
of a few meatless days in the near Not only the public but the whole future. The shortage as is well Sharp Crisis In Trinidad Beef Trade CHARLES TROTTMAN RELIABLE BARBER 23rd Street House 66 Chorrillo Panama City The Ideal Pharmacy No 29 Street East, Calidonia an importers have had the price of number of animals being certified as carcases put up to them. Carcases unfit to be slaughtered through their which were sold to them at 10 miserable condition. It is no secret Advance In Prices Cause For Worry Serious Shortage Ex cents per lb. have been raised to that strenuous efforts are now be.
pected Efforts Being Made to Get Cattle From British 11 cents per lb, while the price of ing made to get down cattle from Guiana the live cattle has been increased British Guiana which might or from to cents per lb. raight not be in a position in the crisis has arisen in the beef previously announced in the Trinidad The beef crisis was bound to arise, near future to supply the total needs trade, says the Trinidad Guardian Guardian it only became efective in because of the almost absolute depen of Trinidad. At the present time, in a recent issue, and while there are the markets from Tuesday when dence of the city on the cattle sup however, having first to meet her indications of an early termination select cuts were increased from 18 ply from Venezuela which is control. own needs the Magnificent Province of the conditions which have given to 20 cents per lb. Considerable sur led by a monopoly. To hotels, éte. shipments which might serve to agis only in a position to make small rise to it, Messrs. Bermudez Bros. prise was caused when the announce also to the householder the prospect gravate the situation in the city.
the sole importers of Venezuelan cat ment was made on the price cards at of several days without meat on the The local buyer of cattle from the tle for the purpose of slaughter, the Eastern and the Woodbrook mar menu is far more unpleasant than have given no definite statement as kots, particulatly in view, of the the rise in price. According to the monopoly, naturally, would have to to when the increase in the price of well known fact that there has re information given out by those who from this British Colony before takbe assured of regular shipments beef to the public will cease. cently been normal shipment of control the cattle market, it would ing the important step of severing Although the increase had been cattle from Venezuela.
appear that there is every likelihood connection with the Venezuelan supply. And to make enterprise founded on this splendid aim of a British intercolonial cattle trade felt, it would be necessary to get down not only constant but large AT THE shipments of animals. In April small shipment of cattle landed here from British Guiana, the animals having travelled from the Rupununi Savannah where a gigantic scheme of cattle raising is in being. The animals were landed in good condition and drew favourable comment. The hope of a trade developing was reflected in comments made in this column on the 4th on this incursion of the British Guiana article into the market of Venezuelan beef. If it Le true that negotiations are being pursued for other shipments there might be prophecy in the statement that British Guiana might well turn the scale in favour of the consumer and bring down the high cost of fresh meat.
Always on hand a fine selection of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES And TOILET ARTICLES a Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist LA MASCOTA THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop. fine selection of Book Binding!
Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly boundat THE WORKMAN Nó, 72. CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Sir Edward Davson Empire Missionary Visits Canada AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs in TAILORS TRÍMMINGS LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
The British Pharmacy It Is Really On Account of The West Indies That Am Payo England, was called upon to preing Visit to Canada. says ide at this first Conference. is beKing Biography Is Sir Davson Jeause was promoter of these meetWithheld MONTREAL. By Mail) Sid Ed langs destiny to help solve the difficulties and problems which periodi Court Officials Alarmed At The ward Davson, representative of the cally oecur in these islands, unIntimacy And Private Details colonies on the Empire Marketing which the book reveals Edilanimous invitatiur. was sent to me in Board and Vice Chairman of the Astors notified of Ban.
sociation of British London and could not but accept it.
Chambers of Commerce, is now in Montreal on a Canadian Products LONDON The biography of King mission of good will and Imperial co The representatives of all the Colo George, written by a person in close operation.
nies, including British Guiana and touch with the royal family. has It is really on account of the British Honduras, assembled at Barbeen officially banned because it West Indies that am paying a visit trespassed on the privacy of the to Canada. said Sir Edward. We Sados and during 10 days discussed ruler. The author intended to rehave enjoyed the visit of promient most amicably all questions relevant main anonymous, but in high gov.
Canadians lately on the occasion of to the welfare of that part of the ernmental quarters it was felt the the inauguration of a direct line of Empire. Neverthelese, this Confer book was so intimate that his idensteamers between Canada and the ence might be considered as a step tity could easily be detected.
West Indies and it was felt only towards Federation, all the Colonies The book, which contained about right that a return visit of cordial being represented by their delegates 300, 000 words, had already been acity and goodwill should be paid to Canada. In my capacity of Chair and the Conference being something cepted by a big London publishing man of the last British West Indies of an Advisory Board to the vari tirm and a sum in six figures had Conference was asked to under cus Legislatures and is a replica of been offered for the serial rights in take this mission and accepted with the Imperial Conference, though England, the Dominions and the the greatest pleasure because it limited to subjects of local Interest. United States. It was intended to gives me occasion to work for closer question which was discussed publish extracts from the biography trade relations between your great this Fall in a London newspaper.
Dominion and that group of interest with equal interest to that already The project got under way at the ing British colonies in the West In mentioned, was the development of dies.
trade relations with height of the King illness Canada. The last Whether these visits will affect) hope that Canada might be a profit Winter. As soon as the King recovthe relations between the sister Brit uble market for the products of the ered the proofs were submitted to ish. Dominions cannot say but it is West Indies was expressed, but it his advisers, in accordance with the obvious that the closer the contact was also felt that there must be invariable practice that whenever a the more productive of results will response from these Islands under royal biography is planned, it must be. Next week will the shape of consumption of Can furst have official consideration.
our efforts have the pleasure to call upon the adian products so that the new members of the Canadian Govern steamship line between the two Court officials were alarmed at ment to transmit the good wishes countries may prove a the intimacy and private details profitable and thanks of the British West In venture.
which the book revealed and withdies and to discuss various subjects held their consent to the publicaof interest to both countries among which is paramount the question of The publishers were asked to canthe establishment of a British West erl all contracts and a special agent Indian Trade Office at Ottawa with was sent to the newspaper office Resident Commissioner, hope Fabrica de notifying the editors of the ban on that my mission will be covered with the book.
Cigarros Speaking of the West Indies ConCalldonia No 44 ference the first meeting which was Rent Receipt. Books in Spanish Theld in January last at Barbados he Garcia and English for sale at the Worksaid: The reason why, though from man Printery.
COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles tion.


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