.
vs. Delgado; Lombardo vs. Sailor employees of the Panama Canal and tion with the future activities of the panie turned into sorrow. All around place. Yes, Harry was a hero. He Wade Superintendent of the Railroad who have of late been showing appreciable interest in the actissociation were discussed and plans could be heard expressions of dep had lost his own life in an effort to Cusins; Sailor Reyes of the Wesleyan Church on the Isthmus 2egret for the death of the children, save that of his little sister. At this Cleveland vs. George Dixon of Co and pastor of the Panama Wesleyan formulated for the carrying out of vities of the Association.
and of sympathy for the bereaved funeral; there was witnessed some lon; and Alfaro vs. Barber. godChurch. He opened the programme these activities. Announcement was parents.
Card. Let Go.
what striking demonstration of comwith prayer and later gave an ilFLORENCE CHARTER made to the effect that all boy. All night on Saturday night, and munal sympathy for the bereaved of lustrative talk on how the members BURIED; WEDNESDAY scouts of the District are to receive from early Sunday morning, an end this family, and without exception, WEST INDIES AND of the church secured their new orbadges that have been previously less stream of sympathisers wended the vast multitude of people were BROADCASTING gan.
The mortal remains of Mrs. Flortheir way to the house where these visibly affected by this sudden and Mr. Fuller chapel and circuit earned at an early date.
ence Charter, mother of Ivan Grace, An appeal is to be made to a unfortunate children lay in their terrible catastrophe, and as they re Recently, in the House of Com steward, was highly complimented by clerk to the Manufacturers Life As Britishers to take an active purt in nok at their cold and shrunken faces. very, with bowed heads and solemn retary of State for the Colonies was and interest in the church.
coffins, side by side, to get a last verently marched towards the ceme mons, Mr. Ormsby Gore, Under Sec. the Rev. Wade for his excellent work surance Co. and George Charter, Boy Scouts work and to assist the Little Harry bore the same pleasing steps, all seem to have been silently asked by Viscount Sandon whether Employee of Dodge Bros. were luid association which is doing so much countenance which characterized him praying:he would take steps to free the Britto rest in Herrera Cemetery last saod among the boys of the com in life. He was a studious, clever, May their souls rest in peace ESTEBAN DURAN DIES ixh West Indies from American Wednesday afternoon in the presencomunity.
and respectful boy. Kind, courteus, land may light perpetual whine upon broadcasting monopoly by arranging TFUNERAL THIS and well behaved, which qualities, them. for a British service to cover the of a very large gathering of relaarea between British Guiana and the Friends and patrons of Esteban tives, friends and acquaintances. LARGEST DISTILLATION hnd very properly endeared him to his teacher, schoolmates, and every. And now, dear children, sleep and Bahamas.
Duran, merchant of this city, were Rev. Nightengule, rec. PLANT IN WEST INDIES one else with whom he came in con. take your rest, The Under Secretary replied Ishocked at the news of his death yastor of St. Paul church, officiated tuet. Ethel was also a bright chi Lay down your heads upon the sa am not aware that there is any rea terday morning, which occurred at at the church and graveside. ST. VINCENT. By Mail. The She was modest, pleasant, and par, viour breast; son to apprehend the establishment the Gorgas Hospital, for it was not That the deceased was esteemed new distillation plant at Mount Ben ticularly well behaved. Her general We love you. well, but Jesus loves up an American broadcasting mono known that he was seriously il. He and respected by the community tinck Sugar Factory which was built conduct was a model one, and it is poly in the British West Indies and was slightly indisposed since Wedamong whom she resided yas mani by and erected under the supervision too bad that cruel fate has no sud you best, adjoining colonies but can promise hesday, but became worse and wag that any proposals which may be rushed to the hospital early yesterfested by the presence of a large and of Messrs. Blair, Campbell and Com denly deprived other small girls of Farewell! little ones, Farewell!
submitted for the establishment of a day morning and expired a few hours representative gathering of the lead. Many of Glasgow, has been put into wooo operation. The still is of the latest SUN BATHING LITERARY AND MUSICAL British service will be carefully con after admission.
ing men and women of the West Intype and is the largest in the West sidered. No such proposals have Mr. Duran due to his honesty and FOR CANADA dian community, and the LEAGUE TO MEET many Indies. It has a capacity of 1, 250 reached my right hon. friend hither courteous treatment to all with SUMMER VISITOR floral wreaths, tokens of the sincere gallons of 65 per cent overproof AT CRISTOBAL to.
whom his business brought him into condolence felt for the bereaved spirit per day. For the present the (Presumably my right hon. contact, won for himself and his family. This journal tenders its sin still is to be used for making rum friend thus referred to, is Mr. family a large circle of friends who Summer tourists to Canada this cere condolences to the family in but it is capable of producing power The Panama Literary ond Musical Amery, the Secretary of State. will mourn his loss.
this their hour of sorrow.
alcohol if necessary. The first distil. year will be able to enjoy free sun In reply to further questions by Interment will take place th Lation was completed without hitch baths on all the principal trains of League is making arrangements to Lord Sandon Mr. Ormsby Gore said morning at 10 o clock.
WEST INDIAN BAND in the presence of the chief excise the Canadian National Railways, In convene a meeting at the Cristobal that it was a fact that it was impos The Workman tendens its sincere AT officer and a few invited guests. le few weeks time there will be clubhouse the latter part of th sible to get reception in certain condolences to the sorrowing family.
Fiaced in ervice on the lines of the month.
Announcement of the date areas, but it was extremely difficult Members of the Universal Negro A. TO INSTALL system 18 observation coaches of will be made later.
to cut out the American stations in PANAMA WESLEYAN Improvement Association, Chapter OFFICERS SUNDAY the Caribbean area. ACTIVITIES ovel design whose rear end in place 14, and their friends will be enter! Any proposal for the establishtained tomorrow evening by Sealey Officers of the Universal Negro for the ordinary observation plat. GEORGE ABBOTT RETURNS ment of a British broadcast transmit This week program of the PanWest Indian band.
Improvement Association Division form will consist of a glass enclosting station would be very sympa ama Wesleyan Christian Endeavour TO ISTHMUS An excellent program has been ar. No. 17 will be installed in office to ed solarium in which travellers thetically considered. The question Society took the form of a Serap ranged and with the reputation that morrow (Sunday) evening at the may benefit from the full theraputie of brondeasting in the British Em basket. The meeting was held in the band has won for its renditions, meeting which convenes at o clock value of the sun rays. The win Mr. George Abbott after several pire was described at the Governors Geddes hall Wednesday evening. Rev.
lovers of good music can look for big convention drive, will take dows and skylights of the solarium months vacation spent in Trinidad Conference and no doubt would come E. Wade presided and took this ward to a very enjoyable evening. place this meeting, and members The usual weekly program of ad are asked to turn out in full force will be of Vita Glass which offers has returned to the Isthmus. Mr. Ab up both at the Imperial Conference opportunity of expressing the pleaand at the next Colonial Conference sun of an aero ride experienced on dresses and musie will be rendered. and help to make the drive sue practically no resistance to the vitall bott has been greatly benefited by The difficulties were etehnical much Monday when he was one of a party The meeting begins at o clock. cess.
ultra violet rays of the sunshine. the rest and change.
more than political (Continued on Page 1)


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