
Interesting Jottings THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada INCORPORATED 1869 Head Office: Montreal, Canada Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Strect. No. 72, Panama, P. Box 14 Panama P Box 1102, Ancon CZ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR 40 SIX MONTHS 1:30 THREE 60 ONE MONTH.
Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mattess of public interest invited We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence PANAMA COLON Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Santa Ana Plaza The Liberty of the Preos is the Palladius of our right JUNIUS Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 THE WORKMANSATURDAY, June 15, 1929.
Shall It be Survival or Extinction?
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including BY SAM MANNING the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Panama is a great place rather like the cosmois in a position to render the best possible service.
pontan element in this community; but am also chagrined at the condition of the group to when beAntigua Dominica Montserrat long THE WEST INDIANS. The lack of uniy existing is a most baneful example to the more or less preBahamas Grenada St. Kitts maturely matured o Isprings of our group. It would Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia seem that certain Leaders instead of accomplishing the necessary good that should be derived from intelBritish Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique ligem and construtive propaganda nas instead dug Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
only a trench of disunity among a most easily misguided people.
Some day perhaps the force of circumstances, will cause this tardy group to which belong to retrospect, and truly hope that it will not be when they are backTHE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ed up against the break water of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans Some of you may say that am harsh ana PAID ON DEPOSITS satirical, but what of it. you have so long basked in the sunshine of make believe and deception that any frank comment is sure to cause your ire, but am not General Banking Business Transacted.
begging you for anything, therefore don have to de ceive you about my impressions. Of course, it may not amount to much, but just the same want you to realize that your deplorable condition is a menace to our freeom and if censoring you cannot awaken your mmmw pride well then you are indeed hopeless.
Negroes you must support yourselves it is your PHONE 250 COLON only salvation, the other fellow can readily do without PHONE453 PANAMA STEAM PRESSING your support if he has to that is the reason why there is 15 STREET a quota Law on our group, and one of the main reasons DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA for seggregration. In other words they mean if you don like their actions you know what to do, you can quit and starve to death. It is up to you my good people.
As said before don want any collections. donation or anything else. If bring a show here don necessarily have to play to you all; as a matter of fact if had decided to play to the white folks alone might have made money.
My last appearance at the Variedades was generously supported by the Spanish speaking Panamanians and American white people, very few of my folks were there in the male section and dear friends suffered no inconvenience was still successful. That should give you an idea that the rest of the world can live despite any boycott or contemplated boycott by us. We are too poor, too needy, too oppressed to boycott or quarrel among ourselves, and if we continue on this path of strife among the group there will take place a gradual extinction tinged with every manner of abuse that can be heaped upon an ignorant and lazy people. Now you are in the barrel. You can get out. Are you going to try?
What shall it be survival or extinction?
LACTOGEN soluble mik Friends and Countrymen. Iw Sundays was the second day of June. ww many things besides. It was the day after Pompey had played his tune for according to ancient folk he played it ose the fint. Besides, it was one of those days when dreams ome true and untrue. was suother of the principal sport days for Cricketers, Chance men, Baseball s, and others. For some, it was another day of rest. Again, it was the day which sometimes makes.
tremendous difference in the finescial status of some persons those who are lucky enough to hold him. some of our friends would say. It was a day of joy and day of Sorrow Some were laughing others crying, Some lamenting and some dying But some few were still a dreaming, As they watched their fortunes free ing Wow! But wait till tell you. One of these village dreamers had.
dream, and saw a vision. It was like his: She was mams of five, and nearly six. Her hubby worked for forty seven and a nyap, and she slways had a duce of time subtracting, and multiplying, but mostly the latter, in order to keep the wolf away from all doon. On Saturday night, she had one bean Jeft (5) with which to cover Sunday.
It was the last week of the month, and there was some eagle stretching to be done. mean the eagle that un the dollar. The poor creature mind was greatly exercised as she went to sleep. So her dend mother appeared to her in a dream (so she declared. and said unto her. Liza. for that was her name) am sorry for you see how hard it is with you, and am going to help you. Tomorrow morning, buy 05. Liza rose from her slumber on Sunday morning jubilant, and she deposited the whole of the dollar into the Chance man ha on 05. She believed that her dream would come true. Well, the hour came. The winning numbers were announced. Lo and behold, no 35! Lina was disappointed. She was terrified. hysterical, violent. She gathered her children together, and straightway led them singing:When our heads are bowed with woe, And our bellies get the blow; We can only green and moan. Cause of what my mama done.
Then, she clasped her hands, and looked out into space saying: Mama, what is this that thou has done unto me? Do you mean that you have deceived me Lina so What an advantage! All ask you mama, is that in the future, you leave me alone in my sleep, and do act come and humbug up my busiDass. Please remember mama, that if you ever appear again to me in my sleep, will insult you, and drive you away, plain english and bad mannen DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner 01 Is it reasonable?
sorgully a baby hasheed canced TOGEN Perfect Treasure Give your Baby the benefit of LACTOCEN Se, Seneres, Senoras, y Senoritas tam bien, carahu! dreams do not always come true. Sometimes, a mare of the night is mistaken for a dream!
DAME MATURES DOUBLE You better Babies LACTOS Empire Trading That Canada only needed regular steamship communication with the West Indies to capture the import trade of those colonies, has been proved by the fact that during the twelve months ended September 30, 1928, there was an increase in goods exported to the West Indies of more than a million dollars on the figures for the preceding year.
The Trinidad Guardian has the following to say on the subject of Empire Trading: Canada exported to the West Indies during the twelve months ended September 30, 1928, goods to the value of a little over 19, 500, 000, representing an increase of more than a million dollars on the figures for the preceding year. This augurs well for the possibility hinted at by the goodwill Trade Mission which has just returned to Montreal after a visit to Bermuda, the Bahamas and Jamaica in the Lady Somers, the first of the new Canadian National fleet for that route.
The Mission has expressed its conviction that the eyes of the West Indies are turning more than ever towards Canada and this, with the increasing population of the Dominion, is regarded as evidence that in time the colonies will take from Canada the bulk of the imports which they now obtain from the United States.
The advantages of inter Imperial trading are immense and the consummation envisaged by the Mission is devoutly to be desired. It will mean not only that (Continued on Page 5)
Blue NESTLES Old folk sky. Dawg neber see henkichet, de fus time him get one, him tek it mek neck tie. Once upon time, a creature who had never seen a city before, made her first risit Happily, she met a feller who was glad to take charge of her, and show her around. New broom sweeps clean, you know. So, after this, she returned home, and was interrogated by her friends as to how she liked the city. She satisfied their curiosity like this Wisses, me PANAMA WESLEY like it well, but me frighten plenty.
One night, a feller tek me out for a (Continued from Page 1) walk on road tright no yard that journeyed to the Atlantic side. tick. hear something holler back The choir contributed chords for me, peel pooh! look back and see a whích Mrs. Wade was responsible, bigting wid two bie spremin. ask The singing of the Mizpah brought de feller, what dat. Him tell me a very interesting meeting to a close (Continued a Page The Diadem Jewelry Store 79 Central Avenue Only Good Quality for Your Money OTTO HAACK. Prop.


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