
PAGE THREE New Ideas CANADA SERIOUS BID TO KING TO APPROVE FORM OF CAPTURE FOREIGN TRADE THANKSGIVING SERVICE COOK WITH GAS We Have More Than 5, 000 To encourage the study of for London June 14. The form appruv cign trade, seh dlarships providing ed by teh King for the kestminster free passage to Japan or Australia Abbey Thanksgiving Service on Juie 200 a year for students of the 26th (tomorrow. has been sent by University of British Columbia have telegraph and air mail to di tant pars heen founded by Mr. McMil of the Empire in time for celebraian, of Vancouver. The intention is tion on that date.
innt well equipped young Canadians tould have an opportunity of study. ing at first hand trade possibilities in those countries. The scheme has been mer elasticity diminished. number approved by the Hon. James Malof offers to capitalize her uncanny colm, Minister of Trade and Comability on the stage have been made inerce, as a patriotic and practical to her, but she has declined them.
Satisfied Customers Are You One Of Them?
IF NOT SEE US. TODAY Contains the juice oua orang Added to this, the man the fruit acid fou color healthful carbona the delicate Bavory and limepan WE WILL INSTALL GAS STOVE FOR YOU IMMEDIATELY, SO THAT YOU WILL BE ANOTHER Orange Crush Satisfied Customer Accept it only in the Krinkly Bottle AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, COLLECT YOUR WORK AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSBIP ARE GUARANTEED TRY US CLEAN PRESS REPAIR DARN MAKE You Sulteto THE STAR PRESSER DYERS 101 ANCON AVB PANAMA ALCIDE Propriotor WE Cia. Panamena de Fuerza y Luz SANTA ANA PLAZA PANAMA FRONT STREET COLON AT YOUR SERVICE The life of each man and woman is the human embodiment of an ideal. The world is divided into men and women, half of whom are uut one original idea. That they are not really Irumps is shown by the Lact that when fate demands tha, hey should leave their little com mon rut and face the big, essentia things of life, they become heroic.
They were but frumpish because Bever once during the whole of their everyday life, had they been required to think for themselves. Aeceptance had taken the place of hought with them and acceptance, if not always the better way, is undoubtedly the easier. They merely repeated what a former generation had told them to say, and they had intimate knowledge of, what will call, all the catch words of truth without once grasping the soul of its great reality. Todayonly the irretrievaoly dull utter or believe in the catchwords of heroism.
The rest are content to be heroic. without explaining why or giving to their acts and meaning some strikingly effective title worthy of a revue. War has revealed unto hen the Truth behind the Brick Vail of Sham, which had for so long hidden that Truth from their soul e. In a word, the world of average men and women has begun to think Lor itself, and where people once begin to think for themselves the brick Wall of Hypocrisy and Falsehood is undermined for its own destruction. We are beginning to see hings, as it were, with the naked eye and not through the rose coloured or darkened glasses of class, prejudice, and accepted opinion. There is a demand for the real in men, women, and in the affairs of Church and State. The world of men had more than enough of the leaders, of thought and action who floated to prosperity on a wave of shams and false doctrines. Deep down in the hearts of nearly all of us there has always lain the thought that the beet in life for the greatest number was not sought after by those who lead us. They carved out their own ambitions we followed. few bless God for the day of their birth; more carse it; the majority are just indifferent or merely hopeful, with that inarticulate hope which is the surest sign of disappointment. From Second Book of With Silent Friends. by Richard King.
WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali. Panama City Bottled and Distributed by PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH COMPANY SOLD IN DRUG Stores STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History FOR Making Good Clothes AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages and Cleaning Clothes Good See Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Toui, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Elastic Limbs Have Physicians Puzzled REID Fifteen year old Girl Increases Lenght of Arms and Legs at Will.
No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Romaine Organ Repairer Omphroy Auto Supply Repair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 Doctors are to examine a Birmingham girl of fifteen who is stated to huve elastie limbs which she can stretch at will like indiarubber.
She is Miss Kathleen Harcourt, who has been nicknamed Miss Indiarubber on account of the extraordinary pliability of her flesh.
Normally 5ft. in. tall, she can put three inches on her height by merely grasping some overhead object and putting her weight on it.
Her arms are stated to be elastic to the extent of three inches, while she can increase the length of her legs by about four inches.
Physicians have already tried in vain to diagnose the peculiar structure of her body. have always been like this. Miss Harcourt told the writer. My mother first discovered the abnor mality when was a baby. Apart from the elasticity of my body feel perfectly normal. have never had a day serious illness in my life.
Medical men believe that Miss Harcourt will grow out of her abnormality and that in a few years her bones will become more set and JOB PRINTING No 42 Calidonia Road Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Benjamin Barnett Son AT THE POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23r1 Street Chorrillo WORKMAN PRINTERY


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