
PAGE SEVEN PANAMA HARDWARE. COOZE Jr. CATHEDR PLAZA Os, with the social obligation that it unust acknowledge. She must dream of the introduetion of honesty even in polities, which is the self interest of the nation. Canada possesses powers of character and material resources tast will enable her to carve out a destiny free from the fatigue that old civilizations suffer from in the shape of eynjeism and spiritual inPensitiveness.
Sir Rabindranath urged his countrymen domiciled in Canada to bring ap their children in accordance with the customs of Canada and to make good Canadian citizens of them relves.
Paint Headquarters JUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY OFAGRICULTURE IN THE BAHAMAS The Colony Owes Babindranath Continued from Page 6)
The Visionary the singing of Through all the changing scenes of life the Rev. Famous Indian Poet Vests Can1. Hutton read the 84th Psolm and ada With The Responsibility il. the Governor pronounced the Of Solving The Race Problem chapel to be officially opened. The For The Salvation Of Man.
Archbishop declared the Chapel to be dedicated to St, Margaret. The ser.
vice was brought to an end with a Great interest was shown at Vanfew more prayers, the blessing and ouver during the sitting of the the singing of the National Anthem. National Council of Education in the This new chapel has been built presence of Sir Rabindranath Tathrouvh the kindness of Mr. Macau core, poet of India, In the course of ley, of Canada, the generous benefae an address, he said: Canada is too tor of the West Indies, and the young to fall a victim to the malady Governor explained that it is for the lof dissillusionment and scepticism.
Joint use of the inmates of the Fien she must believe in the great ideals nes Institute, the patients of the Hos in face of contradiction for she has pital and those from the lunatic the great gift of youth; she has the psylum whenever they are able to direct consciousness of the stir of attend. He stated that the furnish growth within her which should ing of the chapel was not yet com make her trust herself, which is the plete and that donations to help with only sure way of trusting the world.
its completion would be gratefully Canada will have to solve for the received.
saivation of man the most difficult of all problems, the race problem, which has become insistent with the GRENADA close contact of communities that NEWSPAPER STARTS FUND bad their isolation for centuries in TO SEND BOY SCOUTS their geographical and cultural exTO ENGLAND clusiveness. She will have to reconcile the efficiency of the creative The Grenada Guardian has genius of man which must build its started a fund to supplement any paradise of self expression, reconcile sum the Government might decide to science with religion, individual right vole towards the expenses of send ing two boy Scouts to the Great International Jamboree to be held in England this year. Tobago has set itself the task of raising 500 to send a Scouter and a Scout.
The Tailor If you have a Prescription to 24th STREET be made up take it to the Guachapali National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour Panama RP teous and obliging service Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Etc. Etc.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
The Tribune of Nassau of May 18 says: supply of cassava stieks and yam seeds was received a few days ago by the Board of Agriculture, but before the fact could be published they had all been taken. quantity was sent to the various school gardens in the islands.
There has been a widespread revival of interest in agriculture throughout the Bahamas during the last two years, for which the active interest in industry, shown by Governor Orr has been largely responLeible. The Agricultural Department has done splendid work in popularizing the movement.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue Samuel W, Russelt Kirton Modern Tailor.
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