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PRICE CENTS PRINCE OF WALES TO Labour Party Pam Venezuelan Outlaws. Neverson Blunders ke FOREIGN LABOURERS CAMP AT JAMBOREE phlet causes Cominent Seize Island Central, Board IN ENGLAND Was Not Mere Lyricism, URBINA CAPTURES CURACAO AND GOVERNOR Connor Outline re Central Ur Foreigners Wages Must Not Be many in.
to WOMEN DAY SUNDAY Britannia Rules The Waves BY JOSEPH INNOCENT Will Witness Sea Scouts Display 50, 000 Boy Scouts to Attend Says New York Herald Tri IS MADE PRISONER Ganization Partly Wrong. Less Than British Employees West Indies Wall Be Well bune, Would Create Factionalism.
Revolutionist Lender Carries Out Sensational CoupSeizes Fort Represented.
The British election has And War Munitions Killing Four Soldiers Who Resisted His want unity and co operation, not White Paper issued by the MinDemand To Surrender Chief Of Police Also Held.
to create divisions in our ranks, anuſistor of Labour of England rates The Prince of Wales, will on Aug. notable aspects (says the New York ust 1, camp with 50, 000 Boy Scouts Herald Tribune editorially. It emas was instrumental to create con that the number of foreigners per An act of outlawry and brigand. was in Curacao on a visit with mem et between the various Colonial Sorianertly resident and paintedy ocfrom all over the world at the world phasizes the trend toward mass de Jamboree of Scouts at Airowe Park, mocracy in Br tish polities. The ele. Ty, to parallel for which one mustiers of his family, and arirved inleties in Colon, first to have them cupied in Great Britain is given in Birkenhead. It will be opened by the torate has again been enlarged theo back to the days of Morgan, was Jomaica last week on his way toorm a Committee, it is my duty to the census of 1921 as 117, 8 men Duke of Connaught, President of the last stage in that process. There is perpetrated in the Dutch Island of Huyti, but at o clock the whole correct certain errors made, whien and 32, 441 woman, 142, 72. a broader division than ever on do. Curacao lying off the Venezuelan island found itself under a rule of if not done, will destroy everything Boy Scout movement, suy for the time being and, for this Many of these people it is stated The Prince, who recently became a mestie and foreign questions, and cast, on Saturday afternoon June terror. Venezuelan revolutionistis large band of Venezuelan out nad seized Curacao! General Urbina, reason, want to be allowed a chane have been resident in the country Commodore of the Sea Scouts, will for the first time an ancient fan aSeit the Jamboree and will see a mental of British imperial policy is. ws, without the slightest warning, who is conducting a revolution in seized the Fort, and all the police Venezuela against Lo do my duty to my people without or many years and number of General Gomez being openly challenged from with display by Sea Seouts, let or hindrance and correct the errorswem were born hete. They are therestations in the island, butchered four had, with about 60 of his followers, nade at the first meeting on Aprillure to be regarded in so far as they The foreign countries which will British supremacy on the seas hasDutch soldiers, kidnapped the Gov. at larmed, landed in Curacao, unbe represented at the Jamboree are Police of the known to the authorities, about a 26, last. want the co operation dure employed persons as part of the been for centuries the bed rock fai hernor, the Chief of those who are prepared to follow in. labour available in the country.
At about o clock sending in all 15, 000 Scouts. Brit of Engishmen. Britannia rules the colony, and 16 soldiers commandeer. week before.
tractions as given but not to change In view of the prevailing volume ish Official Press.
waves was not mere lyricism Med on American steamer lying in the Saturday night he suddenly drove ukrem to suit their own ideas. do not Jof unemployment and to safeguard The Jamboree will be held at ArGenerations of statesmen haie) Port of Willemstad, sailed away to into Port Amsterdam with two truck wish to make myself. Benedict Ar the interest of British workers the rowe Park from July 30 to August taught that the safety of the emthe Venezuelan coast, and disappear. loads of followers all armed to the nold to a cause so noble by follow admission of newcomers for employ.
14. The demonstrations will include pire depended on ses control, and ed into the wilds of that country af teeth and demanded its surrender.
ing such advice that will make ment is closely restricted. lo gereral a Swimming Gala and Display bylintil recently that control was meator ordering the Captain of the The half a dozen military police who everything turn like the 1926 atthe employer applying for a permit Sea Scouts.
steamer to return to Curacao with were in the Barracks at the time ured in terms of a navy equal or tempt. required (1) to give a guarantee the hostages.
Trinidad is making arrangements superior to the navies of any two were obsolutely helpless in the face desire to adhere to principles hat no labour will be displaced, and to send Scoutmasters and Scouts other nations. Newly published BritThis unparalleled outrage on in the far superior force of invaders. und am prepared to sacrifice every. 2) to satisfy the following conditernotional Law, may yet lead to a The St. Vincent will send two Seoutsish diplomatic papers show that in Venezuelan General had tions. thing just to have a real Central Or.
war between Holland and Venezuela, carefully planned his campaign who, it is understood, will accompany the British Japanese treaty of a ganization which is not anything to (a) He must prove that every pos.
the Trinidad contingent.
liance in 1902 each signatory agreed the Dutch Government has order avout the Fort, its armament and be achieved over night. blamed the sible effort has been made without It is expected that British Guiana to maintain at all times in the Far two warships to steam full speed ammunition supplies, as some time Central Board at Panama for not success to find suitable labour from knew all will be represented at the Jamboree Bast a naval force superior to that from Holland to Curacao and, it is the minutest detail. He sending a proper instrument to help among permanent residents in this by 12 Scouts. Plans are also on foot of any third power. In 1918 Great certain that the Dutch will try to get hefore he had been incarcerated me at the first meeting held at the mountry.
for despatching boys from Barbados Britain refused to accept President full compensation from the Venezue. there for having tried to smuggie Silver Clubhouse on April 26, or delans for the action of their outlaws, ammunition out of Curacao into Veputed someone to be there, and they foreigners must not be less than and Jamaica Wilson demand for freedom of the (b) The wages to be paid to the Details of Outrage vezuels, and had made an inventory have seen the error and am blame hose usually received by British em seas, included in the Fourteen Point Everything was peaceful and of all the war material, number of less. As was chairman, pro tem, loyees for similar work.
as a basis for peace negotiations with N, TO OBSERVE Germany, calm at Willimstad up to late Satur. military police, etc.
for the first meeting could not Reluctance To Concede day afternoon June said Mr. Max Four Soldiers Hacked To Pieces As late as 1927 the British Admir Mosanto, formerly Venezuelan The Sergeant on duty was order before me, therefore was compelled MRS. ALICE RIGBY DIES over rule any motion properly put (Continued on Page 8)
Mrs. Dennis Will Occupy Chair alty seemed reluctant to concede full Consul in Port au Prince, Hayti, who despite my pointing to the error of SUDDENLY. Several Ladies to Take Acupplication of the naval equality extending the Board too early betive Part in Special Program principle established by the Washyfore consulting our colleagues at ington naval armament limitation Panama who were instrumental tonness Overtakes Her While AtMembers of the Uniyersal Negro treaty. It had not yet been reconciled have the Colonial Societies here form tending Performance At La Improvement Association and to foregoing mastery of the seas.
a Board of Committee, then to meet Boca Clubhouse. Funeral, Kingston Division, residing in But in the present political campaign theirs to form One Strong Committee Sunday.
this city will observe Women Day (Contis sed on Page 8)
Jamaica once centre of Slave Traffic to be Scene of (Continued on Page 8)
The community of La Boca was tomorrow evening at the Private Negro Convention Twelve Delegates to Attend Azademy, 26th Street, Calidonin. PATRONAL FESTIVAL AT thrown into sudden and unexpected League of Nations moist capable lady in the person of JUAN FRANCO RESUMES mourning on Thursday night through ST, PETER CHURCH Africa Awaits the Issue With in the early years of the slave trafthe death of Mrs. Alice Rigby, wife Mrs. Dennis will occupy the chair, Unusual Expectation.
ACTIVITIES JULY 4TH Quite a large number of ladies have fie the Centre of distribution of the of Rigby, teacher at La Bora promised to support her and take La Bach Episcopal Church To Reviewing the proposed coming sea to other parts of the island and ancestors of our brethren across the Coloured school.
active part in the program for the Honor Patron Saint And Start nvention of the Universal Negro to the American mainland; and it is Ponies will join In Celebrating The lady was apparently well durGlorious FourthSix Events ang the day and in the evening atevening, and a very happy time is Annual Missionary Drive Improvement Association which is to remarkable that after some 300 Make up Programme.
tended a performance at the La Boca take place Friends and those in syropathy Saturday the 29th inst, will be St.
at Jamaica, the Gold years it is to be the ground for the The ponies out at Ceast Leader says: clubhouse. It was while there that Juan Franco convention at which, it with the movement are cordially in. Peter Day, and that day the Episis said.
will entertain the public on the Glori she became ill and received kind atThere will be staged in the Island twelve delegates will be appointed to vited to attend. The doors will be copal Church at La Boca, named afVol Jamaica, British West Indies, in attend the League of Nations at is Club has arranged a cus Fourth for the Panama Jockey ention from friends who were in the Balboa dispensary opened at 30 o clock ter the Apostle Peter, will observe nudience. The programme Festival The annual August next, one of the greatest tenth session at Geneva. It will be consisting of six events, and judg ng cd, and on his advice Mn. Rigby was physician was immediately summonGarvey Day (June 2nd. was fit its Patronal (Continued on Page 5) Missionary Drive, covering three African conventions the world has noticed that the object in view is a by the nominations to five of these weeks, this time, will be started the ever seen. It is to be under the au perfectly constitutional one, and that hastened to the Gogas Hospital, but WESLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL same day. The majority of the clergy Spices of the Universal Negro Im a petition is to be addressed to the faces, lovers of the Sport of Kings death overtook her the ambulcan look forward to an afternoon of anse reached its destination.
ANNIVERSARY JULY 14 of our Missionary District will de provement Association, and Mr. Mar. civilized nations of the earth for a for the sons of xeiting sport liver special sermons at the Sunday cus Garvey will preside. It is pointed place in Africa The body will remain at the Gorout that the island of Jamaica, one africa now in exile. It seems a per.
The entries are os follows: Choir And Children Rehearsing evening services. Furlongs Chombo Gordo, Kit. Ras Morgue until Sunday when the funeral will take place. Rev.
For Occasion Very Happy There will also be a Juvenile s, of the most beautiful and health em. fertly legitimate appeal, and we shall y Girl, Chiquilla, Billy Dennis, Bol(Continued on Page 8)
sionary service at which four inte racing countries in the world, was Time Anticipated, Wade, pastor of the Wesleyan sheviki, Bomba, Socia, Hit or Miss. Church in this city, will perform the ligent lads of the Church School will FURLONGS Cococha, Tunney. Continued on Page 8)
Executives of the Panama Wesley deliver specially prepared addresses, CHRYS FORSYTH DIES IN ETUDE CLUB PLANS Lagrimita, Honey Dew, Diez y Sein, an Church are making plans for the All the Sunday morning services will COLON HOSPITAL SPECIAL MEETING Jena, Maya Pistol yearly anniversary of the Sunday he conducted by the Rector. Through FURLONGS Star Light, Annie LEBANON FORESTERS TO School on Sunday, July 14. Already this medium the Rector solicits the As we were about going to press Several meetings of the Etude So Tonosi, Almirante, Miss Jill, FlorenMEET THIS EVENING aurie, Pan Dulce, Rippling Water, the choir of the church and the chil. co operation of every member and there came the news over the phone dren of the school are rehearsing for friend in the parish, in order thot the breathed his last at 45 m. yestered by rain and this has influenced of the death of Chrys Forsyth who cial Club has been entirely prevent tino, Sonny Boy.
Members of Court Dawn, Lebanon the occasion. The programme pro Drive may be the most successful day in the Colon Hospital. FURLONGS Marcela, Resolute, Foresters are reminded of the spemises to be very attractive and in ever made in connection with the Deceased was a native of St. John the officers and members of the club Cantones, Hit or Miss, Galondrina, cial meeting called for this evening teresting. Judging from the past ef. Patronal Festival of the Church. Grenada where his wife and two chil to call a meeting on a week night in Ocurrencia, San Chee, Garzona.
and which will commence at o clock.
forts of the Wesleyan Church, it can The following programme is for the Panama Canal and previous to his celey. eh emergency. This it is! FURLONGS Dardanella, Pistol, Business of vital importance and safely be said that a happy time is the information of all concerned: illness was employed at the United believed will create renewed interest Zapo, Intimo, Don Simon, May, Sil to the interest of the organization in store for the members of the Saturday, June 29 Holy Commun States Post Exchange at Gatun. and will help to keep the business ver Spray.
are to be dealt with at this meeting church, the children and visiting ion, a: The Rector.
He was a member of the Panama of the club at its usual up to the Grenadian Benevolent Protective So6 FURLONGS Royal Eagle, Ex which calls for a full attendance of friends. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
minute standard.
cuse Me, Pauline.
the members.
The Coming African Conclave in Jamaica


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