p. 8


Sad But True Employees Meeting WE OFFER PRICES EXCELLENT FOR Pioneers frust expect hard knockos; the mind of people can change only slowly. Until the mind of a people is clianged new truths born before their time must suffer the fate of other untimely births and the prophet who preaches them must expect to be mistaken for useless fanatie of whom every age has al.
ways too many, and must be content to be literally or metaphorical ly put to death as part of the process for the regeneration of the world.
SIR OLIVER LODGE. wide and cordial invitation is hereby extended to West Indian residents of Red Tank and Paraiso to attend the next regular monthly business meeting of the Red Tank District of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association to be held Monday night, 17 inst.
The meeting will be held in the Red Tank Clubhouse and will commence at approximately 30 o clock or immediately after the conclusion of the free moving picture in the clubhouse on that night.
The occasion will be one of unusual interest to West Indian workers it particular, and it is hoped that every effort will be made by members and friends to attend.
The chief item of business will be the enrollment of members who are anxious to take advantage of the tick and death benefit scheme recen ly adopted by the Association and became efective this month.
Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps My dear child. said a woman to young unmarried, aequaintance. you must realize that when one loves, it should be for life. know what m talking about, my dear have been married three times.
AND Reader How can keep my daughter home! used to do it by hiding her clothes. This doesn work any more.
Editor Hide her lipstick.
AT Teacher Which is farther away, africa or the moon. Small boy Africa Africa? What makes you think that. Cause we can see the moon and we can see Africa This is the first time the Association has attempted to extend its activities to include such a scheme, and there is every reason to believe that the attempt will be successful, since it is the expressed desire of the majority of the members to have the Association adopt the scheme.
The Association is looking forward to a very bright future, and with the co operation of every member there is every hope that the efforts of the Association in this respect will be crowned with unusual success.
The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Hall Communion Service in 00 pm. Church School. Mr. Cragwell, Supt. 30 in. Choral Evensong and sermon.
Hymns (A. and 262, 518, 31, Psalm 18.
Magnificat. Carratt, Nunc Dimittia. Troutbeck.
No Lower Prices For Bananas in Canada CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Duty of 50 Cents. Bunch Has Now Been Placed On Fruit Coming Into Canada From American Ports.
ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO, The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
11. 00 a. Matins and address 00 Church School and Confirmation Instruction, 30 Evensong and address, Church Services Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
NEURALGINA OTTAWA. By Mail) Just when it looked as though Canadians would be enabled to assure each other that they were in position to disprove the saying Yes, we have no bananas today. comes the regretful voice of the wholesale fruit importer to assure them that they are in worse case than ever. High hopes were aroused by the arrival in Montreal of the first shipment of bananas from Jamaica by Canadian National Steamships. The cargo reached the metropolis and was greeted as the forerunner of more to follow. Montreal despatches hailed the event as epochal in the fruit importation trade of the Dominion.
Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS Holy Communion, a. The Rector. The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
Holy Baptism, 80 a. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and serThe Litany, Holy Eucharist and mon.
sermon, 10. 45 a. The Rector. 00 Church School and ConTHANKSGIVING SERVICE firmation Instruction.
At p. a Thanksgiving Ser. 30 Evensong and Address.
vice for St. Peter Church Benevol Mr. Richards, Catechist, ent Society will be held, to which a most cordial invitation is extended SALVATION ARMY to the general public. The Rector Sunday Knee Drill at a.
Directory Class at 10 a, will preach a special sermon.
Holiness Meeting 11 a.
At 30 there will be Choral Company Meeting p.
Evensong and sermon.
Salvation Meeting 30 MULCARE, Monday Young Pedple Meeting Rector. p.
Tuesday Band Practice p.
ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, LAS Tuesday Soldiers Counsels 80 CASCADAS Matins and address, 11. Mr. Wednesday Corps Cadet Class A. Swaby, Lay Reader.
Church School and Confirmation Wednesday Home League at 30 Class, 80 MULCARE, Thursday Holiness Meeting 30 Priest in Charge.
Songsters Practice at 30 ST, SIMON S, GAMBOA Friday.
Matins and address, 11. Mr. Adjutant NORBERG. Braithwaite, Lay Reader.
Church School and Confirmation BAPTIST CHURCHES Class, 2, 30 COLON 11 a. Deacon DrumJ. MULCARE, mond.
Priest in Charge. 15 Rev. Clarke of Jamaica.
St. Paul Church, Panama, CALIDONIA 11 a. Desson THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Tollough. Rev. Nightengale, 16 Rev. Gammon.
PUEBLO NUEVO 11 a. Rev. 30 a. Holy Communion. The Yearwood.
Rector. p. Church Anniversary.
10. 15 a Matins. Mr. At NEW PROVIDENCE 11 well, Lay Reader.
Deacon Brome.
10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and GATUN 11 Supplied.
sermon. The Rector. 15 Teacher Smith.
Introit Psalm 119 Part 11. RED TANK 80 Leader Hymns (A. and 245, 519, 666, Clark.
But local fruit importers stated to The Citizen yesterday that a duty of 50 cents a bunch has now been placed on fruit coming into Canada from American ports. Just how this affects the situation in view of the Jamaican importation is explained by the statement that Canadian importers will continue to get their fruit from the United States and pass the duty on to the consumer. Jamaican bananas are inferior to those which come from such places as Barbados, and which are shipped to Woohawken, New Jersey, And thence to Canada. said a prominent local importer to the Citizen recently. The placing of the 50 cents a bunch duty, which goes into effect on Thursday next, will increase the price of bananas to the Canadian consumer. There is no doubt of that.
The silver lining in the cloud is that the Jamaican banana may not be as inferior to the other sort as alleged. Or that the Canadian consumer may develop a taste for the Jamaican sort, despite its alleged drawbacks, that will make the shipment of fruit from the British West Indies a profitable one for the nationally owned steamship line, For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Tanama.


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