
PÅGE FIVE Physical Geography Atlantic Side Notes (BY THE STRAGGLER)
IDOZAN We have come this week to River Basins, Water Shades, Rivers and their Uses and Effects Why We Should Organize RIVER BASINS AND WATERIs an iron preparation designed to meet the modern SHEDS: great river and all s uributaries forma (BY Charles Skinner)
principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without River System.
Take a map; mark all the sources of am setting forth below the rea soake it continue. And there is where causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains river and its tributaries, and join sons why think we should organize organization comes in and automa5 per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in the points; the enclosed space is the in order to help and encourage eventically creates common cause comexcess of that contained in the more generally presRiver Basin. The high land between cne another to get interested in this mon interest an interest containing cribed iron compounds.
two adjoining river basins, which, very important thing called organ reciprocal benefits to both. Labor is like the ridge on the roof of a hous. ization, especially in so far as it con then in a position to tell Capital that The most recent medical investigations have fully divides the water flowing from 1, cerns Labor and Capital, if Capital pays him more out of the proved that iron should be administered in much larger and sends the rivers in opposite di1. think we should organize be profits, he (Labor) will be able to doses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poulrections, is called the Water Shed, or cause organization enables us to pre. buy more of the things which Capsen, the well known pharmacologist says water parting of the Country. When. Pharmathe water shed lies east and west, as sent our cause as a group of indi ital has to sell and increase thereby cology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in viduals. When we are one together his (Capital s) profit to an extent in Europe and Asia, the general diwhich would more than compensate until the doses of iron applied are so large as to aprection of the rivers is north ard in aim and object, each becomes a parently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, Buth. When the Water Shed lies representative, pure and simple of capital for the consideration. Capital the whole, and the whole of each at not being ignorant, must admit the Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his north and south as in South America, one and the same time. The interest utility of such logical reasoning, and treatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. the general direction of the rivers is east and west. The more distant of each individual becomes associat. sive labor a hearing, at least, be.
In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no the mountain system of a country ed with each other, and his organ cause of compatibility of interests.
constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when from the sea, the gentler and more ization is representative of the one That is a cinch, Labor and Capital body. In union theer is strength.
are interdependent one on the other.
taken before meals.
varied is its slope, and the greater There is common cause between pre its rivers. The most remarkable Organization affords the opporthem. One cannot exist without the IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmiliustration of this is afforded by tunity of discovering whether there other.
ful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration obthe Andes in South America. These be common cause between Capital served after taking a dose, disappears at once if the mountains lie very near the west and Labor.
Through the medium of organization therefore, the worker acquires a dose is followed by a draught of water.
coast, and thousands of miles from Organization benefits both the the east coast. Consequently, there proper status he obtains such employer as well as the worker.
are, on the west of South America knowledge as makes him a more useIDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated One would like to hear something ful and profitable worker, both to are readily tolerated by children as well as by adults.
only a few mountain torrents; on the more than the mere statement of himself and to cast, there are three of the greatest employer, because the reasons why workers should or of contentment. Capital gains the Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN rivers in the world the Orinoco, the gnnize. In the first place, Capital is loyalty and undivided interestedness yields results in a short time, comparable to many Amazon, and the La Plata.
organized, and that in itself does a of the worker, and the worker promonths treatment with preparations, the iron content In Asia, the greatest rivers are in way completely with some of the duces more work in less time. The of which is much smaller.
the north, because the mountain system is nearer the south; but there, whys that some people attach to purchasing power of the laborer labor organization, as to its neces the consumer is a factor to be reckFOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS as in Europe, the high land occupies a central position, from which consity.
oned with by Capital, not as a nosiderable rivers flow in nearly all Now, let us assume tha Capital is gligible quantity, but as an indispendirections one man, and Labor the other. Laborable attribute of the manufacturUSES AND EFFECTS OF approaches Capital telling him that er business. Nothing is plainer RIVERS: Rivers are of the greathe needs some more of the things than the fact that if Capital inest importance to a country, not only which he is producing that he is creases the the buying power of the as a natural drainage for its soil, but falling through because of the lack Labor, Capital profits will increase also, as the natural means to interof means with which to buy it, Cap in proportion.
nal communication; though in this ital refuses on the ground that he Lastly, Capital knows all this; but respect, they are now superseded to cannot pay anymore as he is not fit laboris indifferent, and does not a great extent by railways. The making much profit. Labor has show that it is also in possession of Rhine, the Danube, and the Ganges, stated his case, So has Capital, and this knowledge by organizing, Capare still great highways of traffic.
there appears to be a deadlock. But ital will naturally stand pat, and get The Mississippi and its tributaries this deadlock cannot continue. Neith as much as it can from labor for the are navigable to a distance of 3000 er Labor nor Capital can afford to smallest possible consideration.
miles from its mouth; while the inland navigation of the Amazon aystem extends to no less than 50, 000 NEW ARRIVALS miles. The greatest sea ports in the world are at or near the mouths of FINE ASSORTMENT OF rivers ALL LEATHER SHOES Some of the most striking physical FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN CHILDREN, changes on the earth surface are CHILDREN HOSIERY, ARROW SHIRTS due to the action of rivers. river LADIES GARTERS, BATHING CAPS, BATHING is constantly knawing away and unSHOES, BABIES PANTIES CRIB SHEETS dermining its banks, large portions ETC. ETC.
of which are often swept away by floods. The soil thus set free is carYour Patronage Solloltod ried down by the river in its course.
THE COSMOPOLITAN HOUSE When its basin broadens, and its 31 Calldonia Road Mo ALMON Prop.
speed slackens, much of this is deposited on the bottom of its channel, or on the flats which it has overflowed. Thus what it has borrowed from the solid earth at one part of Wire for us and we ll Wire for You its course, it repays at another NIMBLEY Co.
Sometimes this deposit of rubbish Electricians and Dealers takes place at the mouth of the river, and is so regular and constant Wiring, Supplies and Repairs as to raise up a barrier in the river way, and cause its stream to divide.
Telephone 1059 The river thus empties itself into the sea by two or more mouths, inP. Box 747 Ancon stead of one. These moaths or arms Panama 72 Carlos Mendoza Street No Street enclose the triangular bed of deposit ed debris; which, from its resemand corner Javillo blance to the Greek letter D, is called a DELTA. The most remarkable Empire Trading OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD deltas are those of the Nile and the (Continued from Page 4)
Canada will cater more wholeheartedly tol West Indian PANAMA CITY needs, but that West Indian merchants will receive Next week, GLACIERS and ICEfrom their Canadian friends practical inducements sufSKSSSSSSSSSSS BERGS.
ficient to turn them away from foreign dealing. Trin idad obtained 19. 44 per cent. of its import requirements from Canada in 1927, and from the United States 27. 74 SUNLIGHT MADE TO ORDER where research work is undertaken, hours, the effect of exposure to Interesting Jottings (Continued from page 4)
per cent If hopes are realised, this position which perinto the qualities of rubber destined months of strong sunlight, haps reflects with fair accuracy that generally existing Tropical sunshine is now being for most parts of the civilised word. By this means we can find out it name mornin star. motor car. in this part of the world will be reversed.
created in the midst of England Resistance to sun cracking. one the values of various rubber com So you see, friend dogie is not the The total trade of the Colonial Empire was stated by Mr. Amery to be about five hundred millions sterline smoky midlands to test the effect of of the laboratory chemists explained pounds with regard to their resist only sinner in mistaking one thing upon motor tyres in an interview, is an essential fea ance to sun cracking and so anti for the other on first acquaintance.
yearly. Mr. Amery expects that within twenty years the strong sunlight figures will exceed one thousand millions. One of the made for use in hot climates. The ture of the modern tyre, and by cipate the way in which the ultimate Dogie took an handkerchiel for a important means of bringing about such a development innovation has been carried out at means of the ultra violet ray lamp product may be expected to behave neck tie, and this creature, motor the laboratories of Fort Dunlop we can today produce, within a few in tropical countries.
car for a morning star!
is to be found in inter Empire trading.
FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Photo Albums ScrapAlbums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books. Souvenirs, etc. etc.


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