
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD Willard Clocks JAMAICA ST. VINCENT Shooting Team to Compete at From London Progress of St. Vincent Bisley to Kiugston In Fourteen Days Its Needs and Aspiration As. y night safely be left in his able hands.
FULLER sociation Exchange of Views Road Development Junior Kolapore Cup To Be Fol sighting shot per man at each disBig Motor Ship of with Governor Plans for the On the subject of roads, His Exlowed By Mackinnin Shot fance. The time limit of the shot is Co. Establish Another Direct Future.
cellency thought that the formation Individuaal Attempts to Cap one hour, Outward Bound Route. Reof an advisory road Board was ture King Prize.
Junior Mackinnon Cup This event is open to teams of frigerated Space.
ST. VINCENT (By Mail) pub jepod step and said that in the new lie meeting of the St. Vincent Re seheme of road construction which Great interest is being manifested four past or present members of His The latest shipping service to Ja presentative Government Association he had just inaugurated, account cver the possibilities of the Trinidad Majesty Forces qualified to shoot naica is that established by the New was convened for the purpose of had been taken of the necessity for team at Bisley this year, especially for the Junior Kolapore Cup and the SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY Service of the North Pacific Coastal personal exchange of views with His up to date constructional work on a as it will undertake a more ambiti prize is a Challenge Cup valued at STUDY OR DESK Line between London and Van Excellency the Governor. His Excel large scale, including the provision ous programme than last year. The 100 guineas presented by Major Sir Trinidad team will not only shoot for Richard Barnett, the event being There is an air of grace and elecouver, the ships of which come dilency was accompanied by Major of a stone crusher. He appealed to the Junior Kolapore Cup on July 15, viso known as The Barnett. The gance reminiscent of Colonial Days reet to Kingston from London on Peebles, Colonial Secretary, the planters to offer all facilities for but also for the Junior Mackinnon e stances for the shoot are 900 yards about Willard Type Banjo Clocks the outward bound route on theird Mayor Donaldson, the furtherance of the reconstruction way to the Panama Canal.
scheme by the provision of labour Cup on July 18. Individual members and 1, 000 yards. The number of shots that appeals to people of culture.
The service is run jointly by the Mr. Corea, President of the ate.
of the team will take part in other red at each range will be ten with These clocks are high grade and Royal Mail Company and the Hol Association, who presided, after ex Executive Council Increased events for which they are eligible one sighting shot per man at cach including the King Prize.
distance. The time limit of the shoot reliable, while the cases are of the land America Line, being managed, tending a welcome to His Excellency His Excellency stated hat in a is 14 hours and three targets will best craftsmanship.
as far as Jamaica is concerned en gave a resume of the history of the mall island such as St. Vincent one The Trinidad team comprises Capt.
Le allowed each team.
Also a new assortment of other tirely by the Royal Mail.
Association and of the progress of official member of the Executive Evans, Garrison Quartermaster, Special commemorative Souvenirs fine clocks that The two best ships on the line arehe Island.
Council was sufficient. The work of will surely meet His Excellency Reply the Council was to a great extent Sab Inspector Stent, Acting will be given by the National kifle your every requirement in the home the Loch Katrine and Loch Monar, Corporal Baptiste, Mr.
Corbin, Association to each member of the or office at both Royal Mail ships which are not His Excelleney, replying, said that ormal he naturally consulted with Dr. George, 1st reserve. winning team.
motor steamers of 10, 000 tons gross he had listened with interest to the the unofficial member on all ques.
The Events King Prize. nd have a larger refrigerated space various speakers, Dealing with agri nons of policy but he did the same The Junior Kolapore, otherwise tran any other ships in the world, culture he said that he agreed en with other unofficials not only those The King Prize is the coveted known as the Morning Post Impe. ambition of every shot at a Bisley about 144, 000 cubic feet, the total urely with Mr. Corea remarks and pho were inembers of the Legislative 122 CENTRAL AVE.
risl Challenge Cup, is open to one of cargo capacity being about 500, 000 vhat he was confident that when the ouncil but also those who held stake cubic feet.
properties of arrowroot were more the country, althought they might ficially accredited team of four past meeting. It is open only to past and or present members of Forces present members of His Majesty fred best shots in the second stage.
Other ships in the service are the fully realised, there would be not be members of either Council.
or the Forces of any British Protect Porees, or the Forces of any British The distances to be fired are 900 Nichtheroy, Netrashin, Narenta, greater demand.
He had no objection, however, to reProtected State.
ed State, resident and qualified to reyards and 1, 000 yards and fifteen Loch Goil, Moer Dyk, Drechdyk, and Naturally, the welfare of the peas commending the appointment of an The aggregate value of the prizes shots will be fired at each distance.
present any part of the British Eminta was intimately by ind up with other unofficial member to the ExKinderdỹk.
pire or any territory under a com is 1, 220 of which 1250 is given by Special prizes are offered to the aivout two months.
The service has been in operation agriculture and he agreed with what ecutive Council if the general opinMr. Samuel had said mission shared by Great Britain or His Majesty the King, rgo by Col.
that every ion of the island and people were in any group of such parts or terri. Howard Wilkinson, and 8870 competitor making the highest score In addition to the cargo the ships thing should be done to encourage favour of such a step.
turies (sactioned by the Council for added by the National Rifle Asso. at each stage.
Have accommodation for about 20 further peasant proprietary. Major first class passengers.
Match) other ciation. The first prize is 260 prel Peebles, the recently appointed AdHis Excellency mentioned that he the purpose of the thân (a) Great Britain and Northern sented by His Majesty, ako the Nu. F. Jackson They make the journey from Lon. ministrator had done much good was leaving the colony on WednesIreland. b) the Indian Empire. e. ional Rifle Association gold medon to Kingston in just over four work in this direction in Montserrat, day next but intended returning this Promoted.
the Dominion and Provinces of Can dal, and the gold badge.
teen days but do not call here on and he felt that the whole question year.
ada, the Commonwealth and States The second prize is the National the return journey.
of Australia, the Dominion of New Rifle Association Badge and 50, the Appointed to Gold Coast Not Zealand, the Union of South Africa third prize the badge and Leaving Until Governor ReST. LUCIA Small ANTIGUA and its provinces, and the Irish Free 220, fourth prize, 10 and turn.
State, and any dependencies of those badge.
DENTIST Revenue Increases The Colony Owes Dominions or Territories administer In addition the following prizes! The Trinidad Guardian has been MASONIC TEMPLE. ed by them under mandate. will be given: 26 prizes of and officially informed that the Hon.
Office Hours: am to 12 pm The Revenue of the Colony for the NEW CHAPEL TO The prize is a Challenge Cup badge, 70 prizes of and the F. Jackson, M, Colonial. 30 pm to 30 pm) year 1928, exclusive of Land Sales BENEFACTOR valued at 100 guineas, and badges to badge, 200 prizes of and Secretary, who is now acting as Govevery member of the competing 100 prizes of urnor, has been appointed by the Sundays, by Special Appointment and the Imperial Grant in Aid which Kindness Of Mr. Macauley Of Masonic Temple i1th St, smounted to 3, 836, was 81, 275 8 Canada Makes Possible Build teams, presented by the Director sof At the first or qualifying stage Secyetary of State for the post of ing Just Opeend.
the Morning Post.
seven shots will be fired at 200, 500 Colonial Secretary of the Gold 0, Box 787 CRISTOBAL an increase of 6, 083 3 over the Special commemorative souvenirs and 600 yards distances.
Coast, in succession to Mr. PHONE: OFFICE 1664 preceding year. The Expenditure ANTIGUA. By Mail) On Wed.
will be given by the National Rifle The second stage is only open to Thomas, whose appointment as Gov187, 234 19 exceeded the estimates Tresday June 5th, representative Association to each member of the the 300 competitors who have qualiti Lernor of Nyasaland was recently re. salary 1, 800, pius 360 per annum by 42, 154 and the Expenditure for gathering of all classes rassembled winning team.
ed by taking the highest places in ported. The vacaney will not occur duty allowance, with free furnished the preceding year by 23, 016 17 tur the opening of the new chapel The distances to be shot are 800, the first stage. The distances to be until autumn and in consequence Mr. quarters and passage on leave of ab )The inerease in the Revenue is ac in connection with the Fiennes Insti500 and 600 yards, the team with the shot are 300, 500 and 600 yards, and Jackson will remain in the colony sonee.
counted for principally by increase tute and the Holderton Hospital.
best aggregate being declared the ten shots will be fired at each dis until the return of Sir Horace The salary attaching to Mr. Jack under the following heads: Customs The service commenced with the winner. Ten shots will be fired at tance, Byatt, Governor.
son post as Colonial Secretary, Duties 1, 617 13 11. Income Tax singing of the hymn Christ is made each range and there will be one! The third stage is open to the hun The terms of the appointment are, Trinidad, is 1, 600 per annum. 2, 432 and Fees of Court or Office, the sure foundation during which 22, 311 10. The increased expendi JH. the Governor, Lady Fiennes, Previous to his appointment to ture was due to Pensions and Gra uis Grace the Archbishop and the Trinidad in February, 1926, Mr.
tuities 1, 222 17 6, Governor 458 clergy entered the chapel and took Jackson had served as Colonial See9. Police 358 1, Public Works Re their respective places, retary of Barbados. He has considerable experience of West Indian current 491 2 and Public Works The Archbishop offered several Extraordinary 1, 484 11 affairs having served in various prayers and blessed the new buildRent Receipt Books in Spanish ing setting it apart from all secular colonies for a number of years, and and English for sale at the Work uses for the service of God. After he has also experience of Africa.
man Printery.
The sensible man saves consistently. Continued on Page 7)
Though Dnring Mr. Jackson brief service here he has made his influence his is the satisfac.
felt and among other things has tion of knowing that he has a constantly growbeen responsible for the recognisa DENTIST HOWELL tion of the Civil Service and the new House No. 912 La Boca BAPTISTE system of selection of candidates for the Service.
Canal Zone THE ARTISTIC Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at He attended the first West Indies OPPOSITE RESTAURANT per annum is paid twice a year and added Conference held in Barbados in JanTAILOR cary February this year and made PHONE 1941. BALBOA to the money you already have on deposit.
Ja stirring appeal for greater co Specialises in all Branches of operation in West Indies effort, Dentistry House Street ALL WORK GUARANTEED Panama, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish RESIDENCE588 Start saying now. Open an account with this and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
START ON THE ROADITO INDEPENDENCE his deposits may be small, ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithfully served its West Indian friends on the Isthmus for a quarter of a Century.


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